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Character has been defined by the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists as the combination of
qualities that distinguish one individual from another. Good character connotes moral and ethical strength
and includes integrity, candor, honesty and trustworthiness. Character is what a person is, while reputation
is what others believe that person to be. An applicant must be of both good character and reputation to be
a member.
Determination of good character will be made by reference to the applicant’s responses to several self-
disclosure questions on the application form, through responses from referees, with other sources of
information or through direct contact made during the application process.
APGO Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics (O. Reg. 60/01), to which the applicant for membership in the Association of Professional
Geoscientists of Ontario has declared to conform to and abide by, may be found on the APGO website at
or on the Government of Ontario website at under Ontario Regulation
60/01. A copy of this regulation may be requested from the Association office.


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