1a, Wi-Z, & Telefile Wisconsin Income Tax Instructions Page 15


Line Instructions
Married Filing a Joint Return
Line 26 (Line 13 on Form WI-Z)
Line 27
Sales and Use Tax Due on
Resources Donation
• If the amount on line 12 of Form 1A
Out-of-State Purchases
With your gift, the Endangered Resources
(line 1 of Form WI-Z) is $18,000 or less,
Did you make any taxable purchases from
Program works to protect and manage
your working families tax credit is equal
out-of-state firms during 2005 on which
native plant and animal species, natural
to your tax. Fill in the amount from
sales and use tax was not charged? If yes,
communities and other natural features.
line 18 of Form 1A (line 7 of Form WI-Z)
you must report Wisconsin sales and use
Through the purchase and protection of
on line 21 of Form 1A (line 9 of
tax on these purchases on line 26 of
415 State Natural Areas, the Endangered
Form WI-Z).
Form 1A (line 13 on Form WI-Z) if they
Resources Program leads the way in
• If the amount on line 12 of Form 1A
were stored, used, or consumed in
restoration of populations and habitats of
(line 1 of Form WI-Z) is more than
Wisconsin. Taxable purchases include
rare and endangered species and
$18,000 but less than $19,000, use the
furniture, carpet, clothing, computers,
promotes appreciation, knowledge and
worksheet on page 10 to compute
books, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, video
stewardship of endangered resources for
your working families tax credit.
tapes, jewelry, coins purchased for more
present and future generations.
than face value, etc.
• If the amount on line 12 of Form 1A
Your donation supports preservation and
(line 1 of Form WI-Z) is $19,000 or more,
Example You purchased $300 of clothing
management of over 200 endangered and
fill in 0 on line 21 (line 9 of Form WI-Z).
through a catalog or over the Internet. No
threatened Wisconsin plants and animals
You do not qualify for the working
sales and use tax was charged. The
and our finest remaining examples of
families tax credit.
clothing was delivered in a county with a
prairies, forests and wetlands. All gifts (up
5% sales and use tax rate. You owe $15
to a total of $364,000) will be matched by
Line 22
Married Couple
Wisconsin tax ($300 x 5% = $15) on this
state general purpose revenue, which
makes your gift twice as important.
You may be able to claim the married
Complete the worksheet below to deter-
couple credit if:
Consider a gift of $25, $50 or $75, or
mine whether you are liable for Wisconsin
choose your own amount to fill in on the
• You are married filing a joint return, and
sales and use tax.
Endangered Resources line on your
• You and your spouse are both
Wisconsin tax form. Your gift will either
Fill in the schedule on page 2 of Form 1A
to figure your credit. Each spouse must
Worksheet for Computing
list his or her earned income separately
Wisconsin Sales and Use Tax
in column (A) or (B) of the schedule.
1. Total purchases subject to Wisconsin sales and use
“Earned income” includes taxable wages,
tax (i.e., purchases on which no sales and use tax was
salaries, tips, disability income treated as
charged by the seller) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
wages, scholarships or fellowships (only
2. Sales and use tax rate
amounts reported on a W-2), and other
(see rate chart below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
employee compensation.
3. Amount of sales and use tax due (line 1 multiplied by
tax rate on line 2). Round this amount to the nearest dollar
Earned income does not include interest,
and fill in on line 26 of Form 1A (line 13 of Form WI-Z) . $
dividends, unemployment compensation,
IRA distributions, deferred compensation,
social security, pensions, annuities, or
income that is not taxable to Wisconsin.
Do not consider marital property laws,
Sales and Use Tax Rate Chart
marital property agreements, or unilateral
In all Wisconsin counties except those shown in a through c below, the tax rate
statements in figuring each spouse’s
was 5.5% for all of 2005.
earned income.
a. If storage, use, or consumption in 2005 was in one of the following counties,
Caution Earned income is generally the
the tax rate was 5.6%:
amount shown on line 1 of Form 1A. How-
ever, the following items that may be
included on line 1 of Form 1A cannot be
b. If storage, use, or consumption in 2005 was in one of the following counties,
used in computing the credit:
the tax rate was 5.1%:
• Deferred compensation
c. If storage, use, or consumption in 2005 was in one of the following counties,
• Scholarship and fellowship income not
the tax rate was 5%:
reported on a W-2.
Fond du Lac
Fill in the amount of your credit from line 6
of the schedule on line 22 of Form 1A.
The maximum credit allowable is $480.


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