Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2005


Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 720
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. October 2005)
Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
The tax on use of international air travel facilities (IRS
General Instructions
No. 27) increases for amounts paid during 2006. For
flights that begin or end in the United States, the rate will
What’s New
be $14.50 per person. For domestic segments that begin
or end in Alaska or Hawaii (applies only to departures),
Hurricane relief. Taxpayers affected by the recent
the rate will be $7.30 per person.
hurricanes are eligible for relief. See Help for Hurricane
For amounts paid for each domestic segment of
Victims at or call 1-866-562-5227.
taxable transportation of persons by air (IRS No. 26), the
domestic segment tax increases to $3.30 per segment for
Changes Effective For The Fourth Calendar
transportation that begins in 2006.
Quarter of 2005
Effective January 1, 2006, the rate of tax for
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 contains the following
diesel-water emulsions will be $.198 per gallon if certain
provisions effective after September 30, 2005.
requirements are met. Energy Policy Act of 2005.
The Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) tax
Renewable diesel will generally be treated the same as
rate ($.001) generally applies to removals, entries, and
biodiesel for tax and credit purposes. Effective for fuel
sales of dyed diesel fuel, dyed kerosene, kerosene for
sold or used after December 31, 2005. SAFETEA.
use in aviation (nontaxable uses and foreign trade),
The rules regarding sales of certain taxable fuel to
gasoline blendstocks, kerosene used for a feedstock
states and nonprofit educational organizations will
purpose, and diesel fuel or kerosene used in Alaska. The
change. SAFETEA. See Notice 2005-80.
following abstracts have been added to Form 720.
Taxable tires (IRS No. 66) will be split into 3 separate
1. IRS No. 105, Dyed diesel fuel, LUST tax.
abstracts. SAFETEA.
2. IRS No. 107, Dyed kerosene, LUST tax.
3. IRS No. 111, Kerosene for use in aviation, LUST
1. IRS No. 108, Taxable tires other than biasply or
super single tires.
tax on nontaxable uses, including foreign trade.
4. IRS No. 119, LUST tax, other exempt removals.
2. IRS No. 109, Taxable biasply or super single tires
The LUST tax generally will not be credited or
(other than super single tires designed for steering).
refunded, except for exported fuel. The affected rates on
3. IRS No. 113, Taxable tires, super single tires
Schedule C (Form 720) have been reduced by $.001 to
designed for steering.
reflect this change. Line 15b has been added to
Schedule C to make claims for exported fuel. See Claims
Electronic Payment
for Exported Fuel on page 14.
Now, more than ever before, businesses can enjoy the
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient
benefits of paying their federal taxes electronically.
Transportation Equity Act of 2005 (SAFETEA) contains
Whether you rely on a tax professional or handle your
the following provisions effective after Sept. 30, 2005.
own taxes, the IRS offers you a convenient program to
Aviation-grade kerosene is eliminated as a type of fuel
make it easier. Spend less time on taxes and more time
and is now taxed as kerosene at $.244 per gallon unless
running your business. Use Electronic Federal Tax
a reduced rate applies. See Kerosene for use in aviation
Payment System (EFTPS) to your benefit. For
on page 4 and Schedule C – Claims on page 9.
information on EFTPS, visit or call EFTPS
Registered ultimate vendors cannot make claims for
Customer Service at 1-800-555-4477. Also see How To
undyed diesel fuel and undyed kerosene (other than
Make Deposits on page 7.
kerosene for use in aviation) sold for use on a farm for
farming purposes. Ultimate purchasers may use line 3d
Purpose of Form
or 4c of Schedule C to make these claims. See Schedule
C– Claims on page 9.
Use Form 720 and attachments to report liability by IRS
Certain tractors are not subject to the 12% retail tax.
No. and pay the excise taxes listed on the form.
See Truck, trailer, and semitrailer chassis and bodies,
and tractors on page 5.
When To File
Limousines over 6,000 pounds are not subject to the
gas guzzler tax. See Form 6197, Gas Guzzler Tax.
You must file a return for each quarter of the calendar
The tax on fishing rods and fishing poles (and
year as follows:
component parts) taxed at a rate of 10% will have a
maximum tax of $10. See Fishing rods and fishing poles
Quarter covered
Due by
on page 6.
Jan., Feb., Mar.
April 30
Changes Effective For The First Calendar
Apr., May, June
July 31
Quarter of 2006
July, Aug., Sept.
October 31
The tax on arrow shafts increases to $.40 per arrow
Oct., Nov., Dec.
January 31
Cat. No. 64240C


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