Publication 929 - Tax Rules For Children And Dependents - 2006 Page 11


You can use any reasonable estimate. This
example, see the Illustrated Part I of Form 8615
child must include in total income. Nontaxable
includes using information from last year’s re-
on the next page.
investment income, such as tax-exempt interest
turn. If you use an estimated amount on Form
and the nontaxable part of social security and
8615, enter “Estimated” on the line next to the
pension payments, is not included.
Line 1 (Investment Income)
Capital loss. A child’s capital losses are
When you get the correct information, file an
If the child had no earned income, enter on this
taken into account in figuring the child’s invest-
amended return on Form 1040X, Amended U.S.
line the adjusted gross income shown on the
ment income. Capital losses are first applied
Individual Income Tax Return.
child’s return. Adjusted gross income is shown
against capital gains. If the capital losses are
Extension of time to file. Instead of using
on Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; or
more than the capital gains, the difference (up to
estimates, you can get an automatic 6-month
Form 1040NR, line 36. Form 1040EZ and Form
$3,000) is subtracted from the child’s interest,
extension of time to file if, by the date your return
1040NR-EZ cannot be used if Form 8615 must
dividends, and other investment income. Any
is due, you file Form 4868, Application for Auto-
be filed.
difference over $3,000 is carried to the next
matic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual
If the child had earned income, figure the
Income Tax Return. You can file a paper Form
amount to enter on Form 8615, line 1, by using
4868 or you can file it electronically. See the
Income from property received as a gift.
the worksheet in the instructions for the form.
instructions for Form 4868 for details.
A child’s investment income includes all income
However, use the following worksheet
produced by property belonging to the child.
An extension of time to file is not an
if the child has excluded any foreign
This is true even if the property was transferred
extension of time to pay. You must
earned income or deducted a loss from
to the child, regardless of when the property was
make an accurate estimate of the tax
self-employment or a net operating loss from
transferred or purchased or who transferred it.
for 2006. If you do not pay the full amount due by
another year.
the regular due date, the child will owe interest
A child’s investment income includes income
and may also be charged penalties. See Form
produced by property given as a gift to the child.
Alternate Worksheet
4868 and its instructions.
This includes gifts to the child from grandparents
for Form 8615, Line 1
or any other person and gifts made under the
A. Enter the amount from the
Parent’s return information not available. If
Uniform Gift to Minors Act.
child’s Form 1040, line 22, or
a child cannot get the required information about
Form 1040NR, line 23 . . . . . .
his or her parent’s tax return, the child (or the
Example. Amanda Black, age 13, received
child’s legal representative) can request the
B. Enter the total of any net loss
the following income.
necessary information from the Internal Reve-
from self-employment, any net
Dividends — $600
nue Service (IRS).
operating loss deduction, any
foreign earned income
Wages — $2,100
How to request. After the end of the tax
exclusion, and any foreign
year, send a signed, written request for the infor-
Taxable interest — $1,200
housing exclusion from the
mation to the Internal Revenue Service Center
child’s Form 1040 or Form
Tax-exempt interest — $100
where the parent’s return will be filed. (The IRS
1040NR. Enter this total as a
cannot process a request received before the
Capital gains — $300
positive number (greater than
end of the tax year.)
zero) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capital losses — ($200)
You should also consider getting an
C. Add line A and line B and
The dividends were qualified dividends on stock
extension of time to file the child’s re-
enter the total. . . . . . . . . . . .
given to her by her grandparents.
turn, because there may be a delay in
D. Enter the child’s earned
getting the requested information.
Amanda’s investment income is $1,900. This
income plus any amount from
The request must contain all of the following.
is the total of the dividends ($600), taxable inter-
the child’s Form 1040, line 30
est ($1,200), and capital gains reduced by capi-
or the child’s Form 1040NR,
A statement that you are making the re-
tal losses ($300 − $200 = $100). Her wages are
line 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
quest to comply with section 1(g) of the
earned (not investment) income because they
Internal Revenue Code and that you have
Generally, the child’s earned
are received for work actually done. Her
tried to get the information from the par-
income is the total of the
tax-exempt interest is not included because it is
amounts reported on Form
1040, lines 7, 12, and 18 (if line
Proof the child is under 18 years of age
12 or 18 is a loss, use zero) or
(for example, a copy of the child’s birth
Trust income. If a child is the beneficiary of
Form 1040NR, lines 8, 13, and
a trust, distributions of taxable interest, divi-
19 (if line 13 or 19 is a loss,
dends, capital gains, and other investment in-
Evidence the child has more than $1,700
use zero)
come from the trust are investment income to
of unearned income (for example, a copy
E. Subtract line D from line C.
the child.
of the child’s prior year tax return or copies
Enter the result here and on
of Forms 1099 for the current year).
However, taxable distributions from a quali-
Form 8615, line 1 . . . . . . . . .
fied disability trust are considered earned in-
The name, address, social security num-
come for the purposes of completing Form
ber (if known), and filing status (if known)
8615. See the Form 8615 instructions for de-
of the parent whose information is to be
Investment income defined. Investment in-
shown on Form 8615.
come is generally all income other than salaries,
Adjustment to income. In figuring the
wages, and other amounts received as pay for
A child’s legal representative making the re-
amount to enter on line 1, the child’s investment
work actually done. It includes taxable interest,
quest should include a copy of his or her Power
income is reduced by any penalty on the early
dividends, capital gains (including capital gain
of Attorney, such as Form 2848, or proof of legal
withdrawal of savings.
distributions), the taxable part of social security
and pension payments, and certain distributions
Step 1. Figuring the Child’s
from trusts. Investment income includes
Line 2 (Deductions)
amounts produced by assets the child obtained
Net Investment Income
with earned income (such as interest on a sav-
If the child does not itemize deductions on
(Form 8615, Part I)
ings account into which the child deposited
Schedule A (Form 1040 or Form 1040NR), enter
$1,700 on line 2.
The first step in figuring a child’s tax using Form
If the child does itemize deductions, enter on
8615 is to figure the child’s net investment in-
Nontaxable income. For this purpose, in-
come. To do that, use Form 8615, Part I. For an
vestment income includes only amounts the
line 2 the larger of:
Publication 929 (2006)
Page 11


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