Instructions For Form 8615 - Tax For Certain Children Who Have Investment Income Of More Than 1,900 - Internal Revenue Service - 2009 Page 2


Has a net loss from self-employment,
the amount from line 3 of that worksheet,
5. Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter the
instead of the parent’s taxable income.
result as a decimal (rounded to
Claims a net operating loss deduction.
at least three places). Do not
Line 8
enter more than 1.000 . . . . . .
Earned income. Earned income
includes wages, tips, and other payments
Enter on this line the total of lines 5, 6,
6. Multiply $1,900 by line 4 . . . . .
received for personal services performed.
and 7. You must determine the amount of
7. Multiply $1,900 by line 5 . . . . .
Generally, it is the total of the amounts
net capital gain and qualified dividends
8. Qualified dividends on Form
reported on Form 1040, lines 7, 12, and
included on this line before completing
8615, line 5. Subtract line 6 from
18; Form 1040A, line 7; or Form 1040NR,
line 9.
line 1 (but do not enter less than
lines 8, 13, and 19.
Net capital gain. Net capital gain is
zero or more than the amount on
Earned income also includes any
the smaller of the gain, if any, on
Form 8615, line 5) . . . . . . . . .
taxable distribution from a qualified
Schedule D, line 15, or the gain, if any, on
9. Net capital gain on Form 8615,
disability trust. A qualified disability trust is
Schedule D, line 16. If Schedule D is not
line 5. Subtract line 7 from line 2
any nongrantor trust:
required, it is the amount on line 13 of
(but do not enter less than zero
Form 1040, line 10 of Form 1040A, or line
1. Described in 42 U.S.C.
or more than the excess of Form
14 of Form 1040NR.
1396p(c)(2)(B)(iv) and established solely
8615, line 5, over line 8 of this
for the benefit of an individual under 65
Qualified dividends. Qualified
worksheet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
years of age who is disabled, and
dividends are those dividends reported on
2. All the beneficiaries of which are
line 9b of Form 1040 or Form 1040A or
determined by the Commissioner of
line 10b of Form 1040NR.
Line 5 Worksheet #2
Social Security to have been disabled for
Net capital gain and qualified
Keep for Your Records
some part of the tax year within the
dividends on line 8. If neither the child,
meaning of 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a)(3).
nor the parent, nor any other child has net
capital gain, the net capital gain on line 8
A trust will not fail to meet (2) above
Use this worksheet only if line 2 of the child’s
is zero. (The term “other child” means any
just because the trust’s corpus may revert
Form 8615 is more than $1,900 and lines 3
other child whose Form 8615 uses the tax
to a person who is not disabled after the
and 5 are the same amount.
return information of the parent identified
trust ceases to have any disabled
on Lines A and B of Form 8615.)
1. Enter the child’s qualified
If neither the child, nor the parent, nor
dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
any other child has qualified dividends,
Child’s Investment Income
2. Enter the child’s net capital gain
the amount of qualified dividends on line
Worksheet — Line 1
8 is zero.
Keep for Your Records
3. Add lines 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . .
If the child, parent, or any other child
4. Divide line 1 by line 3. Enter the
1. Enter the amount from the child’s
has net capital gain, figure the amount of
result as a decimal (rounded to
Form 1040, line 22; Form 1040A,
net capital gain included on line 8 by
at least three places) . . . . . . .
line 15; or Form 1040NR, line 23,
adding together the net capital gain
whichever applies . . . . . . . . . .
5. Enter the child’s itemized
amounts included on lines 5, 6, and 7. If
2. Enter the child’s earned income
deductions directly connected
the child, parent, or any other child has
(defined above) plus the amount
with the production of the child’s
qualified dividends, figure the amount of
of any penalty on early
qualified dividends or net capital
qualified dividends included on line 8 by
withdrawal of savings from the
gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
adding together the qualified dividend
child’s Form 1040, line 30, or
amounts included on lines 5, 6, and 7.
Form 1040NR, line 29, whichever
6. Multiply line 4 by line 5 . . . . . .
Use the following discussions to find
applies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Subtract line 6 from line 5 . . . .
these amounts.
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1. Enter
the result here and on Form
Net capital gain or qualified
8. Subtract line 7 from line 2 . . . .
8615, line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dividends on line 5. If the child has a
9. Subtract line 6 from line 1 . . . .
net capital gain or qualified dividends, use
10. Enter the amount from the
the appropriate Line 5 Worksheet on this
Line 2
child’s Form 8615, line 1 . . . . .
page or page 3 to find the amount of each
included on line 5. These worksheets are
If the child itemized deductions, enter the
11. Divide line 1 by line 10. Enter
needed to adjust the child’s net capital
larger of:
the result as a decimal (rounded
gain and qualified dividends by the
$1,900, or
to at least three places). Do not
appropriate allocated amount of the
$950 plus the portion of the amount on
enter more than 1.000 . . . . . .
child’s deductions.
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 29 (or Form
12. Divide line 2 by line 10. Enter
1040NR, Schedule A, line 17), that is
the result as a decimal (rounded
directly connected with the production of
to at least three places). Do not
the investment income on Form 8615,
Line 5 Worksheet #1
enter more than 1.000 minus
Keep for Your Records
line 1.
the amount on line 11 . . . . . .
Line 4
13. Multiply $950 by line 11 . . . . .
If the child files Form 2555 or 2555-EZ
14. Multiply $950 by line 12 . . . . .
Use this worksheet only if line 2 of the child’s
(relating to foreign earned income), enter
Form 8615 is $1,900 and lines 3 and 5 are the
15. Qualified dividends on Form
the amount from line 3 of the child’s
same amount.
8615, line 5. Subtract line 13
Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet
from line 9 (but do not enter less
(in the Form 1040 instructions), instead of
1. Enter the child’s qualified
than zero or more than the
the child’s taxable income.
dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
amount on Form 8615, line 5)
Line 6
2. Enter the child’s net capital gain
16. Net capital gain on Form
8615, line 5. Subtract line 14
If the parent filed a joint return, enter the
3. Enter the amount from the
from line 8 (but do not enter less
taxable income shown on that return even
child’s Form 8615, line 1 . . . . .
than zero or more than the
if the parent’s spouse is not the child’s
excess of Form 8615, line 5,
4. Divide line 1 by line 3. Enter the
over line 15 of this worksheet)
result as a decimal (rounded to
If the Foreign Earned Income Tax
at least three places). Do not
Worksheet (in the Form 1040 instructions)
enter more than 1.000 . . . . . .
was used to figure the parent’s tax, enter


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