1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 5


Make Work Pay! Apply for Wisconsin’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Wisconsin’s Earned Income Tax Credit is
Qualifying child criteria:
extra money for working families.
The child must meet the relationship,
age and residency tests listed in the
To claim the Wisconsin EITC, a taxpayer
federal instructions. You need to have
must meet the following qualifications:
worked and have federal adjusted
gross income less than:
• Qualify for the federal EITC
• $31,030 ($33,030 if married filing
• Have at least one qualifying child
jointly) if there is one qualifying
• Be a full-year Wisconsin resident
• $35,263 ($37,263 if married filing
If you have:
jointly) if there is more than one
• 1 qualifying child, you are eligible to
qualifying child
receive up to $106 in Wisconsin EITC
• 2 qualifying children, you are eligible
For more information on the
to receive up to $616 in Wisconsin EITC
Wisconsin EITC, refer to Form 1 or
1A & WI-Z tax booklet, or call
• 3 or more qualifying children, you are eligible
(608) 266-2772.
to receive up to $1892 in Wisconsin EITC
Looking For a Way to Lower Your Rent or Property Taxes?
If your total household income was less than $24,500
Applying for the Homestead
for 2005, you may be eligible to claim the Homestead
Credit is now easier!
Credit if all the following qualifications are met:
A majority of Homestead
applicants are able to use the
• A legal resident of Wisconsin for all of 2005, from
simplified, one page, H-EZ
January 1 through December 31
form. Plus, the H-EZ and the
• Be 18 years of age or older on December 31, 2005
regular Homestead form can
be e-filed!
• Not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2005
federal income tax return (Note: This limitation does
To find out more, pick up the
not apply if you were 62 years of age or over on
Schedules H and H-EZ
December 31, 2005)
booklet, or call (608)
• Your household income must have been less than
$24,500 for 2005
• You must have been the owner or renter of your
Wisconsin homestead during 2005
Servicio en Español
La Temporada de Impuestos (Taxes) puede ser confusa. Puede ser aun más confusa si nuestro primer idioma no es el
inglés. Pero ahora hay ayuda. Las siguientes organizaciones ofrecen asistencia gratis en español. Por favor llamar para
las horas de servicio.
SDC (Social Development Commission)
Centro Hispano
UMOS, Inc.
Southside Neighborhood Service Center
835 W. Badger Road
910 W. Mitchell St.
931 W. Madison St.
Madison, WI 53713
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Milwaukee, WI 53204
(608) 255-3018
(414) 389-6600
(414) 643-8444
Algo nuevo este año: algunas preguntas frecuentes han sido traducidas en español. Se pueden encontrar las repuestas
a esas preguntas en un lazo en la columna izquierda de la página principal del Wisconsin Department of Revenue


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