Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 4


3. Compare lines 1 and 2. Enter
Other Filing Requirements
Responsibility for
the larger amount . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Maximum amount . . . . . . . . . . .
Some dependents may have to file a tax return
Child’s Return
5. Compare lines 3 and 4. Enter
even if their income is below the amount that
the smaller amount . . . . . . . . . .
would normally require them to file a return.
6. Enter the amount from the
Generally, the child is responsible for filing his or
A dependent must file a tax return if he or
following table that applies to the
her own tax return and for paying any tax, penal-
dependent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
she owes any other taxes, such as:
ties, or interest on that return. If a child cannot
Social security and Medicare taxes on tips
Marital Status
file his or her own return for any reason, such as
not reported to his or her employer,
age, the child’s parent or guardian is responsible
Either 65 or older or
Uncollected social security and Medicare
for filing a return on his or her behalf.
or railroad retirement taxes on tips re-
Signing the child’s return. If the child cannot
65 or older and blind
ported to his or her employer or on
sign his or her return, a parent or guardian can
group-term life insurance,
sign the child’s name in the space provided at
Either 65 or older or
Alternative minimum tax,
the bottom of the tax return. Then, he or she
Recapture taxes, such as the tax from re-
should add: “By (signature), parent (or guardian)
65 or older and blind
capture of an education credit, or
for minor child.”
Tax on a qualified plan, including an indi-
Authority of parent or guardian. A parent or
7. Add lines 5 and 6. Enter the total
vidual retirement arrangement (IRA), or
guardian who signs a return on a child’s behalf
8. Enter the dependent’s gross (total)
other tax-favored account. But if the de-
can deal with the IRS on all matters connected
income. If line 8 is more than line 7,
with the return.
pendent is filing a return only because of
the dependent must file an income
In general, a parent or guardian who does
this tax, the dependent can file Form 5329
tax return. If the dependent is
not sign the child’s return can only provide infor-
married and his or her spouse
by itself.
mation concerning the child’s return and pay the
itemizes deductions on a separate
child’s tax. That parent or guardian is not entitled
return, the dependent must file an
A dependent must also file a tax return if he
to receive information from the IRS or legally
income tax return if line 8 is $5 or
or she:
more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
bind the child to a tax liability arising from the
Received any advance earned income
credit payments from his or her employers
Example 3. The facts are the same as in
Third party designee. A child’s parent or
in 2006,
Example 2 except that Joe is also blind. He does
guardian who does not sign the child’s return
Had wages of $108.28 or more from a
not have to file a return because his total income
may be authorized, as a third party designee, to
church or qualified church-controlled or-
of $3,350 is not more than $4,300, the amount
discuss the processing of the return with the IRS
ganization that is exempt from employer
on line 7 of his filled-in Filing Requirement Work-
as well as provide information concerning the
social security and Medicare taxes, or
sheet for Dependents Who Are Age 65 or Older
return. The child or the person signing the return
or Blind (shown next).
on the child’s behalf must check the “Yes” box in
Had net earnings from self-employment of
the “Third Party Designee” area of the return and
at least $400.
Filing Requirement Worksheet
name the parent or guardian as the designee.
for Dependents
If designated, a parent or guardian can re-
Who Are Age 65 or Older or Blind
Spouse itemizes. A dependent must file a
spond to certain IRS notices and receive infor-
return if the dependent’s spouse itemizes de-
mation about the processing of the return and
1. Enter dependent’s earned
ductions on a separate return and the depen-
the status of a refund or payment. This designa-
income plus $300 . . . . . . . . . . . .
tion does not authorize the parent or guardian to
dent has $5 or more of gross income (earned
2. Minimum amount . . . . . . . . . . . .
receive any refund check, bind the child to any
3. Compare lines 1 and 2. Enter
and/or unearned).
tax liability, or otherwise represent the child
the larger amount . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Maximum amount . . . . . . . . . . .
before the IRS. See the return instructions for
5. Compare lines 3 and 4. Enter
more information.
the smaller amount . . . . . . . . . .
Should a Return Be
Designated as representative. A parent or
6. Enter the amount from the
guardian who does not sign the child’s return
following table that applies to the
Filed Even If Not
may be designated as the child’s representative
dependent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
by the child or the person signing the return on
Marital Status
the child’s behalf. Form 2848, Power of Attorney
and Declaration of Representative, is used to
Either 65 or older or
designate a child’s representative. See Publica-
Even if a dependent does not meet any of the
tion 947, Practice Before the IRS and Power of
filing requirements discussed earlier, he or she
65 or older and blind
Attorney, for more information.
should file a tax return if either of the following
If designated, a parent or guardian can re-
Either 65 or older or
ceive information about the child’s return but
Income tax was withheld from his or her
cannot legally bind the child to a tax liability
65 or older and blind
unless authorized to do so by the law of the state
He or she qualifies for the earned income
7. Add lines 5 and 6. Enter the total
in which the child lives.
8. Enter the dependent’s gross (total)
credit, the additional child tax credit, the
IRS notice. If you or the child receives a
income. If line 8 is more than line
health coverage tax credit, or the credit for
notice from the IRS concerning the child’s return
7, the dependent must file an
federal telephone excise tax paid. See the
or tax liability, you should immediately inform the
income tax return. If the dependent
tax return instructions to find out who qual-
is married and his or her spouse
IRS that the notice concerns a child. The notice
ifies for these credits. (If the dependent is
itemizes deductions on a separate
will show who to contact. The IRS will try to
not required to file and is filing only to get
return, the dependent must file an
resolve the matter with the parent(s) or guard-
a credit for federal telephone excise tax
income tax return if line 8 is $5 or
ian(s) of the child consistent with their authority.
paid, he or she can file using Form
more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Child’s earnings. For federal income tax pur-
1040EZ-T, Request for Refund of Federal
poses, the income a child receives for his or her
Telephone Excise Tax.)
personal services (labor) is the child’s, even if,
By filing a return, the dependent can get a re-
under state law, the parent is entitled to and
receives that income.
Page 4
Publication 929 (2006)


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