Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 2


3. A common parent of a consolidated group requesting an
an acknowledgement has not been received within 60 days of
identical accounting method change on behalf of two or more
filing Form 3115, the filer of an advance consent request can
CFCs that do not engage in a trade or business within the
inquire to: Internal Revenue Service, Control Clerk, CC:IT&A,
United States where all controlling U.S. shareholders of the
Room 4516, 1111 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC
CFCs are members of the consolidated group; or
4. A taxpayer requesting an identical accounting method
Note: The IRS does not send acknowledgements for automatic
change on behalf of two or more CFCs that do not engage in a
change requests.
trade or business within the United States for which the
Late Application
taxpayer is the sole controlling U.S. shareholder of the CFCs.
In general, a taxpayer that fails to timely file a Form 3115 will
See section 15.07(4) of Rev. Proc. 2006-1 for what is an
not be granted an extension of time to file except in unusual
identical accounting method change.
and compelling circumstances. See Regulations section
301.9100-3 for the standards that must be met. For information
When and Where To File
on the period of limitations, see section 5.03(2) of Rev. Proc.
Automatic change requests. A Form 3115 that is filed under
the automatic change request procedures is filed in duplicate.
However, a limited 6-month extension of time to file Form
The original must be attached to the filer’s timely filed
3115 is sometimes available for automatic change requests.
(including extensions) federal income tax return for the year of
For details, see section 6.02(3)(b) of Rev. Proc. 2002-9 and
change. A copy of the Form 3115 must be filed with the IRS
Regulations section 301.9100-2.
National Office (see below) no earlier than the first day of the
A taxpayer submitting a ruling request for an extension of
year of change and no later than when the original is filed with
time to file Form 3115 must pay a user fee for its extension
the federal income tax return for the year of change. See also
request and, in the case of an advance consent request, also a
Late Application below and the instructions for lines 4d and 4e
separate user fee for its accounting method change request.
on page 5.
For the schedule of user fees, see (A)(3)(b) and (A)(5)(d) in
Advance consent requests. A Form 3115 that is filed under
Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2006-1.
the advance consent request procedures must be filed during
the tax year for which the change is requested. If the tax year is
a short period, file Form 3115 by the last day of the short tax
Specific Instructions
year. File the Form 3115 with the IRS National Office (see
below). Form 3115 should be filed as early as possible during
the year of change to provide adequate time for the IRS to
Name(s) and Signature(s)
respond prior to the due date of the filer’s return for the year of
Enter the name of the filer on the first line of page 1 of Form
change. See also Late Application below and the instructions
3115. In the case of an advance consent request, the Form
for lines 4d and 4e on page 5.
3115 and any attached statements required to be signed must
File Form 3115 at the applicable IRS address listed below.
be signed and dated by, or on behalf of, the filer. In the case of
an automatic consent request, the copy of the Form 3115 that is
sent to the IRS National Office must be signed and dated by, or
For applicants (other than exempt organizations)
on behalf of, the filer; the Form 3115 attached to the income tax
filing . . .
return (including any additional statements) does not need to be
An advance consent request The National Office copy of an
signed. The name and signature requirements are discussed
automatic change request
Delivery Internal Revenue Service
Internal Revenue Service
In general, the filer of the Form 3115 is the applicant.
by mail
However, for certain corporations discussed in the following
P.O. Box 7604
(Automatic Rulings Branch)
paragraphs, Form 3115 is filed on behalf of the applicant. If
Ben Franklin Station
P.O. Box 7604
such an exception applies, enter the filer’s name and
Washington, DC 20044
Ben Franklin Station
identification number on the first line of Form 3115 and enter
Washington, DC 20044
the applicant’s name and identification number on the fourth
line. If Form 3115 is filed for multiple applicants in a
Delivery Internal Revenue Service
Internal Revenue Service
consolidated group of corporations, multiple controlled foreign
corporations (CFCs), or multiple separate and distinct trades or
Room 5336
(Automatic Rulings Branch)
businesses of a taxpayer (including QSUBs or single-member
delivery 1111 Constitution Ave., NW Room 5336
LLCs), attach a schedule listing each applicant and its
Washington, DC 20224
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20224
identification number (where applicable). This schedule may be
combined with the information requested for Part III, line 23a
(regarding the user fee) and Part IV (section 481(a)
adjustment). If multiple names and signatures are required (for
For exempt organizations filing an advance consent request or the
example, in the case of CFCs — see instructions on page 3),
National Office copy of an automatic change request . . .
attach a schedule labeled “SIGNATURE ATTACHMENT” to the
By mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By private delivery service. . .
Form 3115, signed under penalties of perjury using the same
language as in the declaration on page 1 of Form 3115.
Internal Revenue Service
Internal Revenue Service
Receivers, trustees, or assignees must sign any Form 3115
Tax Exempt & Government Entities Tax Exempt & Government Entities
they are required to file.
P.O. Box 27720
1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Individuals. If Form 3115 is filed for a husband and wife who
McPherson Station
Washington, DC 20038
file a joint income tax return, enter the names of both on the first
Washington, DC 20038
line and the signatures of both on the signature line.
Partnerships. Enter the name of the partnership on the first
The IRS normally acknowledges receipt of a filed Form 3115
line of Form 3115. In the signature section of Form 3115, enter
for an advance consent request within 60 days after receipt. If
the signature of one of the general partners or limited liability


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