Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 16


Line 16 (Combined Tax)
three exemptions, including an exemption for
Sara’s parents do not have a net capital gain
or any qualified dividends, so no net capital gain
Sara, on their return.
Add lines 13 and 15 and enter the total on line
or qualified dividends are on line 6 of Sara’s
Because she is under age 18 and has more
16. This is the child’s tax figured at the parent’s
Form 8615. Therefore, the amount of net capital
than $1,700 investment income, part of her in-
rate on net investment income and the child’s
gain on line 8 of Sara’s Form 8615 is $275, and
come may be subject to tax at her parents’ rate.
rate on other income.
the amount of qualified dividends on that line is
A completed Form 8615 must be attached to her
$412. John uses the Qualified Dividends and
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet (in the Form 1040A
Line 17 (Tax at Child’s Rate)
Sara’s father, John, fills out Sara’s return. He
instructions) and follows the instructions under
completes her Form 1040A through line 27, then
Using the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
Figure the tax on line 4 (the child’s taxable in-
begins completing her Form 8615.
Tax Worksheet for line 9 tax in the Form 8615
come). Use the Tax Table, the Tax Computation
instructions to figure the tax to enter on Sara’s
John enters his name and social security
Worksheet, the Qualified Dividends and Capital
Form 8615, line 9.
number on Sara’s Form 8615 because his name
Gain Tax Worksheet, the Schedule D Tax Work-
John enters $412 on line 2 of the Qualified
and number are listed first on the joint return he
sheet, or the child’s actual Schedule J, which-
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, and
and Laura are filing. He checks the box for
ever applies. Enter the tax amount on line 17. If it
$275 on line 3 of that worksheet. That completed
married filing jointly.
is from the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
worksheet is shown later as Filled-in Qualified
Tax Worksheet, the Schedule D Tax Worksheet,
He enters Sara’s investment income,
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet #1.
or Schedule J, check the box on that line.
$2,800, on line 1. Sara does not itemize deduc-
John enters the tax of $6,543 on Sara’s Form
tions, so John enters $1,700 on line 2. He enters
8615, line 9.
$1,100 ($2,800 − $1,700) on line 3.
He enters the tax from his and Laura’s Form
Line 18 (Tax)
1040 ($6,449) on Sara’s Form 8615, line 10,
Sara’s taxable income, as shown on her
then subtracts that amount from the $6,543 on
Form 1040A, line 27, is $2,500. This is her total
Enter on line 18 the larger of line 16 or line 17.
line 9, and enters the $94 remainder on line 11.
income ($4,350) minus her standard deduction
Also enter this amount on the child’s Form 1040,
Because line 7 is blank, John skips lines 12a
line 44; Form 1040A, line 28; or Form 1040NR,
($1,850). Her standard deduction is limited to
and 12b and enters $94 on line 13.
line 41. This is the child’s tax.
the amount of her earned income plus $300.
John subtracts line 5 ($1,100) from line 4
John enters $2,500 on line 4.
($2,500) and enters the result, $1,400, on line
Child files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ. If the child
John compares lines 3 and 4 and enters the
14. Using the instructions for line 14 earlier,
files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ, do not enter the
smaller amount, $1,100, on line 5.
John subtracts the net capital gain included on
amount from Form 8615, line 18, on the child’s
John enters $48,000 on line 6. This is the
line 5 ($275) from Sara’s net capital gain ($700)
Form 1040, line 44. Instead, enter the amount
taxable income from line 43 of John and Laura’s
to figure the $425 net capital gain included on
from Form 8615, line 18, on line 8 of the child’s
line 14. He also subtracts the qualified dividends
joint Form 1040 return. Sara is an only child, so
Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet (in the
included on line 5 ($412) from Sara’s qualified
line 7 is blank. He adds line 5 ($1,100), line 6
Form 1040 instructions). Then complete the rest
dividends ($1,050) to figure the $638 qualified
($48,000), and line 7 (blank) and enters $49,100
of the Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet.
dividends included on line 14. He uses another
on line 8.
Enter the amount from line 10 of the worksheet
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Work-
on the child’s Form 1040, line 44.
Because Sara’s capital gain distributions
sheet and follows the instructions under Using
and qualified dividends are included on line 5,
the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
Alternative Minimum Tax
John uses Line 5 Worksheet #1 (in the instruc-
Worksheet for line 15 tax, in the Form 8615
tions for Form 8615) to figure out that $275 net
instructions, to figure the $87 tax to enter on
A child may be subject to alternative minimum
capital gain and $412 qualified dividends are
Form 8615, line 15. That completed worksheet
tax (AMT) if he or she has certain items given
included on line 5. He completes that worksheet
is shown later as Filled-in Qualified Dividends
preferential treatment under the tax law. These
as follows.
and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet #2.
items include accelerated depreciation and cer-
John adds lines 13 and 15 of Form 8615, and
tain tax-exempt interest income. The AMT may
Line 5 Worksheet #1
enters the sum, $181, on line 16. Then he uses
also apply if the child has passive activity losses
another Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
1. Enter the child’s qualified
or certain distributions from estates or trusts.
Tax Worksheet to figure the $164 tax on Sara’s
dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For more information on who is liable for
$2,500 taxable income to enter on Form 8615,
AMT and how to figure it, get Form 6251.
2. Enter the child’s net capital gain
line 17. That completed worksheet is shown
later as Filled-in Qualified Dividends and Capital
3. Enter the amount from the child’s
Limit on exemption amount. Ordinarily, sin-
Gain Tax Worksheet #3.
Form 8615, line 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
gle people can subtract a $42,500 exemption
Finally, John compares lines 16 and 17 and
4. Divide line 1 by line 3. Enter the
amount from their AMT taxable income. How-
enters the larger amount, $181, on line 18 of
result as a decimal (rounded to at
ever, a child who files Form 8615 has a limited
Sara’s Form 8615. He also enters that amount
least 3 places). Do not enter more
exemption amount. The child’s exemption
on Sara’s Form 1040A, line 28.
than 1.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
amount for 2006 is limited to the child’s earned
John also completes Schedule 1, Form
income plus $6,050. Figure the child’s allowable
5. Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter the
1040A (not shown) for Sara.
exemption amount on the worksheet in the in-
result as a decimal (rounded to at
least 3 places). Do not enter more
structions for Form 6251, line 29.
than 1.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustrated Example
6. Multiply $1,700 by line 4 . . . . . .
7. Multiply $1,700 by line 5 . . . . . .
This example shows how to fill out Forms 8615
and 1040A for Sara Brown. It also shows how to
8. Qualified dividends on Form
use the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
8615, line 5. Subtract line 6 from
Tax Worksheet in the Form 1040A instructions
line 1 (but do not enter less than
to figure Sara’s tax.
zero or more than the amount on
Form 8615, line 5) . . . . . . . . . .
John and Laura Brown have one child, Sara.
She is 13 and has $1,050 taxable interest,
9. Net capital gain on Form 8615,
$1,050 qualified dividend income, $700 capital
line 5. Subtract line 7 from line 2
gain distributions, and $1,550 earned income.
(but do not enter less than zero or
She does not itemize deductions. John and
more than the excess of Form
Laura file a joint return with John’s name and
8615, line 5, over line 8 of this
social security number listed first. They claim
worksheet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 16
Publication 929 (2006)


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