1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 16


Line Instructions
reduce your refund or be added to tax due.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your
CAUTION For federal purposes only your
employer or other payer has provided
first two qualifying children are counted.
You can also send a check directly to:
withholding statements that:
For Wisconsin purposes all of your
Endangered Resources Fund, PO
qualifying children are counted.
Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707.
1. Are clear and easy to read.
2. Show withholding was paid to
Step 2 Fill in the federal earned income
Line 28
Packers Football
credit from line 41a of federal Form 1040A
Stadium Donation
or line 66a of federal Form 1040.
If you do not have a withholding statement
If you wish, you may designate an amount
or need a corrected withholding
as a Packers football stadium donation.
Step 3 Fill in the percentage rate which
statement, contact your employer or
Your donation will be used for maintenance
applies to you.
other payer.
and operating costs of the professional
football stadium in Green Bay.
Number of
Fill in this
Line 33
2005 Estimated Tax
qualifying children
Fill in line 28 with the amount you wish to
Payments and Amount Applied
(see Step 1 above)
donate. Your donation will either reduce
from 2004 Return
your refund or be added to tax due.
Fill in any payments you made on your
estimated Wisconsin income tax
3 or more
Line 29
Breast Cancer
(Form 1-ES) for 2005. Include any over-
Research Donation
payment from your 2004 return that you
Step 4 Multiply the amount of your federal
You may designate an amount as a breast
were allowed as credit to your 2005
credit (Step 2) by the percentage deter-
cancer research donation. Your donation
Wisconsin estimated tax.
mined in Step 3. Fill in the result on
will be divided equally between the
line 34. This is your Wisconsin credit.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., and
If you are married filing a joint return, fill
the University of Wisconsin Comprehen-
in the total of:
Attachment to Your Return Attach
sive Cancer Center for breast cancer
• any separate estimated tax payments
a copy of your federal Schedule EIC to
research projects.
made by each spouse,
Form 1A. The Schedule EIC requests
information for two qualifying children. If
Fill in line 29 with the amount you wish to
• any joint estimated tax payments, and
you have a third qualifying child, also
donate. Your donation will either reduce
• any overpayments from your 2004
attach a sheet giving the same informa-
your refund or be added to tax due.
returns that you and your spouse were
tion as requested on the Schedule EIC
allowed as credit to 2005 Wisconsin
for your third child. Failure to provide this
Line 30
Veterans Trust
estimated tax.
information may delay your refund.
Fund Donation
You may designate an amount as a
Follow these instructions even if your
Note If the IRS is computing your federal
Veterans Trust Fund donation. Your
spouse died in 2005 or in 2006 before
earned income credit and you want the
donation will be used by the Wisconsin
filing a 2005 return.
department to compute your Wisconsin
Department of Veterans Affairs for the
earned income credit for you, fill in the
benefit of veterans or their dependents.
Name Change If you changed your name
number of qualifying children in the space
because of marriage, divorce, etc., and
provided on line 34. Write EIC in the
Fill in line 30 with the amount you wish to
you made estimated tax payments using
space to the right of line 34. Complete
donate. Your donation will either reduce
your former name, attach a statement to
your return through line 36. Attach a copy
your refund or be added to tax due.
the front of Form 1A. On the statement,
of your federal return (Form 1040A or
explain all the payments you and your
Form 1040) to Form 1A.
Line 32
Wisconsin Income
spouse made for 2005 and the name(s)
Tax Withheld
and social security number(s) under which
Line 35
Homestead Credit
Add the Wisconsin income tax withheld
you made them.
If you are claiming homestead credit, fill
shown on your withholding statements.
in on line 35 the amount of your credit
Wisconsin tax withheld is shown in Box 17
Line 34
Earned Income Credit
from line 19 of Schedule H or line 14 of
of Form W-2 or Box 10 of Form 1099-R,
If you qualify for the federal earned
Schedule H-EZ, the homestead credit
but only if Wisconsin is the state identi-
income credit and you have at least one
claim form. Attach your completed Sched-
fied in Box 15 of Form W-2 or Box 11 of
qualifying child, you also qualify for the
ule H or H-EZ to Form 1A.
Form 1099-R. Fill in the total on line 32.
Wisconsin earned income credit. How-
Enclose readable copies of your withhold-
Note To see if you may qualify for home-
ever, you must have been a resident of
ing statements.
stead credit, see the Special Instructions
Wisconsin for the entire year.
on page 15.
To claim the Wisconsin earned income
• claim credit for tax withheld for other
credit, complete the following steps and
Line 36
Eligible Veterans
fill in the required information in the
and Surviving Spouses
• claim amounts marked social security
spaces provided on line 34.
Property Tax Credit
or Medicare tax withheld.
Who May Claim the Credit An eligible
Step 1 Fill in the number of children who
• claim credit for federal tax withheld.
unremarried surviving spouse or an
meet the requirements of a “qualifying
• include withholding statements from
eligible veteran may claim the veterans
child” for purposes of the federal earned
other tax years.
and surviving spouses property tax credit.
income credit (see the instructions for
• write on or change or attempt to correct
An “eligible unremarried surviving spouse”
earned income credit in your federal
the amounts on your withholding
means an unremarried surviving spouse
return for definition of a “qualifying child”).


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