Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 13


Illustrated Part II of Form 8615
Randy and his sister must each file Form
Randy’s sister’s net investment income of
Randy’s net investment income on line 5
8615. Their parents’ joint return information
$1,520 (from line 5 of her Form 8615) is
($2,280) is added to his sister’s net
investment income on line 7 ($1,520) and
is used on the Forms 8615 of both children.
entered on line 7 of Randy’s Form 8615. The
The net investment income on line 5 of
amounts on line 5 ($2,280), line 6 ($50,570),
the total, $3,800, is entered on line 12a.
Randy’s Form 8615 is $2,280. His sister’s
and line 7 ($1,520) are added and the total
The amount on line 5 ($2,280) is divided
net investment income is $1,520. Randy’s
of $54,370 is entered on line 8.
by the amount on line 12a ($3,800) and the
parents’ taxable income is $50,570. Their
The tax on $54,370 is found in the Tax
result, .600, is entered on line 12b.
tax, from the Tax Table, is $6,831.
Table using the parents’ joint filing status.
The amount on line 11 ($570) is multiplied
Part II of Randy’s Form 8615, with lines 6
The tax, $7,401, is entered on line 9.
by the amount on line 12b (.600) and the
through 13 filled in, is shown here.
Randy’s parents’ tax of $6,831 (from line 44
result, $342, is entered on line 13. This is
of Form 1040) is entered on line 10 and is
Randy’s parents’ taxable income of
Randy’s tentative tax based on his parents’
subtracted from the amount on line 9. The
tax rate.
$50,570 (from line 43 of Form 1040) is
difference, $570, is entered on line 11.
entered on Form 8615, line 6.
Part II
Tentative Tax Based on the Tax Rate of the Parent
Enter the parent’s taxable income from Form 1040, line 43; Form 1040A, line 27; Form 1040EZ,
line 6; Form 1040NR, line 40; or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 14. If zero or less, enter -0-. If the parent
files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ, see the instructions
Enter the total, if any, from Forms 8615, line 5, of all other children of the parent named
above. Do not include the amount from line 5 above.
Add lines 5, 6, and 7 (see instructions)
Enter the tax on the amount on line 8 based on the parent’s filing status above (see instructions).
If the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or
Schedule J (Form 1040) is used to figure the tax, check here
Enter the parent’s tax from Form 1040, line 44; Form 1040A, line 28, minus any alternative
minimum tax; Form 1040EZ, line 11; Form 1040NR, line 41; or Form 1040NR-EZ, line 15. Do not
include any tax from Form 4972 o r 8814. If the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
Worksheet, Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or Schedule J (Form 1040) was used to figure the tax,
check here
Subtract line 10 from line 9 and enter the result. If line 7 is blank, also enter this amount on line
13 and go to Part III
Add lines 5 and 7
Divide line 5 by line 12a. Enter the result as a decimal (rounded to at least three places)
Multiply line 11 by line 12b
Step 2. Figuring a Tentative
parents’s tax. Enter the amount from line 7 of the
the return using estimates or get an extension of
parent’s Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet
time to file. Estimates and extensions are dis-
Tax at the Parent’s Tax
instead of the parent’s taxable income, on line 6
cussed earlier under Providing Parental Infor-
Rate (Form 8615, Part II)
of Form 8615.
mation (Form 8615, Lines A – C).
The next step in completing Form 8615 is to
figure a tentative tax on the child’s net invest-
Line 7 (Net Investment Income of
Line 8 (Parent’s Taxable Income
ment income at the parent’s tax rate. The tenta-
Other Children)
Plus Children’s Net Investment
tive tax at the parent’s tax rate is the difference
between the tax on the parent’s taxable income
If the tax return information of the parent is also
figured with the child’s net investment income
used on any other child’s Form 8615, enter on
Enter on this line the total of lines 5, 6, and 7.
(plus the net investment income of any other
line 7 the total of the amounts from line 5 of all
You must determine the amount of net capital
child whose Form 8615 includes the tax return
the other children’s Forms 8615. Do not include
gain and qualified dividends included on this line
information of that parent) and the tax figured
the amount from line 5 of the Form 8615 being
before completing line 9 of Form 8615.
without it.
Net capital gain. Net capital gain is the
When figuring the tentative tax at the par-
smaller of the gain, if any, on Schedule D, line
ent’s tax rate, do not refigure any of the exclu-
Example. Paul and Jane Persimmon have
15, or the gain, if any, on Schedule D, line 16. If
sions, deductions, or credits on the parent’s
three children, Sharon, Jerry, and Mike, who
Schedule D is not required, it is the amount on
return because of the child’s net investment in-
must attach Form 8615 to their tax returns. The
Form 1040, line 13; Form 1040A, line 10; or
come. For example, do not refigure the medical
children’s net investment income amounts on
Form 1040NR, line 14.
expense deduction.
line 5 of their Forms 8615 are:
Figure the tentative tax on lines 6 through 13.
Qualified dividends. Qualified dividends
Sharon — $800
For an example, see the Illustrated Part II of
are those dividends reported on line 9b of Form
Form 8615.
Jerry — $600
1040 or Form 1040A, or line 10b of Form
Mike — $1,000
Line 6 (Parent’s Taxable Income)
Net capital gain and qualified dividends on
Line 7 of Sharon’s Form 8615 will show
line 8. If neither the child nor the parent nor
$1,600, the total of the amounts on line 5 of
Enter on line 6 the amount from the parent’s
any other child has net capital gain, the net
Jerry’s and Mike’s Forms 8615.
Form 1040, line 43; Form 1040A, line 27; Form
capital gain on line 8 is zero.
Line 7 of Jerry’s Form 8615 will show $1,800
1040EZ, line 6; Form 1040NR, line 40; or Form
If neither the child, nor the parent, nor any
($800 + $1,000).
1040NR-EZ, line 14. If the parent’s taxable in-
other child has qualified dividends, the amount
come is zero or less, enter zero on line 6.
Line 7 of Mike’s Form 8615 will show $1,400
of qualified dividends on line 8 is zero.
($800 + $600).
Parent files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ. If the
If the child, parent, or any other child has net
parent files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ, the Foreign
Other children’s information not available.
capital gain, figure the amount of net capital gain
Earned Income Tax Worksheet in the Form
If the net investment income of the other children
included on line 8 by adding together the net
1040 instructions must be used to figure the
is not available when the return is due, either file
capital gain amounts included on lines 5, 6, and
Publication 929 (2006)
Page 13


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