1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 19


Special Instructions
Penalties for Not Filing Returns
You may not claim homestead credit if
If there is no estate to probate, a surviving
or Filing Incorrect Returns
you (or your spouse) claim the veterans
heir may file the return for the person who
and surviving spouses property tax
died. If there is an estate, the personal
If you do not file an income tax return
representative for the estate must file the
which you are required to file, or if you file
return. The person filing the return should
an incorrect return due to negligence or
Use Schedule H or H-EZ to claim home-
sign the return and indicate his or her
fraud, penalties and interest may be
stead credit. See page 3 for how to get
relationship to the person who died (for
assessed against you. The interest rate
Schedule H or H-EZ. These schedules
example, “surviving heir” or “personal
on delinquent taxes is 18% per year. Civil
are also available at many libraries.
penalties can be as much as 100% of the
amount of tax not reported on the return.
The person who files the return should
Internal Revenue Service
Criminal penalties for failing to file or filing
write “deceased,” the deceased’s name,
a false return include a fine up to $10,000
and the date of death in the bottom left
and imprisonment.
Did the Internal Revenue Service adjust
corner of page 1 of the return.
any of your federal income tax returns? If
Estimated Tax Payments Re-
yes, you may have to notify the Depart-
If you are a surviving heir and filed a return
quired for Next Year?
ment of Revenue of such adjustments.
claiming a refund on behalf of a deceased
You must notify the department if the
If your 2006 Wisconsin income tax return
person and you are unable to cash or
adjustments affect your Wisconsin
will show a tax balance due to the depart-
deposit the refund check, send the check,
income, any credit, or tax payable.
ment of $200 or more, you must either:
along with a completed Form I-804, Claim
for Decedent’s Wisconsin Income Tax
The department must be notified within
• Make estimated tax payments for 2006
Refund, to: Wisconsin Department of
90 days after the adjustments are final.
in installments beginning April 17, 2006,
Revenue, PO Box 8903, Mail Stop 3-138,
You must submit a copy of the final federal
using Wisconsin Form 1-ES, or
Madison WI 53708-8903.
audit report by either:
• Increase the amount of income tax with-
(1) Including it with an amended return
held from your 2006 pay.
If your spouse died during 2005 and you
(Form 1X) that reflects the federal
did not remarry in 2005, you can file a joint
adjustments, or
For example, you may have a tax balance
return. You can also file a joint return if
due with your return if you have income
your spouse died in 2006 before filing a
(2) Mailing the copy to: Wisconsin
from which Wisconsin tax is not withheld.
2005 return. A joint return should show
Department of Revenue, Audit
your spouse’s 2005 income before death
Bureau, PO Box 8906, Madison WI
You may be charged interest if required
and your income for all of 2005. Also write
estimated tax payments are not made. For
“Filing as surviving spouse” in the area
more information, contact our Customer
where you sign the return. If someone
Amended Returns
Service and Education Bureau at
else is the personal representative, he or
If you filed an amended return with the
(608) 266-2772 or any Department of
she must also sign.
Internal Revenue Service, you generally
Revenue office.
must also file an amended Wisconsin re-
If you are a surviving spouse and filed a
turn within 90 days. You need to file an
Wisconsin Homestead Credit
joint return with your deceased spouse,
amended Wisconsin return if the changes
any refund check will be issued in both
Wisconsin homestead credit provides
affect your Wisconsin income, any credit,
spouses’ names. If you are unable to cash
direct relief to homeowners and renters.
or tax payable. Use Form 1X to file an
or deposit the check, send the check,
You may qualify if you were:
amended Wisconsin return.
along with a completed Form I-804, Claim
• At least 18 years old on December 31,
for Decedent’s Wisconsin Income Tax
Armed Forces Personnel
Refund, to the address indicated above.
If you were a Wisconsin resident on the
• A Wisconsin resident for all of 2005,
If your spouse died before 2005 and you
date you entered military service, you
• Not claimed as a dependent on any-
have not remarried, you must file as single
remain a Wisconsin resident during your
one’s 2005 tax return (unless you were
or, if you meet the qualifications, as head
entire military career unless you take
62 or older on December 31, 2005),
of household.
positive action to change your legal resi-
dence to another state.
• Not living in tax-exempt public housing
Requesting Copies of Your Returns
for all of 2005 (Note Some exceptions
For more information, get Publica-
apply to this rule and are explained in
The Department of Revenue will provide
tion 104, Wisconsin Taxation of Military
the instructions for the homestead
copies of your returns for prior years. The
Personnel. See page 3 for how to get this
credit form),
cost is $5 per return. You must make your
request in person or in writing. Please call
• Not living in a nursing home and receiv-
(608) 266-2890 for further information.
ing medical assistance (Title XIX) when
Death of a Taxpayer
You can also get a copy of Form P-521,
you file for homestead, and
A return for a taxpayer who died in 2005
Request for Copy of Tax Return(s), from
• Had total household income, including
should be filed on the same form that
our Internet web site.
wages, interest, social security, and
would have been used if he or she had
income from certain other sources,
lived. Include only the income received by
below $24,500 in 2005.
the taxpayer up to the date of death.


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