Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 5


year(s)” includes any tax years for which the applicant’s present
statement, see section 6.01(2) of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or 6.03(2) of
or former consolidated group is under examination, before an
Rev. Proc. 2002-9, as applicable.
Appeals office, and/or before a Federal court if the applicant
120-day window period. This exception applies during the
was a member of the group in those tax years. For each of the
120-day period following the date an examination ends
applicable lines (4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5c, and/or 6), attach to the
regardless of whether a subsequent examination has
Form 3115 a list of the beginning and ending dates of the tax
commenced. For the definition of when an examination ends,
year(s) that the applicant (including its present and former
see section 3.07 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section 3.08 of Rev.
consolidated group) is under examination, before an Appeals
Proc. 2002-9, as applicable. The 120-day window period
office, and/or before a Federal court. If the method of
exception does not apply if the method the applicant is
accounting the applicant is requesting to change is an issue
requesting to change is an issue under consideration or placed
either under consideration, placed in suspense, or pending for
in suspense by the examining agent. Applicants should include
any tax year under examination, or if the method of accounting
the ending date of the examination that qualifies the applicant to
the applicant is requesting to change is an issue under
file under the 120-day window. For further details, including the
consideration by an Appeals office or by a Federal court,
required statement, see section 6.01(3) of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or
indicate the applicable tax year(s).
section 6.03(3) of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, as applicable.
Line 4a. The applicant is under examination if it has a federal
Line 5a. If the applicant has any federal income tax return
income tax return under examination on the date the Form 3115
before an Appeals office and/or a Federal court, refer to
is filed. For the definition of “under examination,” see section
sections 6.02 and 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or sections 6.04 and
3.07 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section 3.08 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9,
6.05 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, both as modified by Rev. Proc.
both as modified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, as applicable.
2002-19, as applicable.
Line 5c. Except as otherwise provided in published guidance,
Line 4b. The applicant’s method of accounting is an issue
an applicant that is requesting to change a method of
under consideration if the applicant receives written notification
accounting that is an issue under consideration by an Appeals
from the examining agent specifically citing the treatment of the
office and/or a Federal court will not receive audit protection for
item as an issue under consideration. For further details, see
the requested change. For further details, see sections 6.02
section 3.08 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section 3.09 of Rev. Proc.
and 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or 6.04 and 6.05 of Rev. Proc.
2002-9, as applicable. The applicant’s method of accounting is
2002-9, both as modified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, as applicable.
an issue placed in suspense if the examining agent has given
the applicant written notification that the issue is placed in
Line 6. The information requested on line 6 may be provided in
an attachment that includes the information requested on line 4f
and/or line 5a, as applicable.
Line 4c. The applicant’s method of accounting is an issue
pending if the IRS has given the applicant written notification
Line 8. Indicate the lack of audit protection by checking the
indicating that an adjustment is being made or will be proposed
“Yes” box. An applicant filing under the automatic change
with respect to the applicant’s method of accounting for the tax
request procedures should review the applicable accounting
year(s) under examination. Attach a copy of this written
method change section in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9,
notification to Form 3115. For further details, see section
or the procedures in other published guidance, if applicable, to
6.01(5) of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section 6.03(6) of Rev. Proc.
determine if, under the specific change in accounting method
2002-9, both as modified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, as applicable.
requested, the applicant will not receive audit protection in
connection with the change. Applicants filing under either the
Line 4d. A taxpayer under examination may request to change
automatic change or advance consent request procedures must
an accounting method if the operating division director consents
also indicate lack of audit protection for their change if audit
to the filing of the Form 3115. The operating division director
protection does not apply under the provisions of sections
will consent to the filing of the Form 3115 unless, in the opinion
6.01(5), 6.02, or 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 97-27, or under sections
of the operating division director, the method of accounting to
6.03(6), 6.04, or 6.05 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, both as modified by
be changed would ordinarily be included as an item of
Rev. Proc. 2002-19.
adjustment in the year(s) for which the applicant is under
Line 9. For further details, see section 9.03(6)(a) of Rev. Proc.
examination. The applicant should submit its request for the
2006-1 and either section 8.05 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section
consent of the operating division director to the examining
4.02(6) of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, as applicable.
agent. If the operating division director consents to the filing of
the Form 3115, the consent must be attached to the Form 3115
Line 10. For further details, see section 9.03(6)(b) of Rev.
filed with the IRS National Office. Also, the applicant must
Proc. 2006-1.
submit the operating division director copy of Form 3115 to the
Line 13. Each applicant, including each member of a
examining agent at the same time the Form 3115 is filed with
consolidated group and each eligible CFC filing a single Form
the IRS National Office. For applicants filing under the
3115 requesting the identical accounting method change, must
automatic change request procedures, attach to the Form 3115
attach a schedule describing its trade(s) or business(es) for
submitted with the filer’s income tax return a written statement
each separate and distinct trade or business of the applicant,
certifying that (a) the written consent was obtained from the
including any QSUB or single-member LLC. For guidance
director and (b) the applicant will retain a copy of the consent
regarding the phrase “separate and distinct trade or business,”
for inspection by the IRS. For further details, see section
see Regulations section 1.446-1(d). Entering the PBA code in
6.01(4) of Rev. Proc. 97-27 or section 6.03(4) of Rev. Proc.
the box at the top of page 1 satisfies the requirement to submit
2002-9, as applicable.
the PBA code for each trade or business.
Line 4e. The following exceptions apply to the “under
Line 14. Insurance companies must also state whether the
examination” scope limitations:
proposed method of accounting will be used for annual
90-day window period. This exception applies during the
statement accounting purposes.
first 90 days of any tax year if the applicant has been under
Line 16. For details on requesting and scheduling a conference
examination for at least 12 consecutive months as of the first
of right, see sections 9.04(4) and 10 of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
day of the tax year. The 90-day window period exception does
not apply if the method the applicant is requesting to change is
Line 17. For an applicant changing to or from the cash method
an issue under consideration or placed in suspense by the
or changing its method of accounting under sections 263A, 448,
examining agent. For further details, including the required
460, or 471, enter the gross receipts, as determined under the


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