Form Hud-9834 - Management Review For Multifamily Housing Projects Page 39


Project Name:
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Then the owner must find the occupancy records for October 1992 and see how many units were occupied by non-elderly
persons/families with disabilities on October 28
(the date of the enactment of the Act). In this example it was 15 units.
To obtain the number of units that must be reserved for non-elderly disabled persons or families, the owner must take the higher
number of the two dates (January 1, 1992 and October 28, 1992), which, in this example is 15.
Then the owner must compare that number with 10 percent of the total project units (in this example, it’s 10) and use the lower
number for the number of units that must be reserved. Since 10 is less than 15, for this example the owner must reserve 10 units for
non-elderly disabled persons or families.
If an owner determines that there were no non-elderly persons or families occupying units on either January 1, 1992 or October 28,
1992, the required number of units to be reserved for non-elderly persons with disabilities would be zero (0). However, owners are
encouraged to exceed the number of reserved units for non-elderly persons with disabilities if the need exists in the community.
Answer question 4 as follows:
If there is an elderly preference in accordance with Section 651 of Title VI-D, answer “Yes”. If there is no preference provided
to elderly families, answer “No”. (Do not leave blank).
If yes, answer the following:
(a) If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate the effective date of the preference.
(b) If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate the total number of units that must be reserved
for non-elderly persons with disabilities based on the two dates above.
(c) If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate which date (see above) was used to determine
the number of units that must be reserved for non-elderly persons with disabilities.
5. Section 658 of Title VI, Subtitle D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Title VI-D) permits owners of “other federally
assisted housing” to continue to restrict occupancy to elderly families in accordance with the rules, standards, and agreements governing
occupancy in such housing in effect at the time the housing was developed. If (A) the project was originally developed to serve the elderly and
(B) the project has continually served elderly tenants. These projects include:
Section 202 Direct Loans (prior to the Section 202 PRAC program)
Section 221(d)(3) BMIR properties (New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation)
Section 236 properties
Answer question 5 as follows:
If there is an elderly restriction in accordance with Section 658 of Title VI-D, answer “Yes.” If there is no elderly restriction and occupancy
is not limited to elderly applicants, answer “No.” (Do not leave blank).
6. If the property designates a number of units that can be occupied only by elderly persons, indicate the number of units. If the property does
not have units that can only be occupied by elderly persons, enter zero “0”. (Do not leave blank).
7. If the property designates a number of units that can be occupied only by persons with disabilities, indicate the number of units. If the
property does not have units that can only be occupied by persons with disabilities, enter zero “0”. (Do not leave blank).
8. If the property has units that must be occupied by non-elderly persons with disabilities, indicate the number of units. If the property does not
have units that must be occupied by non-elderly persons with disabilities, enter zero “0”. (Do not leave blank).
Self-Explanatory (Must be signed and dated by the owner)
SECTION II - Owner/Agent must respond to all questions in this section.
1. Enter the total number of units (by bedroom size) and enter total in the ”Total” column. (Total must match numbers entered for each
bedroom size. Do not leave blank.)
2. Enter the total number of units (by bedroom size) that are receiving project based rental assistance. (Total must match numbers entered for
each bedroom size. Do not leave blank.)
3. Enter the number of mobility accessible units (by bedroom size) and enter total in the “Total” column. A mobility accessible unit is one that is
located on an accessible route, and when designed, constructed, altered, or adapted, can be approached, entered, and used by individuals with
physical disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs. (Although accessibility features include items such as grab bars, flashing fire alarms,
widened doorways, entrance ramps, etc, this question should be answered by stating the number of subsidized units that (when constructed) are
fully accessible in accordance with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) which is used to ensure compliance with Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These standards were jointly developed by the General Services Administration, the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, the Department of Defense, and the United States Postal Service, under the authority of sections 2, 3, 4, and 4a, respectively,
of the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended, Pub. L. No.90-480, 42 U.S.C. 4151-4157. Copies of the UFAS are available from the
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board , 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20004-1111, Telephone: (202)
272-0080, email address: If the property is accessible in accordance with Minimum Property Standards (MPS), indicate
the number of units that are MPS accessible. Unsubsidized units should also be counted if they meet UFAS compliance requirements. (Total
must match numbers entered for each bedroom size. Do not leave blank)
form HUD-9834 (6/2009)
Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1
and HUD Handbook 4566.2
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