Reporting Instructions Form For Oil And Gas Taxes - North Dakota Office Of State Tax Commissioner Page 16


Block 13. Pool Code: Enter the pool code assigned by the Commissioner. If reporting on a well that produces from more than
one pool, enter any one of the valid pool codes (see Exhibits for a list of assigned pool codes).
Block 14. Wellhead BTU: Enter the average wellhead BTU content per cubic foot of delivered gas rounded to the nearest whole
number (i.e., report 1250.43 as 1250).
NOTE: BTU content is for a dry ideal gas at standard conditions of 60° Fahrenheit and at a pressure
base of 14.73 P.S.I. Absolute.
Block 15. Other Party Federal I.D. Number(s): Enter the Federal I.D. number of the party that produced/purchased the gas for each
lease. A total of three may be entered.
It is mandatory that all multiple entries for individual, group, or unit numbers include a “sequence number.”
Amended reports will replace previously filed data; complete worksheet entries are required. No back out entries are required.
Do not enter an API, group, or unit number if you are not submitting data for that well or lease.
All required blocks must be completed; incomplete reports may be returned to the reporting party for completion. Incomplete
reports that are returned are not considered to be timely filed.
Zeros must be entered after a decimal for cents (i.e., $1.00, not $1 or $1.--).
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