1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 8


Line Instructions
Form WI-Z
• You were legally separated under a final
School District Number
decree of divorce or separate mainte-
See the list of school district numbers on
Instructions for Form WI-Z are on the back
nance, or
page 24. Fill in the number of the school
of the form.
district in which you lived on Decem-
• You were widowed before January 1,
ber 31, 2005.
2005, and did not remarry in 2005.
The TeleFile worksheet and instructions
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars
Married filing joint return Most married
are on pages 25-28.
The form has preprinted zeros in the place
couples will pay less tax if they file a joint
used to enter cents. All amounts filled in
return. You may check the “married filing
Form 1A
the form should be rounded to the nearest
joint return” box if any of the following is
Follow these line instructions to complete
dollar. To do so, drop amounts under 50
your Form 1A. Prepare one copy of
cents and increase amounts from 50 cents
• You were married as of December 31,
Form 1A for your records and another
to 99 cents to the next whole dollar. For
2005, or
copy to be filed with the department.
example, $129.39 becomes $129 and
$236.50 becomes $237.
• Your spouse died in 2005 and you did
Use black ink to complete the copy
not remarry in 2005, or
that you file with the department.
Round off all amounts. But if you have to
• Your spouse died in 2006 before filing a
add two or more amounts to figure the
2005 return.
Social Security Number
amount to fill in on a line, include cents
when adding and only round off the total.
Fill in your social security number. Also
A husband and wife may file a joint return
If completing the form by hand, do not use
fill in your spouse's social security num-
even if only one had income or if they did
commas when filling in amounts.
ber if married filing a joint return.
not live together all year. However, both
spouses must sign the return.
Note You must fill in your social security
CAUTION All references to federal forms
number even if you use the mailing label
on Forms 1A and WI-Z and instructions
Head of household If you qualify to file
from the cover of your tax booklet.
are based on drafts of federal forms
your federal return as head of household,
available as of the date this booklet was
you may also file as head of household
Name and Address
sent to the printer. If any line on the final
for Wisconsin. Unmarried individuals who
If your booklet has a mailing label with
federal form has changed, use the
paid over half the cost of keeping up a
your name on the front cover, peel off the
appropriate line on that final form.
home for a qualifying person (such as a
label. Place it in the name and address
child or parent) can use this filing status.
area of the tax return you file. If your name
Line 1
Wages, Salaries,
Certain married people who lived apart
or address is wrong, cross out any wrong
Tips, Etc.
from their spouse for the last 6 months of
information and print the correct informa-
2005 may also be able to use this status.
Fill in on line 1 the amount from line 7 of
tion clearly on the label. If you are married
your federal Form 1040A or 1040 or line 1
filing a joint return, check that your
If you do not have to file a federal return,
of Form 1040EZ.
spouse’s legal name is also on the label
contact any Department of Revenue office
and that it is correct. Do not use the label
to see if you qualify. If you file your federal
If the amount on line 1 of Form 1A includes
return as a qualifying widow(er), you may
if your name is not on it.
taxable scholarship or fellowship income
file your Wisconsin return as head of
not reported on a W-2, write “SCH” and
If you do not have a label, print or type
the amount of that income in the space to
your legal name and address. If you are
the left of line 1.
married filing a joint return, fill in your
Note If you are married and your filing
spouse’s name (even if your spouse did
status is head of household, you should
Exception If you were a member of the
not have any income).
get Publication 109, Tax Information for
Reserves or National Guard and served
Married Persons Filing Separate Returns
on active duty, do not include on line 1
If you filed a joint return for 2004 and you
and Persons Divorced in 2005. This pub-
any military pay that was included on your
are filing a joint return for 2005 with the
lication has information on what income
W-2 and was:
same spouse, be sure to enter your
you must report. See page 3 for how to
names and social security numbers in the
• Received from the federal government,
get this publication.
same order as on your 2004 return.
• Received after being called into active
State Election Campaign Fund
federal service or into special state
Filing Status
You may designate $1 to this fund by
service authorized by the federal
Check one of the boxes to indicate your
checking the box on Form 1A. If you are
Department of Defense, and
filing status. More than one filing status
married, your spouse may also designate
may apply to you. If it does, choose the
• Paid to you for a period of time during
$1. Checking the box will neither change
one that will give you the lowest tax.
which you were on active duty.
your tax nor reduce your refund.
Caution The subtraction only applies to
Single You may check the “single” box if
Tax District
members of the Reserves or National
any of the following was true on
Check the proper box and fill in the name
Guard who are called into active federal
December 31, 2005:
of the Wisconsin city, village, or town in
service under 10 USC 12302(a) or
• You were never married, or
which you lived on December 31, 2005.
10 USC 12304 or into special state
Also fill in the name of the county.
service under 32 USC 502(f). However,


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