Instructions For Form 1120-Ric - U.s. Income Tax Return For Regulated Investment Companies - 2005 Page 7


deferred arrangement, or amounts
The RIC may have an inclusion amount
Interest and carrying charges on
contributed under a salary reduction SEP
straddles. Generally, these amounts must
agreement or a SIMPLE IRA plan.
be capitalized. See section 263(g).
And the
Include only the deductible part of
Special rules apply to:
officers’ compensation on Schedule E.
Interest on which no tax is imposed (see
FMV on the
Complete Schedule E, columns (a) through
section 163(j)).
first day of
(e), for all officers. The RIC determines who
Original issue discount on certain
the lease
is an officer under the laws of the state
high-yield discount obligations (see section
The lease term began:
where incorporated.
163(e)(5)(c) to figure the disqualified
After 12/31/04 but before 1/1/06 . . .
Disallowance of deduction for
employee compensation in excess of $1
Line 14. Depreciation. Include on line 14
After 12/31/03 but before 1/1/05 . . .
million. Publicly held corporations may not
the part of the cost that the RIC elected to
After 12/31/02 but before 1/1/04 . . .
deduct compensation to a “covered
expense under section 179 for certain
After 12/31/98 but before 1/1/03 . . .
employee” to the extent that the
property placed in service during tax year
If the lease term began before January 1, 1999, see Pub.
compensation exceeds $1 million.
463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses, to
2005 or carried over from 2004. See Form
find out if the RIC has an inclusion amount. The inclusion
Generally, a covered employee is:
4562 and its instructions to figure the
amount for lease terms beginning in 2006 will be
The chief executive officer of the RIC (or
amount of depreciation to enter on this line.
published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin in early 2006.
an individual acting in that capacity) as of
Line 22. Other Deductions
the end of the tax year; or
Penalties or fines paid to any
An employee whose total compensation
See Pub. 463 for instructions on figuring
government agency or
must be reported to shareholders under the
the inclusion amount.
instrumentality because of a violation
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 because
Line 12. Taxes and Licenses. Enter taxes
of a law are not deductible. See Chapter 13,
the employee is among the four highest
paid or accrued during the tax year, but do
Other Expenses, in Publication 535 for
compensated officers for that tax year (other
not include the following:
additional information.
than the chief executive officer).
Federal income taxes (except for the tax
Attach a schedule, listing by type and
For this purpose, compensation does not
imposed on net recognized built-in gain
amount, all allowable deductions that are
allocable to ordinary income).
not specifically deductible elsewhere on the
Income from certain employee trusts,
Foreign or U.S. possession income taxes
return. Generally, a deduction may not be
annuity plans, or pensions.
if a foreign tax credit is claimed, or if the RIC
taken for any amount that is allocable to
Any benefit paid to an employee that is
made an election under section 853.
tax-exempt income. See section 265(b) for
excluded from the employee’s income.
Excise taxes imposed under section 4982
The deduction limit does not apply to:
on undistributed RIC income.
Examples of other deductions include:
Commissions based on individual
Taxes not imposed on the RIC.
Amortization. See Form 4562.
Taxes, including state or local sales
Certain business start-up and
Qualified performance-based
taxes, that are paid or incurred in connection
organizational costs that the RIC elects to
compensation; and
with an acquisition or disposition of property
amortize or deduct.
Income payable under a written, binding
(these taxes must be treated as a part of the
Reforestation costs. The RIC can elect to
contract in effect on February 17, 1993.
cost of the acquired property or, in the case
deduct up to $10,000 of qualified
The $1-million limit is reduced by
of a disposition, as a reduction in the
reforestation expenses paid or incurred for
amounts disallowed as excess parachute
amount realized on the disposition).
each qualifying timber property. The RIC
payments under section 280G. For details,
Taxes assessed against local benefits
can elect to amortize over 84 months any
see section 162(m) and Regulations section
that increase the value of the property
amount not deducted.
assessed (such as for paving, etc.).
Supplies used and consumed in the
Taxes deducted elsewhere on the return.
Line 10. Salaries and Wages. Enter the
amount of salaries and wages paid for the
See section 164(d) for apportionment of
tax year, reduced by the amount claimed on:
taxes on real property between seller and
Ordinary losses from trade or business
Form 5884, Work opportunity credit,
activities of a partnership (from Schedule
Form 5884-A, Credits for Employers
K-1 (Form 1065 or 1065-B)). Do not offset
Affected by Hurricane Katrina, Rita, or
Line 13. Interest
ordinary income against ordinary losses.
Instead, include the income on line 7. Show
Interest expense cannot be used to
Form 8844, Empowerment zone and
the partnership’s name, address, and EIN
offset interest income.
renewal community employment credit,
on a separate statement attached to this
Form 8845, Indian employment credit,
return. If the amount is from more than one
partnership, identify the amount from each
The deduction for interest is limited when
Form 8861, Welfare-to-work credit.
the RIC is a policyholder or beneficiary with
See the instructions for these forms for
Deduction for clean-fuel vehicle and
respect to a life insurance, endowment, or
more information. Do not include salaries
certain refueling property placed in service
annuity contract issued after June 8, 1997.
and wages deductible elsewhere on the
before January 1, 2006. See Pub. 535.
For details, see section 264(f). Attach a
return, such as elective contributions to a
Any extraterritorial income exclusion (from
statement showing the computation of the
section 401(k) cash or deferred
Form 8873, line 54).
arrangement, or amounts contributed under
Any net negative section 481(a)
a salary reduction SEP agreement or a
The RIC must make an interest allocation
if the proceeds of a loan were used for more
Energy efficient commercial building
than one purpose (for example, to purchase
deduction for certain property placed in
If the RIC provided taxable fringe
a portfolio investment and to acquire an
service after December 31, 2005. See
benefits to its employees, such as
interest in a passive activity). See
section 179D.
personal use of a car, do not deduct
Temporary Regulations section 1.163-8T for
Charitable contributions. Enter
as wages any amounts deducted elsewhere.
the interest allocation rules.
contributions or gifts actually paid within the
Line 11. Rents. If the RIC rented or leased
tax year to or for the use of charitable and
a vehicle, enter the total annual rent or lease
The following interest is not deductible:
governmental organizations described in
expense paid or incurred during the year.
Interest on indebtedness incurred or
section 170(c) and any unused contributions
Also, complete Part V of Form 4562,
continued to purchase or carry obligations if
carried over from prior years.
Depreciation and Amortization. If the RIC
the interest is wholly exempt from income
leased a vehicle for a term of 30 days or
tax. For exceptions, see section 265(b).
RICs reporting taxable income on the
more, the deduction for the vehicle lease
For cash basis taxpayers, prepaid interest
accrual method may elect to treat as paid
expense may have to be reduced by an
allocable to years following the current tax
during the tax year any contributions paid by
amount called the inclusion amount.
the 15th day of the 3rd month after the end


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