Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 6


applicable Code section, of the applicant and other taxpayers,
distinct trades or businesses (for purposes of Regulations
as applicable.
section 1.446-1(d)), including QSUBs or single-member LLCs;
2. A common parent corporation requesting the identical
Part III—Information For Advance
accounting method change on a single Form 3115 on behalf of
two or more members of the consolidated group;
Consent Request
3. A common parent requesting the identical accounting
method change on a single Form 3115 on behalf of two or more
Advance Consent Request Scope Limitations
CFCs that do not engage in a trade or business within the
An applicant may not use the advance consent request
United States where all controlling U.S. shareholders of the
procedures if any of the following four scope limitations apply at
CFCs are members of the consolidated group; or
the time the Form 3115 would be filed with the IRS National
4. A taxpayer requesting an identical accounting method
Office. See Rev. Proc. 97-27 as modified by Rev. Proc.
change on a single Form 3115 on behalf of two or more CFCs
that do not engage in a trade or business within the United
States for which the taxpayer is the sole controlling U.S.
1. The change in accounting method is required to be made
shareholder of the CFCs.
pursuant to a published automatic change procedure. For more
information, see section 4.02(1) of Rev. Proc. 97-27.
If any of the situations listed above apply, the user fee in
2. The applicant is under examination, except as provided in
section (A)(3)(b)(i) or section (A)(4) of Appendix A of Rev. Proc.
section 4.02(2) of Rev. Proc. 97-27, as modified by Rev. Proc.
2006-1, as applicable, must be paid for the first member of the
consolidated group, CFC, or separate and distinct trade or
3. The applicant is (or was formerly) a member of a
business, and the reduced user fee in section (A)(5)(b) of
consolidated group that is under examination, or before an
Appendix A must be paid for each additional member of the
Appeals office, or before a Federal court for the tax year(s) the
group, CFC, or separate and distinct trade or business. If a filer
applicant was a member of the group. For more information,
qualifies for a reduced user fee under section (A)(5)(b) of
see section 4.02(5) of Rev. Proc. 97-27.
Appendix A, the filer must submit the additional information
4. In the case of a partnership or S corporation, the
required by section 15.07 of Rev. Proc. 2006-1. A user fee is
accounting method the applicant is requesting to change is an
only required for members of the group, CFCs, or separate and
issue under consideration in an examination, or by an Appeals
distinct trades or businesses requesting the accounting method
office, or before a Federal court with respect to a partner,
change. See section 15.07(4) of Rev. Proc. 2006-1 for what
member, or shareholder of the applicant. For more information,
qualifies as an identical accounting method change.
see section 4.02(6) of Rev. Proc. 97-27.
Filers whose gross income is less than the amounts
specified in (A)(4) in Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1 qualify
Line 18. If the requested change is covered by an automatic
for a reduced user fee. For the definition of gross income, see
change request procedure, and the procedure applies to the
(B)(2), (3), and (4) in Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1. If the
applicant for the requested year of change, the applicant is not
filer qualifies for the reduced user fee under this provision, the
eligible to file an advance consent request. If the requested
filer must attach to the Form 3115 the representation required
change is covered by an automatic change request procedure,
by (B)(1) in Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
explain why the applicant is requesting to make the change
under advance consent request procedures.
For information on user fees for tax-exempt organizations,
see Rev. Proc. 2006-8, 2006-1 I.R.B. 245 (or its successor).
Line 19. For further details on what is to be included in the
attachment, see sections 9.03(1) (facts and other information),
The user fee (check or money order payable to the Internal
9.03(4) (analysis of material facts), 7.01(8) and 9.03(1)
Revenue Service) must be attached to the Form 3115 that is
(statement of supporting authorities), 9.03(2) (statement of
filed with the IRS National Office.
contrary authorities), and 9.03(7) (statement identifying pending
Part IV—Section 481(a) Adjustment
legislation) of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
Line 20. True copies of all contracts, agreements, and other
Line 24. Ordinarily, an adjustment under section 481(a) is
documents directly related to the proposed accounting method
required for accounting method changes. However, for certain
change must be submitted with the request. See section 9.03(3)
accounting method changes, the taxpayer must use the cut-off
of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
method. In those cases there is no section 481(a) adjustment.
Line 21. For further details on what is to be included in the
Line 25. Attach a schedule showing the section 481(a)
attachment, see section 7.01(1)(d) and 9.03(1) of Rev. Proc.
adjustment for each applicant included in the Form 3115. This
schedule may be combined with the information requested on
the fourth line on page 1 (list of applicants and their
Line 23. Taxpayers filing under the advance consent request
identification numbers) and on line 23 (user fee). Include a
procedures must pay a user fee for each Form 3115. See
summary of the computation of the section 481(a) adjustment
Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1. (Taxpayers filing under an
and an explanation of the methodology used to determine it. If
automatic change request procedure do not pay a user fee.)
the section 481(a) adjustment is based on more than one
A separate user fee must be paid for each member of an
component of the accounting method being changed, include a
affiliated group and for each separate and distinct trade or
summary of the computation for each component. The
business of a taxpayer (including a QSUB or a single-member
summary of the computation and explanation of the section
LLC) to which the requested advance consent accounting
481(a) adjustment need not be extensive but should be
method change applies. If the filer is not requesting an advance
sufficient to demonstrate that the section 481(a) adjustment is
consent accounting method change for itself, a user fee for the
being computed correctly.
filer is not required.
Entering the PBA code in the box at the top of page 1
However, the reduced user fee in section (A)(5)(b) of
satisfies the requirement to submit the PBA code for each
Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1 applies in the following
Example. Under its present method, XYZ Corporation is
1. A taxpayer requesting an identical accounting method
deducting certain costs that are required to be capitalized into
change on a single Form 3115 for two or more separate and
inventory under section 263A. XYZ Corporation is proposing to


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