Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 8


inventory valuation method. The applicant must complete
Schedule C—Changes Within the LIFO
Schedule D, Part III, Method of Cost Allocation. For exceptions,
Inventory Method
see Regulations section 1.263A-7(b)(2).
Line 5a. If the applicant properly elected the LIFO inventory
Use this schedule to request a change from one LIFO inventory
method but is unable to furnish a copy of Form(s) 970, attach
method or submethod to another LIFO inventory method or
the following statement to Form 3115:
submethod. All applicants changing within the LIFO inventory
method or submethods must complete Part I. Complete Part II
“I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief (name
only if applicable.
of applicant) properly elected the LIFO inventory method by
filing Form 970 with its return for the tax year(s) ended (insert
Part I—General LIFO Information
date(s)) and otherwise complied with the provisions of section
Line 6. Applicants changing to the IPIC method must use this
472(d) and Regulations section 1.472-3.”
method for all LIFO inventories. This includes applicants
Line 5c. Attach the three statements required by section
requesting designated automatic accounting method change
10.01(4) in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
numbers 61 or 62 in the List of Automatic Accounting
Method Changes.
Part III—Method of Cost Allocation
Applicants requesting to change their method of accounting for
Schedule D—Change in the Treatment of
any property (produced or acquired for resale) subject to
Long-Term Contracts Under Section 460,
section 263A or any long-term contracts as described in section
460 must complete this schedule.
Inventories, or Other Section 263A
If the change is for noninventory property that is subject to
section 263A, attach a detailed description of the types of
property involved and an explanation detailing how that
Part I—Change in Reporting Income
property was accounted for prior to January 1, 1987.
From Long-Term Contracts
There are several methods available for allocating and
capitalizing costs under section 263A, and for allocating and,
Line 2a. Under section 460(f), the term “long-term contract”
where appropriate, capitalizing costs properly allocable to
means any contract for the manufacture, building, installation,
long-term contracts. A change to or from any of these methods
or construction of property that is not completed in the tax year
is a change in accounting method that requires IRS consent.
in which it is entered into. However, a manufacturing contract
Using the applicable regulations and notice listed below, the
will not qualify as long-term unless the contract involves the
applicant should verify which methods are presently being used
manufacture of (a) a unique item not normally included in
and the proposed methods that will be used before completing
finished goods inventory or (b) any item that normally requires
Schedule D, Part III. These methods are as follows:
more than 12 calendar months to complete.
Generally, all long-term contracts entered into after July 10,
1. Allocating Direct and Indirect Costs
1989, that do not meet the exceptions under section 460(e)
Specific identification method — Regulations sections
must be accounted for using the percentage of completion
1.263A-1(f)(2) and 1.460-5.
method. See section 460 and the related regulations.
Burden rate method — Regulations sections 1.263A-1(f)(3)(i)
Line 2b. To qualify for the contract exceptions under section
and 1.460-5.
460(e), the contract must be:
Standard cost method — Regulations sections
1.263A-1(f)(3)(ii) and 1.460-5.
1. A home construction contract entered into after June 20,
Any other reasonable allocation method — Regulations
1988, involving dwelling units in buildings containing four or
sections 1.263A-1(f)(4) and 1.460-5.
fewer units, or
2. Any other construction contract entered into by the
2. Allocating Mixed Service Costs
applicant if, at the time the contract is entered into, it is
Direct reallocation method — Regulations section
expected to be completed within 2 years and the applicant’s
average annual gross receipts determined under section
Step-allocation method — Regulations section
460(e)(2) for the 3-year period preceding the tax year the
contract was entered into did not exceed $10 million.
Simplified service cost method:
Line 4b. Under the simplified cost-to-cost method, only certain
Using the labor-based allocation ratio — Regulations section
costs are used in determining both (a) costs allocated to the
contract and incurred before the close of the tax year and
Using the production cost allocation ratio — Regulations
(b) estimated contract costs. These costs are: (1) direct
section 1.263A-1(h)(5).
material costs; (2) direct labor costs; and (3) allowable
Any other reasonable allocation method — Regulations
deductions for depreciation, amortization, and cost recovery
section 1.263A-1(f)(4).
allowances on equipment and facilities directly used to
3. Capitalizing Additional Section 263A Costs
construct or produce the subject matter of the long-term
Simplified production method:
contract. See Regulations section 1.460-5(c).
Without historic absorption ratio election — Regulations
Part II—Change in Valuing Inventories Including
section 1.263A-2(b)(3).
Cost Allocation Changes
With historic absorption ratio election — Regulations section
If the applicant is currently using a LIFO inventory method or
submethod and is changing to another LIFO inventory method
Simplified resale method:
or submethod, Part II is not applicable. Use Schedule C,
Without historic absorption ratio election — Regulations
Changes Within the LIFO Inventory Method.
section 1.263A-3(d)(3).
Line 3. If an applicant is subject to, but not in compliance with,
With historic absorption ratio election — Regulations section
section 263A, generally on the same Form 3115 the applicant
must first comply with section 263A before changing an
U.S. ratio method — Notice 88-104, 1988-2 C.B. 443.


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