Instructions For Form 3800 - General Business Credit - Internal Revenue Service - 2011


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 3800
General Business Credit
Special Rules for Eligible
Treatment of partners and S
Section references are to the Internal
corporation shareholders. General
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Small Business Credits
business credits determined for a
partnership or S corporation cannot be
treated as ESBCs unless both the
What’s New
ESBCs. ESBCs determined in tax year
partnership or corporation and partner or
2010 can offset both regular tax and
shareholder meet the gross receipts test
1. Form 3800 has been redesigned.
AMT. Any unused ESBCs determined in
as discussed under Eligible small
The redesign includes:
tax year 2010 are carried back five years
business defined above for the tax year
and are used to offset regular tax and
that the credits are treated as current year
a. Part I is now titled Current Year
AMT in the carryback years. Generally,
general business credits.
Credit for Credits Not Allowed Against
ESBCs mean the sum of the general
Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT). The
Carryback and
business credits determined for the tax
credits previously reported in Part I, lines
year with respect to an eligible small
Carryforward of
1a through 1bb are now reported in Part
business. However, the new hire retention
III, lines 1a through 1bb.
credit (reported on Part III, line 1aa) is not
Unused Credit
an ESBC.
b. The passive activity limit and
If you cannot use part or all of your
carryover amounts for all general
Eligible small business defined. For
general business credit because of the
business credits are now reported on
purposes of the Small Business Jobs Act
tax liability limit (line 38 is less than the
Form 3800.
of 2010, an eligible small business is:
sum of Part I, line 6, and Part II, lines 24
A corporation whose stock is not
c. A new Part III is added to reflect all
and 36), carry the unused credit back one
publicly traded,
the general business credits that are
year (see Special 5-year carryback rule
A partnership, or
for ESBCs below). To carry back an
reported on Form 3800 and to identify the
A sole proprietorship.
unused credit, file an amended return
type of credit being reported. In addition,
(Form 1040X, Amended U.S. Individual
if a credit is being reported from a
The average annual gross receipts of
Income Tax Return, Form 1120X,
pass-through entity, the employer
the corporation, partnership, or sole
Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax
identification number (EIN) of the
proprietorship for the 3-tax-year period
Return, or other amended return) for the
pass-through entity must be entered in
preceding the tax year of the credits
prior tax year or an application for
Part III.
cannot exceed $50 million. Gross receipts
tentative refund (Form 1045, Application
for any tax year must be reduced by
2. The employer housing credit is no
for Tentative Refund, or Form 1139,
returns and allowances made during the
longer applicable and is removed from
Corporation Application for Tentative
year. Any reference to your business also
Part III, line 1.
Refund). Generally, if you file an
includes a reference to any predecessor
application for a tentative refund, it must
3. The IRS has created a page on
of your business.
be filed by the end of the tax year for information about Form 3800
following the tax year in which the credit
If your business was not in existence
and its instructions at
for the entire 3-year period, base your
Information about
average annual gross receipts on the
any future developments affecting Form
The new hire retention credit
period your business existed. Also, if your
3800 (such as legislation enacted after
cannot be carried back to tax
business had a tax year of less than 12
we release it) will be posted on that page.
years beginning before March 18,
months, your gross receipts must be
annualized by multiplying the gross
receipts for the short period by 12 and
Special 5-year carryback rule for
General Instructions
dividing the result by the number of
ESBCs. To carry back unused ESBCs
months in the short period.
determined in the first tax year beginning
Who Must File
in 2010, file an amended return (Form
Member of controlled group,
1040X, Form 1120X, or other amended
business under common control, or
You must file Form 3800 to claim any of
return) for the prior tax year or an
affiliated group. For purposes of the
the general business credits.
application for tentative refund (Form
gross receipts test, all members of a
1045 or Form 1139). Write “SBJA 2012”
controlled group of corporations (as
at the top of the form you use to file the
If your only source of credits listed on
defined in section 52(a)) and all members
amended return.
Form 3800, Part III, is from pass-through
of a group of businesses under common
entities, you may not be required to
control (as defined in section 52(b)), are
Carry back any unused ESBC by
complete the source credit form. Instead,
treated as a single person; and all
reporting it on the 2006 Form 6478, Credit
you may be able to report the credit
employees of the members of an affiliated
for Alcohol Used as a Fuel, line 10. Any
directly on Form 3800. For more details,
service group (as defined in sections
carryback of the ESBC not used in 2006
see Part III. General Business Credits or
414(m) and (o) shall be treated as
can be carried to 2007 (the next earliest
Eligible Small Business Credits, later.
employed by a single person.
carryback year), and so on, by including
Dec 13, 2011
Cat. No. 10622Q


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