Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 23


The definitions in this glossary
For purposes of determining a
to the investment income, plus the
Is neither your qualifying child
dependent’s standard deduction,
are the meanings of the terms as
larger of:
nor the qualifying child of any-
earned income also includes any
used in this publication. The same
one else.
1. $850 plus itemized deductions
part of a scholarship or fellowship
term used in another publication
directly connected with pro-
For details, see Exemptions for De-
grant that the dependent must in-
may have a slightly different mean-
ducing the investment in-
pendents in Publication 501.
clude in his or her gross income.
come, or
For purposes of completing
Standard deduction. An amount
2. $1,700.
Adjusted gross income. Gross
Form 8615, earned income also in-
(based on filing status, age, and
income (defined later) minus ad-
cludes a taxable distribution from a
blindness) that can be subtracted
justments to income (defined next).
Qualified dividends. Dividends
qualified disability trust.
from adjusted gross income in fig-
eligible for the lower tax rates that
Adjustments to income. De-
Exemption. An amount ($3,300
uring taxable income. The standard
apply to a net capital gain. They are
ductions that are subtracted from
for 2006) that can be subtracted
deduction is not used if itemized
reported to you in box 1b of Form
gross income in figuring adjusted
from income in figuring how much
deductions are claimed.
1099-DIV. You report them on
gross income. They include deduc-
income will be taxed. Exemptions
Form 1040 or Form 1040A, line 9b,
Tax year. The time period cov-
tions for moving expenses, alimony
generally are allowed for the tax-
or Form 1040NR, line 10b. For
payer, the taxpayer’s spouse, and
ered by a tax return. Usually this is
paid, a penalty on early withdrawal
more information, see Publication
of savings, and contributions to an
January 1 to December 31, a cal-
individual retirement arrangement
endar year, but taxpayers can elect
Gross income. All income from
(IRA). Adjustments to income can
a fiscal tax year with different be-
Qualifying child. To be your de-
all sources (other than tax-exempt
be taken even if itemized deduc-
ginning and ending dates.
pendent (defined earlier), a person
income) that must be included on
tions (defined later) are not
must be either your qualifying
your tax return.
Taxable income. Gross income
child or your qualifying relative
minus any adjustments to income,
I n v e s t m e n t
i n c o m e .
S e e
(defined next). Generally, a per-
Alternative minimum tax. A tax
any allowable exemptions, and ei-
Unearned income, later, and In-
son is your qualifying child if that
designed to collect at least a mini-
ther itemized deductions or the
vestment income defined, earlier,
mum amount of tax from taxpayers
standard deduction.
under Step 1. Figuring the Child’s
Is your child, stepchild, foster
who benefit from the tax laws that
Net Investment Income (Form
child, brother, sister, step-
give special treatment to certain
Unearned income. Income other
8615, Part I).
brother, stepsister, or a de-
kinds of income and allow deduc-
than earned income. This is invest-
scendant of any of them,
tions and credits for certain kinds of
Itemized deductions. Deduc-
ment-type income and includes in-
Lived with you for more than
tions allowed on Schedule A (Form
terest, dividends, and capital gains.
half of the year,
1040) for medical and dental ex-
Distributions of interest, dividends,
Capital gain distribution. An al-
penses, taxes, interest, charitable
Did not provide more than
capital gains, and other unearned
located amount paid to, or treated
contributions, casualty and theft
half of his or her own support
income from a trust are also
as paid to, a shareholder by a mu-
losses, and miscellaneous deduc-
for the year, and
unearned income to a beneficiary
tual fund, regulated investment
tions. They are subtracted from ad-
Was under age 19 at the end
of the trust. However, for purposes
company, or real estate investment
justed gross income in figuring
of the year (or was under age
of completing Form 8615, a taxable
trust from its net realized long-term
taxable income. Itemized deduc-
24 at the end of the year and
distribution from a qualified disabil-
capital gains. This amount is in ad-
tions cannot be claimed if the stan-
a student, or was any age
ity trust is considered earned in-
dition to any ordinary dividend paid
dard deduction is chosen.
and permanently and totally
to the shareholder. You will receive
a statement from the payer if this
Net capital gain. The excess of
Unrecaptured section 1250 gain.
net long-term capital gain over any
applies to you.
For details, see Exemptions for De-
Generally, any part of your net cap-
net short-term capital loss. For
pendents in Publication 501.
Dependent. A person, other than
ital gain from selling section 1250
2006, this is the smaller of the gain
the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s
property (real property) that is due
on line 15 or the gain on line 16 of
Qualifying relative. To be your
spouse, for whom an exemption
Schedule D (Form 1040). If Sched-
to depreciation. For details, see
dependent (defined earlier), a per-
(defined later) can be claimed. To
ule D is not required, net capital
Publication 550.
son must be either your qualifying
be your dependent, a person must
gain is the amount of capital gain
child (defined earlier) or your qual-
28% rate gain. Gain from the
be your qualifying child or qualify-
distributions on Form 1040, line 13;
ifying relative. Generally, a person
sale of collectibles and, generally,
ing relative (both defined later). For
Form 1040A, line 10; or Form
is your qualifying relative if that
more information, see Exemptions
the taxable part of your gain from
1040NR, line 14.
for Dependents in Publication 501.
the sale of qualified small business
Lives with or is related to you,
Net investment income. The
stock held more than 5 years. For
Does not have $3,300 or
E a r n e d
i n c o m e .
S a l a r i e s ,
total of all investment income
details, see the instructions for
more of gross (total) income,
wages, tips, professional fees, and
(other than tax-exempt income)
Schedule D (Form 1040).
other amounts received as pay for
reduced by the sum of the follow-
Is supported (generally more
work actually done.
ing: adjustments to income related
than 50%) by you, and
Publication 929 (2006)
Page 23


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