1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 18


Line Instructions
To Pay by Check or Money Order Make
Exceptions You will not owe underpay-
• Persons divorced after June 20, 1996,
your check or money order payable to the
ment interest if your 2004 tax return was
who compute a refund – If your divorce
Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Write
for a tax year of 12 full months (or would
decree apportions any tax liability owed
your social security number on your check
have been had you been required to file)
to the department to your former
or money order. Paper clip it to the front
AND either of the following applies.
spouse, attach a copy of the decree to
of your Form 1A.
your Form 1A (or WI-Z). Write “Divorce
1. You had no tax liability for 2004 and
decree” at the top of page 1 of your
To Pay by Credit Card You may use your
you were a Wisconsin resident for all
return. This will prevent your refund from
Visa® Card, MasterCard®, American
of 2004, or
being applied against such tax liability.
Express® Card, or Discover® Card. To
2. The amounts on lines 32 and 33 on
pay by credit card, call toll free or access
• Persons divorced who file a joint return –
your 2005 return are at least as much
by Internet the service provider listed
If your divorce decree apportions any
as the tax shown on your 2004 return.
below. A convenience fee of 2.5%
refund to you or your former spouse, or
Your estimated tax payments for 2005
(minimum of $1) will be charged by the
between you and your former spouse,
must have been made on time and for
service provider based on the amount
the department will issue the refund to
the required amount.
paid. You will be told what the fee is during
the person(s) to whom the refund is
the transaction and have the option to
awarded under the terms of the divorce.
The tax shown on your 2004 return is the
continue or cancel the transaction. If you
Attach a copy of the portion of your
amount on line 24 of 2004 Form 1A minus
pay by credit card before filing your
divorce decree that relates to the tax
the amounts on lines 32 and 33.
return, enter on page 1 of Form 1A in the
refund to your Form 1A (or WI-Z). Write
bottom left corner the confirmation number
“Divorce decree – apportion refund” at
If you meet Exception 1 or 2, fill in 0 on
you were given at the end of the transac-
the top of page 1 of your return.
line 42, and write “Exception 1” or
tion and the tax amount you charged.
“Exception 2” to the right of line 42.
• If you are filing federal Form 8379,
Official Payments Corporation
Injured Spouse Claim and Allocation,
Figuring Underpayment Interest
attach a copy to your Form 1A (or WI-Z).
1-800-2PAY-TAX (1-800-272-9829)
Write “Form 8379” at the top of page 1
If the Exceptions above do not apply, see
1-866-621-4109 (Customer Service)
of your return.
Schedule U to find out if you owe under-
payment interest and to figure the amount
Do not attach a copy of your federal
you owe. In certain situations, you may
Note If you do not pay your Wisconsin
return to Form 1A unless you want the
be able to lower your interest. See the
income tax, the department may certify
department to compute your earned
Schedule U instructions.
the unpaid amount to the Treasury Offset
income credit.
Program. Under federal law, the U.S.
Fill in the underpayment interest from
Department of Treasury may reduce, or
Where to File
Schedule U on line 42. Add the amount
offset, any federal income tax refunds
of the underpayment interest to any tax
Mail your return to the Wisconsin
payable to you by the Internal Revenue
due and fill in the total on line 41. If you
Department of Revenue:
Service (IRS) to satisfy unpaid state
are due a refund, subtract the under-
income tax debts. Unpaid amounts remain
payment interest from the overpayment
Use this address
eligible for this offset until paid.
on line 38. Attach Schedule U to Form 1A.
refund or
PO Box 59
Line 42
Underpayment Interest
no tax due
Madison WI 53785-0001
Sign and Date Your Return
You may owe underpayment interest if the
tax is due
PO Box 268
Form 1A is not considered a valid return
amount of Wisconsin income tax withheld
Madison WI 53790-0001
unless you sign it. If you are filing a joint
from your wages was less than your tax
return, your spouse must also sign. Keep
PO Box 34
liability, or if you had income that was not
a copy of your return for your records.
credit claimed
Madison WI 53786-0001
subject to withholding and you did not
make timely estimated tax payments. In
Attachments and Enclosures
Envelopes without enough postage will
general, in each quarter of the year you
be returned to you by the post office. Your
should be paying enough tax through with-
• Enclose a copy of each of your with-
envelope may need additional postage if
holding payments and quarterly estimated
holding statements.
it contains more than five pages or is
tax payments to cover the taxes you
oversized (for example, it is over ¼” thick).
• If you owe an amount, paper clip your
expect to owe for the tax year. For more
Include your complete return address.
payment to the front of Form 1A (unless
information, see “Estimated Tax Payments
paying by credit card).
Required for Next Year” on page 15.
Private Delivery Services You can use
• If you are filing under an extension, see
Underpayment interest applies if:
certain private delivery services approved
When to File/Extension of Time to File
by the IRS. The approved private delivery
• Line 41 is at least $200 and it is more
on page 3 for items you must attach.
services are listed in the instructions for
than 10% of the tax shown on your
your federal tax form. Items must be
return, or
• If you are claiming the earned income
delivered to Wisconsin Department of
credit, attach a copy of federal
• You did not pay enough estimated tax
Revenue, 2135 Rimrock Rd., Madison WI
Schedule EIC (and information on any
by any of the due dates. This is true even
53713. Private delivery services cannot
third qualifying child) to Form 1A.
if you are due a refund.
deliver items to P.O. boxes. The private
delivery service can tell you how to get
• If you claimed homestead credit, staple
The “tax shown on your return” is the
written proof of the mailing date.
Schedule H or H-EZ behind Form 1A.
amount on line 24 minus the amounts on
lines 34, 35, and 36.


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