Employer'S Quarterly Earned Income Tax Return Form - Palmer Township Page 2


3 Weller Place, P.O. Box 3039, PALMER PA 18043-3039
PHONE: 610-253-7191
FAX: 610-253-9957
In order to insure proper coding and to efficiently and accurately disburse all monies, we
need your cooperation on the following regarding your EMPLOYER’S QUARTERLY
1. First-time employees must have a social security number and a FULL
ADDRESS to insure proper coding. You may list a PO Box number
providing it is accompanied by a full address. Please keep us advised of any
address changes and moving dates of your employees to enable us to continue
correct coding.
2. Please provide us with your phone number, an 800 number if available, and a
local address and phone number of the business.
3. All monies that are owed for the quarter are due along with the filing of the
report, (the tax is 1% of the gross earnings, rounding of figures is not
Failure to do so could result in late fees plus interest and penalties of up to $500.
Please be advised that should a due date fall on either a Sunday or a legal holi-
day, the reports are then due on the following business day.
4. All quarterly reports are due on or before the following dates:
1st Quarter Due -----
April 30th
2nd Quarter Due ----
July 31st
3rd Quarter Due -----
October 31st
4th Quarter Due -----
January 31st
Be advised, if you are using a payroll service, they are to deduct 1% Wage Tax for all
employees. If these monies are not sent in on time, interest, penalties and late fees will be
charged to you. Should you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please
phone or Fax us at the numbers listed above.
Thank you for your cooperation.


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