Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 3


company members authorized to sign and that person’s name
of the applicant on the fourth line if a member of the
and title below the signature.
consolidated group other than, or in addition to, the parent
corporation is requesting the accounting method change.
Corporations, personal service corporations, S
corporations, cooperatives, and insurance companies.
If Form 3115 is filed on behalf of a CFC or 10/50 corporation,
Enter the name of the filer on the first line of Form 3115. In the
and the foreign corporation does not have an EIN, it does not
signature section of Form 3115, enter the signature of the
have to obtain one. Instead, enter “N/A” next to the CFC’s or
officer authorized to sign and the officer’s name and title below
10/50 corporation’s name on the fourth line.
the signature.
Principal Business Activity Code
Consolidated group of corporations. Enter the name of the
parent corporation on the first line of Form 3115. Also enter the
If the filer is a business, enter the six-digit principal business
name(s) of the applicant(s) on the fourth line of Form 3115 if a
activity (PBA) code of the filer. The principal business activity of
member of the consolidated group other than, or in addition to,
the filer is the one generating the largest percentage of its total
the parent corporation is requesting an accounting method
receipts. The PBA code is based on the North American
change. Only an officer authorized to sign for the parent
Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. See the
corporation may sign Form 3115.
instructions for the income tax return of the filer for the filer’s
PBA code and definition of “total receipts.”
Controlled foreign corporations (CFCs). For a CFC with a
U.S. trade or business, use the same rules as other
Note: An applicant requesting to change its accounting method
corporations. For a CFC that does not have a U.S. trade or
under designated automatic accounting method change
business, enter the name(s) of the controlling U.S.
numbers 33 and/or 51 in the List of Automatic Accounting
shareholder(s) of the CFC on the first line of Form 3115 and the
Method Changes beginning on page 9 must attach a schedule
name of the CFC on the fourth line. All of the controlling U.S.
to the Form 3115 listing the detailed NAICS code associated
shareholders must sign Form 3115.
with the applicant’s principal business activity. See Rev. Proc.
2002-28, 2002-18 I.R.B. 815, for further guidance.
However, if any controlling U.S. shareholder is a member of
a consolidated group, enter the name of the shareholder’s
parent corporation rather than the shareholder’s name on the
first line of Form 3115. A person authorized to sign for the
Include the suite, room, or other unit number after the street
shareholder’s parent corporation must sign Form 3115.
address. If the Post Office does not deliver mail to the street
10/50 corporations. For a 10/50 corporation with a U.S. trade
address and the filer has a P.O. box, show the box number
or business, use the same rules as other corporations. For a
instead of the street address.
10/50 corporation that does not have a U.S. trade or business,
Contact Person
enter the name(s) of the majority domestic corporate
shareholder(s) on the first line of Form 3115 and the name of
The contact person must be an individual authorized to sign
the 10/50 corporation on the fourth line. A person authorized to
Form 3115, or the filer’s authorized representative. If this
sign for each of the majority domestic corporate shareholders
person is someone other than an individual authorized to sign
must sign Form 3115.
Form 3115, you must attach Form 2848, Power of Attorney and
However, if any majority domestic corporate shareholder is a
Declaration of Representative.
member of a consolidated group, enter the name of the
An individual authorized to represent the filer before the IRS,
shareholder’s parent corporation rather than the shareholder’s
to receive a copy of the requested letter ruling, or to perform
name on the first line of Form 3115. A person authorized to sign
any other act(s), must properly reflect the authorization on Form
for the shareholder’s parent corporation must sign Form 3115.
2848. For further details for an authorized representative and a
Estates or trusts. Enter the name of the estate or trust on the
power of attorney, see section 9.03(8) and (9) of Rev. Proc.
first line of Form 3115. In the signature section of Form 3115,
enter the signature of the fiduciary, personal representative,
Note: A filer that wants to receive correspondence regarding its
executor, administrator, etc., having legal authority to sign and
Form 3115 (for example, additional information letters or the
that person’s name and official title below the signature.
letter ruling) by fax must attach to the Form 3115 a statement
Exempt organizations. Enter the name of the organization on
requesting this service. The attachment must also list the
the first line of Form 3115. In the signature section of Form
authorized name(s) and fax number(s) of the person(s) who are
3115 enter the signature of a principal officer or other person
to receive the fax. The person(s) must be authorized to sign
authorized to sign and that person’s name and official title
Form 3115 or an authorized representative of the filer that is
below the signature.
included on Form 2848. For further details on the fax
Preparer (other than filer/applicant). If the individual
procedures, see section 9.04(3) of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
preparing the Form 3115 is not the filer or applicant, the
Type of Accounting Method Change
preparer also must sign. However, in the case of an automatic
change request, the Form 3115 attached to the income tax
return does not need to be signed.
Check the appropriate box described below indicating the type
Identification Number
of change being requested.
Depreciation or amortization. Check this box for a change
Enter the filer’s taxpayer identification number on the first line of
in the (a) computation of depreciation or amortization (for
Form 3115.
example, the depreciation method or recovery period), (b)
Individuals enter their social security number (SSN) (or
treatment of salvage proceeds or costs of removal, (c) method
individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for a resident or
of accounting for retirements of depreciable property, or (d)
nonresident alien). If the Form 3115 is for a husband and wife
treatment of depreciable property from a single asset account to
who file a joint return, enter the identification numbers of both.
a multiple asset account (pooling), or vice versa.
For all others, enter the employer identification number
Financial products and/or financial activities of financial
institutions. Check this box for a change in the treatment of a
For a consolidated group of corporations enter the EIN of the
financial product (for example, accounting for debt instruments,
parent corporation on the first line of Form 3115. Enter the EIN
derivatives, mark-to-market accounting, etc.), or in the financial


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