Horse Donation Form


Horse Donation Form
Declaration of Gift and Indemnity Agreement
This declaration of gift and indemnity agreement (the “Agreement”) dated as of
__________,20_______, is made by and between The Foundation for the Pure Spanish
Horse (“The Foundation”) a 501(c)(3) and ________________________ (“Donor”) and
is based upon the following facts:
1. Donor is the owner of horse described hereto and incorporated herein by this
reference (the “Horse”).
2. Donor hereby desires to give to The Foundation all Donor’s right, title and
interest in and to the Horse.
3. As a condition to accepting the Horse, The Foundation has requested that the
Donor indemnify it against actual losses The Foundation may suffer due to the
initiation of legal proceedings brought against Donor and/or The Foundation
arising from Donor’s former ownership of the Horse.
In consideration of the mutual promises in this Agreement, and for good and valuable
consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1. Gift of Horse: Donor hereby transfers, conveys and assigns all of Donor’s
right, title and interest in and to the Horse, and based upon the terms and
conditions contained herein, The Foundation hereby accepts the Horse.
2. Registration Papers: Donor hereby agrees to endorse and /or deliver within
five days from the date hereof, any and all documents necessary and
appropriate so that the registration papers for the Horse may be transferred
into The Foundation’s name or into the name of any subsequent transferee of
the Horse as The Foundation shall direct.
3. Representation of Donor: Donor hereby represents and warrants to The
Foundation that:
a. Donor owns full, exclusive and irrevocable right, title and interest to
the Horse.
b. That no liens encumber title to the Horse
c. That no other person, corporation, partnership or other entity has any
right, title, claim or interest in, against or to the Horse
d. Donor agrees not to perform any acts which would adversely affect or
interfere with The Foundation’s activities with respect to the Horse


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