Instructions For Form M-6gs 2010


(REV. 2010)
NOTE: For transfers before May 1, 2010, use
a taxable termination or a direct skip from a trust,
distributee’s social security number, otherwise
Form M-6GS (Rev. 2004)
the tax is paid by the trustee. For a direct skip
leave blank.
other than a direct skip from a trust, the transferor
NOTE: References to the federal Generation-
Federal Employer Identification Number —
is liable for paying the tax.
Skipping Transfer Tax means the tax as
Enter the federal employer identification number
6. Estimated Tax Payment — Persons who will
determined under federal law as it read on
of the trust distributee or trust.
December 31, 2009.
be filing Form M-6GS after the filing deadline
Name and Title of Person Filing Return — If
(by April 15 of the year following the calendar
1. Purpose of Form — Section 236D-3.5,
the skip person distributee is a trust, enter the
year when the distributions were made or the
Hawaii Revised Statutes, provides for a state
trustee’s name. If the skip person distributee is a
termination occurred) because they have an
generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax. The tax
minor or is under some disability that precludes
extension may make an estimated tax payment
is imposed on all generation-skipping transfers
the individual from filing the report, enter the
prior to filing Form M-6GS by submitting a letter,
of property in Hawaii or property from a resident
name of the person who is legally responsible
Form VP-2, and payment for the estimated tax
trust. The tax is due on a generation-skipping
for conducting the affairs of the distributee, such
due. Include this amount on line 12.
transfer (other than a direct skip) that occurs at
as a parent or guardian, also, include the title or
7. Federal Form Requirement — A complete
the same time as, or as a result of, the death of
relationship to the distributee.
an individual. Property subject to Hawaii GST tax
true copy of the appropriate federal Generation-
Address — Enter the address of the person filing
includes all real and personal property subject to
Skipping Tax Return Form 706-GS(D)(Rev.
the report.
the federal GST tax. Hawaii GST tax is equal to
2008) or Form 706-GS(T)(Rev. 2008) must be
the amount of the federal credit for state taxes
filed with this report. Complete federal Form
Type of Federal Return Filed — Check the
allowed by Internal Revenue Code section 2604
706-GS(D)(Rev. 2008) through line 7, or federal
appropriate box. Be sure to attach a complete
as it read at December 31, 2000.
Form 706-GS(T)(Rev. 2008) through line 10. The
true copy of the appropriate federal return to this
federal Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax is to
A credit is allowed for GST taxes paid to another
be determined under federal law as it read on
state. If the GST is subject in another state to a
Line 1 — Enter the maximum credit for state
December 31, 2009.
similar tax and qualifies for the federal credit, the
GST taxes from federal Form 706-GS(D) or 706-
8. Changes to Hawaii Generation-Skipping
amount of the tax due is credited with the lesser
GS(T). If a generation-skipping transfer (other
Tax Report (Form M-6GS) — If changes need
of (1) the amount of the tax paid to the other
than a direct skip) occurs at the same time as, or
state and credited against the federal tax; or (2)
to be made to the Hawaii Generation-Skipping
as a result of, the death of an individual, a credit
an amount computed by multiplying the federal
Transfer Tax Report, an amended report must be
is allowed against the federal GST tax for the
credit by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
filed. Complete Form M-6GS, write “AMENDED”
GST tax actually paid to any state in respect to
value of the property subject to GST tax paid to
at the top of the report, and attach a statement
any property included in the generation-skipping
the other state, and the denominator of which is
of the changes and corrections made. Schedule
transfer, however, the aggregate amount allowed
the value of all property subject to the federal
AMD may be used for this statement. Attach any
as a credit is limited to 5% of the amount of the
GST tax. If either (1) or (2) results in an amount
federal Form 706-GS(D)(Rev. 2008) or 706-GS(T)
federal GST tax that would have been imposed
less than the total federal credit allowed being
(Rev. 2008) schedules affected by the corrections
on the transfer(s).
paid to all states which may claim any part of the
or changes.
Complete lines 2 through 7 ONLY if there is
credit, then the interested states may agree to
An amended report must be filed anytime the
property located in states other than Hawaii.
a fair and equitable apportionment of the credit
Hawaii report needs adjustment. In the case of
without regard to the residence of the trust.
Line 2 — Enter the appropriate gross value:
property located in states other than Hawaii, a
2. Who Must File —The Form M-6GS is filed
Hawaii amended report must also be filed when
A. Resident, enter the entire value of the
by the person or persons responsible, or who
the tax paid to other states changes. Interest or
transferred or distributed property located outside
would be responsible, for filing the federal GST
penalties paid to other states for delinquent tax
of Hawaii (includes intangible and tangible
tax return.
payments cannot be included on line 6.
property with a situs outside Hawaii).
3. Time to File —This report is due on or after
9. Penalty and Interest —
B. Nonresident, enter the entire value of the
January 1 but not later than April 15 of the year
(a) Penalty for failure to file is equal to 5% of the
transferred or distributed property less the value
following the calendar year when the distributions
of any interest in Hawaii real and tangible personal
tax due for each month or part of a month that the
were made, including any extensions of time
property located in Hawaii. Include the amount
report is delinquent, up to a maximum of 25% of
for filing this report.
An automatic six-month
of intangible property with a business situs in
the tax payable.
extension to file the report may be requested by
Hawaii. (Identify Hawaii property on federal Form
(b) Penalty for failure to pay after filing timely
filing Form M-68GS on or before the due date of
706-GS(D) or 706-GS(T)).
report is 20% of the tax unpaid within 60 days
the report.
of the prescribed due date. The 60-day period
Line 3 — Enter the gross value of the transferred
An extension of time to file is not an extension of
is calculated beginning with the prescribed due
property. This amount is the total gross transfers
time to pay the tax. Any request for an extension
date even if the prescribed due date falls on a
reported on the federal return. This gross amount
of time to file the Hawaii Generation-Skipping
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
is prior to any adjustments for expenses or any
Transfer Tax Report must be accompanied by
(c) Interest is computed on underpayment or
other allowable deductions used in computing
payment of the tax. Interest will be owed on any
nonpayment of tax at a rate of 2/3 of 1% a month
the taxable transfer amounts.
additional amount of tax over the amount paid
or part of a month which begins to run after April
Line 6 — Enter the total of all GST taxes actually
with the extension to file.
15 of the year following the calendar year when
paid to any state other than Hawaii in respect of
the distribution or termination occurs, regardless
4. Where to File —The completed report is
any property subject to the GST tax.
of any extension to file the report or pay the tax.
mailed to the Hawaii Department of Taxation,
Line 7 — Compare lines 5 and 6 and enter the
P. O. Box 259, Honolulu, HI 96809-0259.
lesser amount. This is the allowable credit for
5. Payment of Tax — Due date of payment is the
Name — Enter the name of the skip person
GST taxes paid to another state(s).
same as time for filing. However, any tax due but
distributee or the trust.
Line 14 — Pay the amount shown. Attach a
not paid by the due date will incur interest from
Social Security Number — For skip person
the due date, regardless of any extension of time
check or money order payable to “Hawaii State
to file the report. For taxable distributions, the
distributees who are individuals, enter the
Tax Collector”; pay in U.S. dollars drawn on any
GST tax is paid by the transferee; in the case of
U.S. bank. Do not send cash.


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