Instructions For Form Rew-1


36 M.R.S.A. § 5250-A requires a buyer to
b. The seller or the buyer has received from the State Tax Asses-
withhold state income tax when real property located in Maine is
sor a certificate of waiver stating that no tax is due on the gain
acquired from a nonresident of Maine. The buyer must withhold
from the transfer or that the seller has provided adequate secu-
and remit to the State Tax Assessor 2.5% of the consideration
rity to cover the liability;
received by the transferor (seller) on the transfer. A completed
c. The consideration for the property is less than $50,000; or,
Form REW-1 must accompany the remittance.
d. Written notification of the withholding requirements of this
section has not been provided to the buyer. The real estate
A buyer (individual, firm, partnership, association,
escrow person is liable for the withholding tax unless it is shown
society, club, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver,
that the failure to notify is due to reasonable cause.
assignee or any other group or combination acting as a unit) of a
Maine real property interest who is required to withhold tax must
file Form REW-1. If two or more persons are joint transferees,
A withholding certificate may be issued by the State
each must withhold the required amount. However, the obligation
Tax Assessor to reduce or eliminate withholding on transfers of
of each will be met if one of the joint transferees withholds and
Maine real property interests by nonresidents. The certificate may
remits to Maine Revenue Services the total amount required.
be issued if:
If there are multiple sellers, complete a separate Form REW-1
No tax is due on the gain from the transfer; or,
for each seller receiving proceeds from the sale. For example,
Reduced withholding is appropriate because the 2.5%
if the seller is a partnership, complete a separate Form REW-1
amount exceeds the seller’s maximum tax liability.
for each partner receiving proceeds from the disposition.
If one of the above is applicable, apply for the certificate no later
than two weeks prior to closing.
Limited Liability Companies (“LLCs”) are considered
partnerships unless otherwise classified for federal income tax
A transferee must report and remit the tax withheld
purposes, in which case the LLC is classified in the same manner
to Maine Revenue Services within 30 days of the date of transfer of
for Real Estate Withholding as it is classified for federal income
the property.
tax purposes.
Send Form REW-1 with payment directly to: Maine
The buyer is not required to withhold or file this
Revenue Services, Income/Estate Tax Division-REW, P.O. Box 1068,
return if any of the following applies:
Augusta, ME 04332-1068 (do not send payment or Form REW-1
a. The seller furnishes to the buyer written certification stating,
with the Real Estate Transfer Tax Form). Provide one copy of
under penalty of perjury, that as of the date of transfer the seller
Form REW-1 to the Real Estate Escrow Person, one copy to the
is a resident of Maine;
buyer, and two copies to the seller.
Block 1.
Block 9.
Check the appropriate space to indicate the type of
Enter the location of the property, including town and
street address. Specify use before the transfer, such
as principal residence, vacation home, condominium,
Block 2.
Enter the name of the seller and the seller’s spouse
rental property, commercial, or vacant land.
or the selling entity.
Block 10.
Enter the date the property was acquired by the seller.
Block 3.
Enter the social security number(s) of the seller and
Block 11.
the seller’s spouse or the federal ID number of the
Check the appropriate space to indicate the amount
selling entity.
withheld. If the parties obtained a withholding
certificate from the State Tax Assessor authorizing a
Block 4.
Enter the address of the seller and the seller’s spouse
reduced rate of withholding, enter the certificate number
or the selling entity.
and attach a copy of the certificate to this return.
Block 5.
Block 12.
Enter name and telephone number of the tax matters
Enter the dollar amount withheld for the seller on line 2.
contact person or firm.
Block 13.
Enter the name of the withholding agent (buyer).
Block 6.
Enter the date of this transfer.
Block 14.
Enter the address of the withholding agent (buyer).
Block 7.
Enter the total consideration (see 36 M.R.S.A. § 5250-
Block 15.
A(1)(A) for definition).
Enter the social security number or federal ID number
of the withholding agent (buyer).
Block 8.
Enter the percentage of total proceeds received by
Seller must attach a copy of Form REW-1 to his/her Maine income tax
this seller.
return to ensure proper credit for real estate withholding paid.


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