1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 17


Line Instructions
of one of the following, as verified by the
Department of Veterans Affairs, 30 West
Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs:
Mifflin St, PO Box 7843, Madison WI
• Married filing a joint return If property
53707-7843. If you qualify, the Wisconsin
is owned by an eligible veteran and
• An individual who had served on active
Department of Veterans Affairs will send
his/her spouse as joint tenants, tenants-
duty in the U.S. armed forces or in
you a verification of your eligibility.
in-common, or as marital property, the
forces incorporated as part of the U.S.
credit is based on 100% of property
armed forces, who was a resident of
Attachments Attach a copy of your
taxes paid on the principal dwelling.
Wisconsin at the time of entry into active
property tax bill and a copy of the
service, and who, while a resident of
• Married filing a separate return
verification received from the Wisconsin
Wisconsin, died while on active duty.
property is owned by an eligible veteran
Department of Veterans Affairs to your
and his/her spouse as joint tenants,
• An individual who had served on active
tenants-in-common, or as marital
duty under honorable conditions in the
property, each spouse may claim the
Line 38
Amount You Overpaid
U.S. armed forces or in forces
credit based on their respective
incorporated as part of the U.S. armed
If line 37 is more than line 31, complete
ownership interest in the eligible
forces; who was a resident of Wisconsin
line 38 to determine the amount you over-
veteran’s principal dwelling.
at the time of entry into active service;
who was at least 65 years of age at the
If the principal dwelling is sold during the
Note If you were required to make
time of his or her death or would have
taxable year, the property taxes for the
estimated tax payments and you did not
been 65 years of age at the close of the
seller and buyer are the amount of the tax
make such payments timely, you may
year in which the death occurred; who
prorated to each in the closing agreement
owe what is called “underpayment
was a resident of Wisconsin at the time
pertaining to the sale. If not provided in
interest.” You may owe underpayment
of his or her death; and who had a
the closing agreement, the tax is prorated
interest even if you are due a refund.
service-connected disability rating of
between the seller and buyer in proportion
Read the line 42 instructions to see if you
100% under 38 USC 1114 or 1134.
to months of ownership.
owe underpayment interest. If you owe
• An individual who had served in the
underpayment interest and you show an
If you owned and lived in a mobile home
National Guard or a reserve component
overpayment on line 38, reduce the
as your principal dwelling, “property taxes”
of the U.S. armed forces, who was a
amount on line 38 by the amount of
includes monthly mobile home parking
resident of Wisconsin at the time of
underpayment interest on line 42.
permit fees you paid to the municipality.
entry into that service, and who, while a
“Principal dwelling” means any dwelling
resident of Wisconsin, died in the line of
Line 39
and the land surrounding it that is
duty while on active or inactive duty for
Fill in on line 39 the amount from line 38
training purposes.
reasonably necessary for use of the
that you want refunded to you.
dwelling as a primary dwelling. It may
“Eligible veteran” means an individual who
include a part of a multidwelling or
Note If you are divorced, see Attach-
is at least 65 years of age and who is
multipurpose building and a part of the
ments on page 14. You may be required
verified by the Wisconsin Department of
land upon which it is built that is used as
to attach a copy of your judgment of
Veterans Affairs as meeting all of the
the primary dwelling.
divorce to your return.
following conditions:
Other Limitations The credit must be
• Served on active duty under honorable
Line 40
Amount of Line 38
claimed within 4 years of the unextended
conditions in the U.S. armed forces or in
due date of the return. The credit is not
to be Applied to your 2006
forces incorporated in the U.S. armed
allowed if you, or your spouse, claim the
Estimated Tax
farmland tax relief credit, the school
Fill in on line 40 the amount, if any, of the
property tax credit, homestead credit, or
• Was a resident of Wisconsin at the time
overpayment on line 38 you want applied
farmland preservation credit.
of entry into active service.
to your 2006 estimated tax.
Verification of Eligibility for the Credit
• Is currently a resident of Wisconsin for
Line 41
Amount You Owe
Before claiming the credit, you must
purposes of receiving veterans benefits.
request verification from the Wisconsin
If line 37 is less than line 31, complete
• Has a service-connected disability rating
Department of Veterans Affairs indicating
line 41 to determine the amount you owe.
of 100% under 38 USC 1114 or 1134.
that you qualify for the credit. Use Form
WDVA 2097 (which you can find in WDVA
If the amount you owe with your
Computing the Credit The credit is equal
Brochure B0106) to submit your request,
to the property taxes paid during the year
return is $200 or more, you may also owe
along with a copy of the veteran’s DD
what is called “underpayment interest.”
on the claimant’s principal dwelling in
Form 214 and Veterans Administration
This is an interest charge that applies
Wisconsin. The credit is based on real
disability award letter and, if applicable,
when you have not prepaid enough of
and personal property taxes, exclusive of
the veteran’s death certificate, a marriage
your tax through withholding and/or
special assessments, delinquent interest,
certificate, and a completed copy of Form
estimated tax payments. Read the line 42
and charges for service. Do not include
WDVA 0001 (if the veteran never
instructions to see if you owe underpay-
any property taxes that are properly
previously submitted one). The WDVA
ment interest. If you do, include the
includable as a trade or business expense.
0001 and the brochure are available from
underpayment interest from line 42 in the
If the principal dwelling is owned by two or
your county veterans service officer or on
amount you fill in on line 41.
more persons or entities as joint tenants
the Internet at You
or tenants-in-common, use only that part
You may pay by check, money order, or
may submit these forms and supporting
of property taxes paid that reflects the
credit card.
documents to your county veterans service
ownership percentage of the claimant.
officer or mail them to: Wisconsin


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