Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 7


Figure 1. Can You Include Your Child’s Income On Your Tax
No estimated tax payment was made for
2006 and no 2005 overpayment was ap-
plied to 2006 under your child’s name and
Start Here
social security number.
No federal income tax was taken out of
Was your child under age 18 at
your child’s income under the backup with-
the end of 2006?
holding rules.
You are the parent whose return must be
used when applying the special tax rules
for children under age 18. (See Which
Parent’s Return To Use, earlier.)
Is your child required to file a tax return for
2006 if you do not make this election?
These conditions are also shown in Figure 1.
How to make the election. Make the election
by attaching Form 8814 to your Form 1040 or
Form 1040NR. (If you make this election, you
Is your child filing a joint return for 2006?
cannot file Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ.) At-
tach a separate Form 8814 for each child for
whom you make the election. You can make the
election for one or more children and not for
Was the child’s only income interest and
dividends (including capital gain
Effect of Making
distributions and Alaska Permanent Fund
the Election
The federal income tax on your child’s income
may be more if you make the Form 8814 elec-
Was the child’s income less than
Rate may be higher. If your child received
qualified dividends or capital gain distributions,
you may pay up to $42.50 more tax if you make
this election instead of filing a separate tax re-
turn for the child. This is because the tax rate on
Did the child make any estimated tax
the child’s income between $850 and $1,700 is
payments for 2006?
10% if you make this election. However, if you
file a separate return for the child, the tax rate
may be as low as 5% because of the preferential
tax rates for qualified dividends and capital gain
Did the child have an overpayment of tax
on his or her 2005 return applied to the
2006 estimated tax?
Deductions you cannot take. By making the
Form 8814 election, you cannot take any of the
following deductions that the child would be
entitled to on his or her return.
The higher standard deduction for a blind
Was any federal income tax withheld from
the child’s income (backup withholding)?
The deduction for a penalty on an early
withdrawal of your child’s savings.
Itemized deductions (such as your child’s
investment expenses or charitable contri-
Are you the parent whose return must be
Deductible investment interest. If you use
Form 8814, your child’s investment income is
considered your investment income. To figure
the limit on your deductible investment interest,
You can include your child’s income on
You cannot include
add the child’s investment income to yours.
your tax return by completing Form 8814
your child’s income
However, if your child received qualified divi-
and attaching it to your return. If you do,
on your return.
your child is not required to file a return.
dends, capital gain distributions, or Alaska Per-
manent Fund dividends, see chapter 3 of
Publication 550, Investment Income and Ex-
penses, for information about how to figure the
*See Which Parent’s Return To Use
Alternative minimum tax. If your child re-
Reduced deductions or credits. If you use
Itemized deductions for medical expenses,
ceived tax-exempt interest from a private activity
Form 8814, your increased adjusted gross in-
casualty and theft losses, and certain mis-
bond, you must determine if that interest is a tax
come may reduce certain deductions or credits
cellaneous expenses.
preference item for alternative minimum tax
on your return, including the following.
Total itemized deductions.
(AMT) purposes. If it is, you must include it with
Deduction for contributions to a traditional
Personal exemptions.
your own tax preference items when figuring
individual retirement arrangement (IRA).
Credit for child and dependent care ex-
your AMT. For more information, get the instruc-
Deduction for student loan interest.
tions for Form 6251, Alternative Minimum Tax —
Child tax credit.
Publication 929 (2006)
Page 7


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