Horse Donation Form Page 2


4. Indemnification: Donor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless The Foundation, board of directors, advisory board, employees, and
agents from and against all and any losses, damages deficiencies, claims,
demands, suits, actions, liabilities, proceedings, judgments, and expenses
(including reasonable attorney’s fees), and amounts paid to be paid settlement,
reasonable incurred or suffered by The Foundation, board of directors,
advisory board, employees, or agents with or arising out of:
a. A breach of any agreement and/or representation of Donor contained
in this Agreement:
b. Any suit, action or other proceeding brought by a third party for acts of
Donor prior to the date of transfer of the Horse to The Foundation
involving any transactions, either directly or indirectly, relating to the
c. Any suit, action or other proceeding brought by a third party of any
damages arising from the use, activities or other transactions in which
the Horse may have been involved, either directly or indirectly, prior
to the date of transfer herein.
5. Right of Defense: Donor hereby agrees at The Foundation’s option to defend
The Foundation in any such matters arising under paragraph 4 above, or The
Foundation may maintain its own counsel, in which case Donor shall
reimburse The Foundation for such reasonable fees and costs.
6. Notice of Claim: Should any claim be made in which The Foundation is
entitled to indemnification (a “claim”), The Foundation shall, within twenty
(20) days of receipt of such Claim, give written notice thereof to Donor.
7. Notices: All notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and
shall be delivered in person, via facsimile or other written telecommunication,
or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to the
addresses of The Foundation and Donor set forth by their respective
signatures below. Each party may change such address by written notice as
provided herein.
8. Governing Law: This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall
be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
9. Attorney’s Fees: In the event of any dispute or litigation arising out of or
relating to the meaning, interpretation or breach of this Agreement or
compliance or noncompliance the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing


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