Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2005 Page 9


deposit of taxes for each semimonthly period in the
Alternative method taxes
Enter the tax included in amounts billed or
calendar quarter is at least
(16.67%) of the tax liability
tickets sold during the period beginning
you would have had for the look-back quarter if the
September 1 and ending September 10/11
increased rate of tax had been in effect for that look-back
in box S, Special rule for September box
on the 4th quarter return.
Any quarter if liability includes any tax not in effect
For the remaining days in the September period,
throughout the look-back quarter; or
report the liability as follows:
For deposits under the alternative method, any quarter
if liability includes any tax not in effect throughout the
look-back quarter and the month preceding the look-back
Regular method taxes
Enter the liability for the period beginning
September 26/27 and ending September
30 in box F.
Requirements to be met. For the safe harbor rule to
Alternative method taxes
Enter the tax included in the amounts billed
apply, you must:
or tickets sold for the period beginning
Make each deposit timely at an authorized financial
September 11/12 and ending September
institution and
15 in box M of the 4th quarter return.
Pay any underpayment for the current quarter by the
Enter the tax included in amounts billed or
due date of the return.
tickets sold during the period beginning
September 16 and ending September 30 in
If you meet the requirements and use the safe harbor
box N of the 4th quarter return.
rule, check the box on line 5 of Form 720.
The IRS may withdraw the right to make deposits
of tax using the safe harbor rule from any person
Schedule T—Two-Party Exchange
not complying with these rules.
Information Reporting
In a two-party exchange, the receiving person, not the
delivering person, is liable for the tax imposed on the
Schedule A—Excise Tax Liability
removal of taxable fuel from the terminal at the terminal
rack. A two-party exchange means a transaction (other
than a sale) where the delivering person and receiving
How to complete. Complete Schedule A to record net
person are both taxable fuel registrants and all of the
tax liabilities for Part I taxes for each semimonthly period
following occur.
in a quarter even if your net liability is under $2,500.
The transaction includes a transfer from the delivering
The following table will help you determine which
person, who holds the inventory position for the taxable
boxes to complete on Schedule A.
fuel in the terminal as reflected in the records of the
terminal operator.
AND enter the net
The exchange transaction occurs before or at the
IF you are reporting under THEN you report on tax liability in
same time as completion of removal across the rack by
the receiving person.
Regular method
A – F
The terminal operator in its records treats the receiving
Alternative method
M – R
person as the person that removes the product across
the terminal rack for purposes of reporting the transaction
If you are reporting more than one type of tax on
on Form 720-TO, Terminal Operator Report.
lines 1 and 2:
The transaction is the subject of a written contract.
1. Add the net tax liability for each tax for each
semimonthly period and
Information reporting. Schedule T — Two-Party
2. Enter the total in the applicable box.
Exchange Information Reporting, is used to report
gallons of taxable fuel:
Additional rules. Report communications and air
Received in a two-party exchange within a terminal.
transportation taxes based on:
These gallons must also be included on the appropriate
Actual collections on line 1.
line on page 1 of Form 720, or
Amounts billed or tickets sold on line 2. The amount of
Delivered in a two-party exchange contemporaneous
tax to report for a semimonthly period is the net amount
with a removal across the rack.
that is considered collected during that period.
Enter all gallons of fuel received or delivered in a
Example. The amounts billed for communications
two-party exchange within a terminal for the applicable
services from June 1-15, 2005, are considered collected
during the period July 1-7, 2005, and are reported for the
3rd quarter of 2005 on Schedule A in box M, not the 2nd
quarter of 2005.
Schedule C—Claims
Reporting tax liability under the special September
Complete all information requested for each line,
rule. An additional reporting is required under the
including month income tax year ends and period of
special September rule (for the period shown in the chart
claim, or for line 14, earliest and latest date of sale
above) as follows:
included in the claim. Your claim will be disallowed if you
do not follow the required procedures or do not provide
Regular method taxes
Enter the tax liability for the period
all the required information. Also, you are certifying to the
beginning September 16 and ending
applicable statement(s) on Schedule C when you make a
September 25/26 in box G, Special rule for
claim. See Pub. 378 and Pub. 510 for more information.


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