Reporting Instructions Form For Oil And Gas Taxes - North Dakota Office Of State Tax Commissioner Page 8


Original or Amended Report:
Check only one.
No amended entries for prior reporting periods may be reported on an original monthly report.
Individual T-12 coversheets and worksheets must be submitted for each monthly period being reported.
Do not combine months on the same report.
Producer or Purchaser Report:
Check only one.
Year/Month: Enter numerals, e.g. 200007 for July 2000.
Federal I.D. Number: Enter nine-digit Federal I.D. number.
Name, Address, and Telephone Number: Enter company name and address (including a nine-digit zip code). Enter telephone number
of individual completing report.
Line 1.
Gross Production Tax Paid with Report: Total of the Block 8 entries on the T-12 worksheets (round to two decimal places).
Line 2.
Penalty on Gross Production Tax: N.D.C.C. § 57-51-10 provides that a penalty of $5.00 or 5% of the tax due, whichever is
greater, is imposed on delinquent oil taxes due. Penalty will not be imposed if all of the following conditions are met:
The original report was filed by the due date.
The tax reported and paid on the original report was 90% or more of the total tax due for the month.
An amended monthly report is filed within sixty days of the due date of the original report.
Line 3.
Interest on Late Gross Production Tax: N.D.C.C. § 57-51-10 provides for the payment of interest on all late payments of
the gross production tax at the rate of 1% of the tax due per month, for all or part of each calendar month the delinquency
continues, except for the month in which the tax became due. N.D.C.C. § 57-51-05(1) provides further that any taxpayer who
requests and is granted an extension of time for filing a report shall pay interest at the rate of 12% per annum (daily rate
of .000333) from the date the tax was due to the date the tax is paid.
Line 4.
Total Due: Add lines 1, 2, and 3.
Line 5.
Oil Extraction Tax Paid with Report: Total of the Block 13 entries on the T-12 worksheets (round to two decimal places).
Line 6.
Penalty on Oil Extraction Tax: Same as gross production tax.
Line 7.
Interest on Late Oil Extraction Tax: Same as gross production tax.
Line 8.
Total Due: Add lines 5, 6, and 7.
Line 9.
Total Due with Report: Line 4 plus line 8.
Line 10.
Tax Credits Claimed: Enter the credit to be applied as a positive. Line 10 may not exceed line 9.
Line 11.
Total Paid with this Report: Line 9 minus line 10.
Credit or Refund: If line 11 is a negative number, check “credit” or “refund” to indicate how the overpayment is to be applied.
Electronic Payment: If payment is submitted electronically, check the box in the lower left hand corner of the coversheet.
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