Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 14


7 of Form 8615. If the child, parent, or any other
6. On line 7, enter the net capital gain in-
Worksheet 2 for Line 11 of the Schedule D
child has qualified dividends, figure the amount
cluded on Form 8615, line 8. (See the ear-
Tax Worksheet – Unrecaptured
of qualified dividends included on line 8 by ad-
lier discussion for line 8.)
Section 1250 Gain
ding together the qualified dividend amounts
(Line 9 Tax)
7. On lines 8 through 10, follow the work-
included on lines 5, 6, and 7. Use the instruc-
sheet instructions.
1. Enter the amount, if any, from the
tions for Form 8615, line 8, including the appro-
child’s Schedule D, line 19. . . . .
8. On line 11, enter zero if neither the child,
priate Line 5 Worksheet, to find these amounts.
parent, nor any other child has unrecap-
If line 1 is zero or blank, skip
tured section 1250 gain (line 19 of Sched-
lines 2 through 4, enter -0-
Line 9 (Tax on Parent’s Taxable
on line 5, and go to line 6.
ule D) or 28% rate gain (line 18 of
Income Plus Children’s Net
Schedule D). Otherwise, enter the amount
2. Enter the amount, if any, from
Investment Income)
of unrecaptured section 1250 gain and
the last line of the child’s
28% rate gain included in the net capital
completed Line 5 Worksheet in
Figure the tax on the amount on line 8 using the
gain on line 8 of Form 8615. Figure these
the instructions for Form 8615,
Tax Table, the Tax Computation Worksheet, the
amounts as explained later under Figuring
line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Work-
unrecaptured section 1250 gain (line 11)
3. Enter the amount from line 2 of
sheet (in the Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040NR
and Figuring 28% rate gain (line 11).
the child’s completed Line 5
instructions), the Schedule D Tax Worksheet (in
Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Complete lines 12 through 37, following
the Schedule D instructions) or Schedule J
the worksheet instructions. Use the par-
(Form 1040), as follows.
4. Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter
ent’s filing status to complete lines 15, 34,
the result as a decimal . . . . . . .
If line 8 does not include any net capital
and 36.
5. Multiply line 1 by line 4 . . . . . . .
gain or qualified dividends, use the Tax
Enter the amount from line 37 of this Schedule D
Table or Tax Computation Worksheet to
6. If no other child has unrecaptured
Tax Worksheet on Form 8615, line 9, and check
figure this tax. But if Schedule J, Income
section 1250 gain, enter -0-.
the box on that line.
Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen, is
Otherwise, repeat lines 1 through
used to figure the tax on the parent’s re-
Figuring 28% rate gain (line 11). If the
5 for each other child who has
turn, use it to figure this tax.
unrecaptured section 1250 gain
child, parent, or any other child has 28% rate
and enter the total of the line 5
gain, figure the amount of 28% rate gain in-
If line 8 does include any net capital gain
amounts for those children . . . . .
cluded in the net capital gain on line 8 of Form
or qualified dividends, use the Qualified
8615 using the following worksheet.
7. Enter the amount, if any, from line
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Work-
19 of the parent’s Schedule D . . .
sheet to figure this tax. For details, see the
Worksheet 1 for Line 11 of the Schedule D
instructions for Form 8615, line 9. How-
8. Add lines 5, 6, and 7. Also include
Tax Worksheet – 28% Rate Gain
ever, if the child, parent, or another child
this amount on the Schedule D
(Line 9 Tax)
has 28% rate gain or unrecaptured section
Tax Worksheet, line 11. . . . . . . .
1250 gain, use the Schedule D Tax Work-
1. Enter the amount, if any, from the
sheet. But if Schedule J is used to figure
child’s Schedule D, line 18. . . . .
the tax on the parent’s return, use it to
Using Schedule J for line 9 tax. Use Sched-
If line 1 is zero or blank, skip
figure this tax.
ule J, Income Averaging for Farmers and Fisher-
lines 2 through 4, enter -0- on
men, to figure the line 9 tax on Form 8615 if
line 5, and go to line 6.
Schedule J is used to figure the tax on the
Using the Schedule D Tax Worksheet for line
2. Enter the amount from the last
parent’s return. First complete the actual Sched-
9 tax. Use the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in
line of the child’s completed
ule J for the parent, then use another Schedule J
the Schedule D instructions to figure the line 9
Line 5 Worksheet in the
as a worksheet to figure the tax to enter on line 9
tax on Form 8615 if the child, parent, or any
instructions for Form 8615, line 8
of Form 8615. (Do not attach this worksheet to
other child has unrecaptured section 1250 gain
the child’s return.)
3. Enter the amount from line 2
or 28% rate gain. If you must use the Schedule
Complete this worksheet Schedule J as fol-
of the child’s completed
D Tax Worksheet, first complete any Schedule
Line 5 Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . .
D and any actual Schedule D Tax Worksheet
required for the child, parent, or any other child.
4. Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter
1. On line 1, enter the amount from Form
Then figure the line 9 tax using another Sched-
the result as a decimal . . . . . . .
8615, line 8.
ule D Tax Worksheet. (Do not attach this Sched-
5. Multiply line 1 by line 4 . . . . . . .
2. On line 2, enter the amount from the par-
ule D Tax Worksheet to the child’s return.)
ent’s Schedule J, line 2.
6. If no other child has 28% rate
Complete this Schedule D Tax Worksheet as
gain, enter -0-. Otherwise, repeat
3. Complete line 3 following the Schedule J
lines 1 through 5 above
for each other child who has
1. On line 1, enter the amount from Form
28% rate gain and enter the total
4. Complete line 4. If Form 8615, line 8, in-
8615, line 8.
of the line 5 amounts for those
cludes any net capital gain, use the Quali-
2. On line 2, enter the qualified dividends in-
other children . . . . . . . . . . . . .
fied Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
cluded on Form 8615, line 8. (See the ear-
Worksheet to figure the tax amount on this
7. Enter the amount, if any, from line
lier discussion for line 8.)
line. For details on how to use the work-
18 of the parent’s Schedule D. . .
3. On line 3, enter the total of the amounts, if
sheet, see the instructions for Form 8615,
any, on line 4g of all Forms 4952 filed by
line 9, but use the amount on line 3 of this
8. Add lines 5, 6, and 7. Also include
the child, parent, or any other child.
this amount on the Schedule D
worksheet Schedule J (instead of the
Tax Worksheet, line 11. . . . . . .
amount on Form 8615, line 8) in step (1) of
4. On line 4, enter the total of the amounts, if
Using the Qualified Dividends and Capital
any, on line 4e of all Forms 4952 filed by
Gain Tax Worksheet for line 9 tax. How-
the child, parent, or any other child. If ap-
Figuring unrecaptured section 1250 gain
ever, if the child, parent, or any other child
plicable, include instead the smaller
(line 11). If the child, parent, or any other child
has 28% rate gain, or unrecaptured sec-
amount entered on the dotted line next to
has unrecaptured section 1250 gain, figure the
tion 1250 gain, use the Schedule D Tax
line 4e.
amount of unrecaptured section 1250 gain in-
Worksheet. Follow the earlier instructions
5. On lines 5 and 6, follow the worksheet
cluded in the net capital gain on line 8 of Form
under Using the Schedule D Tax Work-
8615 using the following worksheet.
sheet for line 9 tax, except use the amount
Page 14
Publication 929 (2006)


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