Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2005 Page 5


on line (a) of IRS No. 62. If you are liable for the gasoline
Gross vehicle weight. The gross vehicle weight means
tax on events other than removal at the terminal rack,
the maximum total weight of a loaded vehicle. Generally,
report these gallons on line (b) of IRS No. 62. If you are
this maximum total weight is the gross vehicle weight
liable for the gasoline tax because you have blended
rating provided by the manufacturer or determined by the
alcohol with taxed gasoline outside of the bulk transfer/
seller of the completed article. The seller’s gross vehicle
terminal system, report these gallons of alcohol on line
weight rating must be determined for excise tax purposes
(c) of IRS. No. 62. If you report gallons on line 62(c), do
on the basis of the strength of the chassis frame and the
not report those gallons on line 62(b).
axle capacity and placement. The seller may not take into
account any readily attachable components (such as tires
Multiply the total number of gallons subject to tax on
or rim assemblies) in determining the gross vehicle
lines (a), (b), and (c) by $.184. Combine the tax for lines
weight. See Regulations section 145.4051-1(e)(3) for
(a), (b), and (c), and make one entry in the tax column.
more information.
Also see Schedule T, Two-Party Exchange Information
Reporting on page 9 if applicable.
The following four classifications of truck body types
meet the suitable for use standard and will be excluded
Other fuels (IRS No. 79). Use the following table to
from the retail excise tax.
determine the tax for each gallon. Fill in the number of
Platform truck bodies 21 feet or less in length.
gallons and the appropriate rate in the Rate column on
the line for IRS No. 79. If more than one rate applies,
Dry freight and refrigerated truck van bodies 24 feet or
leave the Rate column blank and attach a schedule
less in length.
showing the rates and number of gallons taxed at each
Dump truck bodies with load capacities of eight cubic
yards or less.
Refuse packer truck bodies with load capacities of 20
Tax Rate
cubic yards or less.
per Gallon
These four classifications are effective for sales on or
Liquefied natural gas
after April 4, 2005. For more information, see Rev. Proc.
Qualified —
2005-19, which is on page 832 of Internal Revenue
Ethanol produced from coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bulletin 2005-14 at
Methanol produced from coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Partially exempt —
Ethanol produced from natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section 4051(d) tire credit. A tax credit may be taken
Methanol produced from natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
equal to the amount of tax that has been imposed on
each tire that is sold on or in connection with the first
Other fuels not shown
retail sale of a taxable vehicle reported on IRS No. 33.
Claim the section 4051(d) tire credit on Schedule C,
Compressed natural gas (IRS No. 101). Tax is
line 15a.
imposed on compressed natural gas (CNG) that is sold
for use or used as fuel in a motor vehicle or motorboat.
Luxury Tax
The rate of tax is $.4854 per thousand cubic feet
(determined at standard temperature and pressure).
The tax on sales of luxury passenger vehicles
(IRS No. 92) expired after December 31, 2002.
Retail Tax
However, the tax continues to apply to payments
taxpayers receive for long-term leases of luxury
Truck, trailer, and semitrailer chassis and
passenger vehicles entered into before January 1, 2003.
bodies, and tractors (IRS No. 33)
Until the end of the lease, taxpayers must continue to pay
the tax at the rate in effect when the lease was entered
Tractors that have a gross vehicle weight of
into on each lease payment and report the tax each
19,500 pounds or less and a gross combined
quarter on Form 720.
weight of 33,000 pounds or less are excluded
from the 12% tax.
Ship Passenger Tax
The tax is 12% (.12) of the sales price on the first retail
Transportation by water (IRS No. 29). A tax is imposed
sale of each unit. The tax applies to:
Truck chassis and bodies except truck chassis and
on the operator of commercial ships. The tax is $3 for
each passenger on a commercial passenger ship that
bodies suitable for use with a vehicle with a gross vehicle
weight (GVW) of 33,000 pounds or less,
has berth or stateroom accommodations for at least 17
Trailer and semitrailer chassis and bodies except
passengers if the trip is over 1 or more nights. A voyage
extends “over 1 or more nights” if it lasts longer than 24
trailer and semitrailer chassis and bodies suitable for use
with a vehicle with a GVW of 26,000 pounds or less, and
hours. The tax also applies to passengers on any
commercial ship that transports passengers engaged in
Tractors of the kind chiefly used for highway
gambling aboard the ship beyond the territorial waters of
transportation in combination with a trailer or semitrailer,
except tractors that have a gross vehicle weight of
the United States. Enter the number of passengers for
the quarter on the line for IRS No. 29.
19,500 pounds or less and a gross combined weight of
33,000 pounds or less. Generally, gross combined weight
means the weight of a tractor and the weight of its
Other Excise Tax
Obligations not in registered form (IRS No. 31). For
The sales price of a unit includes the sales price of
obligations issued during the quarter, enter the principal
certain related parts and accessories sold on or in
amount of the obligation multiplied by the number of
connection with the sale of the unit.
calendar years (or portion thereof) during the period
beginning on the issue date and ending on the maturity
Figure the tax for each unit sold and enter the total for
date on the line for IRS No. 31.
the quarter on the line for IRS No. 33.


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