Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 6


1. For 2006, the employee had a right to a
Capital gain distribution
Parents not living together.
If the child’s
refund of all federal income tax withheld
parents are married to each other but not living
because he or she had no tax liability.
together, and the parent with whom the child
Earned income
lives (the custodial parent) is considered unmar-
2. For 2007, the employee expects a refund
Gross income
ried, use the return of the custodial parent. If the
of all federal income tax withheld because
Investment income
custodial parent is not considered unmarried,
he or she expects to have no tax liability.
Itemized deductions
use the return of the parent with the greater
Net capital gain
taxable income.
Dependents. An employee who is a depen-
Net investment income
For an explanation of when a married person
dent ordinarily cannot claim exemption from
Qualified dividends
living apart from his or her spouse is considered
withholding if both of the following are true.
Standard deduction
unmarried, see Head of Household in Publica-
The employee’s total income will be more
Tax year
tion 501.
than the minimum standard deduction
Taxable income
amount. This amount was $850 for 2006,
Parents are divorced. If the child’s parents
Unearned income
but may be higher for 2007. Check the
are divorced or legally separated, and the parent
instructions for the 2007 Form W-4 for the
Unrecaptured section 1250 gain
who had custody of the child for the greater part
correct amount.
28% rate gain
of the year (the custodial parent) has not remar-
The employee’s unearned income will be
ried, use the return of the custodial parent.
more than $300.
The two rules that follow may affect the tax on
Custodial parent remarried. If the custo-
certain investment income of a child under age
Exceptions. An employee who is age 65 or
dial parent has remarried, the stepparent (rather
older or blind, or who will claim adjustments to
than the noncustodial parent) is treated as the
income, itemized deductions, or tax credits on
1. If the child’s interest and dividend income
child’s other parent. Therefore, if the custodial
his or her 2007 tax return, may be able to claim
(including capital gain distributions) total
parent and the stepparent file a joint return, use
exemption from withholding even if the em-
less than $8,500, the child’s parent may be
that joint return. Do not use the return of the
ployee is a dependent. For more information,
able to choose to include that income on
noncustodial parent.
see the discussions under Exemption From
the parent’s return rather than file a return
If the custodial parent and the stepparent are
Withholding in chapter 1 of Publication 505, Tax
for the child. (See Parent’s Election To Re-
married, but file separate returns, use the return
Withholding and Estimated Tax.
port Child’s Interest and Dividends, later.)
of the one with the greater taxable income. If the
2. If the child’s interest, dividends, and other
custodial parent and the stepparent are married
Example. Guy is 17 and a student. During
investment income total more than $1,700,
but not living together, the earlier discussion
the summer he works part time at a grocery
part of that income may be taxed at the
under Parents not living together applies.
store. He expects to earn about $1,000 this year.
parent’s tax rate instead of the child’s tax
He also worked at the store last summer and
rate. (See Tax for Children Under Age 18
Parents never married. If a child’s parents
received a refund of all his withheld income tax
Who Have Investment Income of More
did not marry each other, but lived together all
because he did not have a tax liability. The only
Than $1,700, later.)
year, use the return of the parent with the
other income he expects during the year is $375
greater taxable income. If the parents did not live
For these rules, the term “child” includes a
interest on a savings account. He expects that
together all year, the rules explained earlier
legally adopted child and a stepchild. These
his parents will be able to claim him as a depen-
under Parents are divorced apply.
rules apply whether or not the child is a depen-
dent on their tax return. He is not blind and will
not claim adjustments to income, itemized de-
Widowed parent remarried. If a widow or
These rules do not apply if:
ductions, or tax credits on his return.
widower remarries, the new spouse is treated as
Guy cannot claim exemption from withhold-
The child is not required to file a tax return
the child’s other parent. The rules explained
ing when he fills out Form W-4 because his
(see Filing Requirements in Part 1),
earlier under Custodial parent remarried apply.
parents will be able to claim him as a dependent,
Neither of the child’s parents were living at
his total income will be more than $850, the
the end of the tax year, or
minimum standard deduction amount, and his
The child files a joint return for the year.
unearned income will be more than $300.
Parent’s Election
Claiming exemption from withholding. To
Which Parent’s
To Report Child’s
claim exemption from withholding, an employee
Return To Use
must enter “Exempt” in the space provided on
Interest and Dividends
Form W-4, line 7. The employee must complete
If a child’s parents are married to each other and
the rest of the form, as explained in the form
file a joint return, use the joint return to figure the
instructions, and give it to his or her employer.
You may be able to elect to include your child’s
tax on the investment income of a child under
interest and dividend income (including capital
18. The tax rate and other return information
Renewing an exemption from withholding.
gain distributions) on your tax return. If you do,
from that return are used to figure the child’s tax
An exemption from withholding is good for only
your child will not have to file a return.
as explained later under Tax for Children Under
one year. An employee must file a new Form
You can make this election for 2006 only if
Age 18 Who Have Investment Income of More
W-4 by February 15 each year to continue the
all the following conditions are met.
Than $1,700.
Your child was under age 18 at the end of
2006. (A child born on January 1, 1989, is
Parents Who Do Not File a Joint
considered to be age 18 at the end of
Part 2. Tax on
2006; you cannot make the election for
this child.)
Investment Income
For parents who do not file a joint return, the
Your child had income only from interest
following discussions explain which parent’s tax
and dividends (including capital gain distri-
of Child Under 18
return must be used to figure the tax.
butions and Alaska Permanent Fund divi-
Only the parent whose tax return is used can
make the election described under Parent’s
Terms you may need to know
The dividend and interest income was less
Election To Report Child’s Interest and Divi-
(see Glossary):
than $8,500.
Your child is required to file a return for
Adjusted gross income
2006 unless you make this election.
Parents are married. If the child’s parents file
Adjustments to income
separate returns, use the return of the parent
The child does not file a joint return for
Alternative minimum tax
with the greater taxable income.
Page 6
Publication 929 (2006)


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