Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2005 Page 8


see Publication 966, The Secure Way to Pay Your
The net amount of tax that is considered collected
Federal Taxes.
during the semimonthly period must be either:
The net amount of tax reflected in the separate
Depositing on time. For EFTPS deposits to be on
account for the corresponding semimonthly period of the
time, you must initiate the transaction at least one
preceding month or
business day before the date the deposit is due.
One-half of the net amount of tax reflected in the
Federal Tax Deposit Coupons. If you are not making
separate account for the preceding month.
deposits by EFTPS, use Form 8109 to make the deposits
Special rule for deposits of taxes in September 2005.
at an authorized financial institution. See the instructions
If you are required to make deposits, see the chart below.
in the coupon book for additional information. If you do
The special rule does not apply to taxes not required to
not have a coupon book, call 1-800-829-4933.
be deposited (see Payment of Taxes on page 7). See
Regulations section 40.6302(c)-2 for rules to figure the
You will automatically be enrolled in EFTPS when
net tax liability for the deposits due in September.
you apply for an EIN. You will receive a separate
mailing containing instructions for activating your
Additional deposit of taxes in September 2005
EFTPS enrollment after you receive your EIN. You will
still have the option to use FTD coupons, but see
For the Period
Electronic deposit requirement on page 7.
Due Date
Type of Tax
When To Make Deposits
Regular method taxes
There are two methods for determining deposits: the
Sept. 16
Sept. 26
Sept. 29
regular method and the alternative method.
Sept. 16
Sept. 25
Sept. 28
The regular method applies to all taxes in Part I of
Alternative method taxes (IRS
Form 720 except for communications and air
Nos. 22, 26, 27, and 28)
transportation taxes if deposits are based on amounts
(based on amounts billed)
billed or tickets sold, rather than on amounts actually
Sept. 1
Sept. 11
Sept. 29
collected. See Alternative method below.
Sept. 1
Sept. 10
Sept. 28
If you are depositing more than one tax under a
See Electronic deposit requirement on page 7.
method, combine all the taxes under the method and
make one deposit for the semimonthly period.
For the remaining days in September, be sure to
Regular method. The deposit of tax for a semimonthly
make your deposits by the regular due date.
period is due by the 14th day following that period.
Generally, this is the 29th day of a month for the first
Amount To Deposit
semimonthly period and the 14th day of the following
month for the second semimonthly period. If the 14th or
Deposits of taxes for a semimonthly period must be at
the 29th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
least 95% of the amount of net tax liability for that period,
holiday, you must make the deposit by the immediately
unless the safe harbor rule applies. See Safe Harbor
preceding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
Rule below.
The net tax liability for a semimonthly period is the
Alternative method (IRS Nos. 22, 26, 27, and 28).
total liability for the period minus any claims on Schedule
Deposits of communications and air transportation taxes
C for the period. Net tax liability for a semimonthly period
may be based on taxes included in amounts billed or
may be figured by dividing the net tax liability for the
tickets sold during a semimonthly period instead of on
month by 2, provided this method of computation is used
taxes actually collected during the period. Under the
for all semimonthly periods in the calendar quarter.
alternative method, the tax included in amounts billed or
The net tax liability for a semimonthly period is not
tickets sold during a semimonthly period is considered
reduced by any amounts from Form 720X.
collected during the first 7 days of the second following
semimonthly period. The deposit of tax is due by the 3rd
banking day after the 7th day of that period.
Safe Harbor Rule
Example. The tax included in amounts billed or
The safe harbor rule applies separately to deposits under
tickets sold for the period June 16-30, 2005, is
the regular method and the alternative method. Persons
considered collected from July 16-22, 2005, and must be
who filed Form 720 for the look-back quarter (the 2nd
deposited by July 27, 2005.
calendar quarter preceding the current quarter) are
considered to meet the semimonthly deposit requirement
To use the alternative method, you must keep a
if the deposit for each semimonthly period in the current
separate account of the tax included in amounts billed or
quarter is at least
(16.67%) of the net tax liability
tickets sold during the month and report on Form 720 the
reported for the look-back quarter.
tax included in amounts billed or tickets sold and not the
amount of tax that is actually collected. For example,
For the semimonthly period for which the additional
amounts billed in December, January, and February are
deposit is required, the additional deposit must be at
considered collected during January, February, and
(11.12%) for non-EFTPS, of the
March and are reported on Form 720 as the tax for the
net tax liability reported for the look-back quarter. Also,
1st quarter of the calendar year.
the total deposit for that semimonthly period must be at
(16.67%) of the net tax liability reported for the
The separate account for any month cannot include an
look-back quarter.
adjustment resulting from a refusal to pay or inability to
collect unless the refusal has been reported to the IRS.
Exceptions. The safe harbor rule does not apply to:
See Communications and Air Transportation Taxes —
The 1st and 2nd quarters beginning on or after the
Uncollected Tax Report on page 4.
effective date of an increase in the rate of tax unless the


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