Explain why the ICB should accept your offer of disposition. Please be as complete and thorough as possible in explaining your reasons.
Include all factual and legal basis to support your position and offer of disposition. Attach additional sheets, if necessary.
Step 3: Taxpayer or taxpayer’s representative must sign below
If signing as a corporate offi cer, partner, fi duciary, or individual on behalf of the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority to execute this
request on behalf of the taxpayer.
Taxpayer’s signature
Title, if applicable
Print taxpayer’s name (if corporation, print duly authorized offi cer’s name)
Taxpayer’s representative’s signature*
Title, if applicable
*Representative must be duly authorized under valid power of attorney.
If you are not submitting this disposition with Form ICB-1, you may send it to:
Informal Conference Board
Illinois Department of Revenue
100 W. Randolph, #7-341
Chicago, IL 60601
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ICB-2 (R-08/10)