Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 15


established timber stand, to treat such costs as ordinary and
95. Self-constructed tangible personal property
necessary business expenses deductible under section 162.
produced on a routine and repetitive basis (section
Scope limitations do not apply. See Rev. Rul. 2004-62, 2004-25
263A) — for an applicant’s first tax year ending on or after
I.R.B. 1072.
August 2, 2005, from accounting for mixed service costs under
87. Change in general asset account treatment due to a
the simplified service cost method to a method that allocates
change in the use of MACRS property (section 168) — to the
such costs using reasonable factors or relationships under a
method of accounting provided in Regulations sections
direct reallocation method, a step-allocation method, or any
1.168(i)-1(c)(2)(ii)(E) and 1.168(i)-1(h)(2). This change is made
other reasonable allocation method (as defined under the
on a cut-off basis. See Regulations section 1.168(i)-1(l)(2)(ii).
principles of Regulations section 1.263A-1(f)(4)) as provided in
88. Change in method of accounting for depreciation due
Regulations section 1.263A-1(g)(4), or from accounting for
to a change in the use of MACRS property (section 168) —
additional section 263A costs under the simplified production
to the method of accounting provided in Regulations section
method to a facts-and-circumstances method as provided in
1.168(i)-4. See Regulations section 1.168(i)-4(g)(2).
Regulations section 1.263A-1(f), when the self-constructed
89. Depreciation of qualified non-personal use vans and
assets are not produced on a routine and repetitive basis
light trucks (section 280F) — for certain vehicles placed in
(mass-produced or the applicable recovery period of the
service before July 7, 2003, to a method of accounting in
property is longer than 3 years). Scope limitations do not apply.
accordance with Regulations section 1.280F-6(f)(2). See
Audit protection does not apply if the applicant’s method of
Regulations section 1.280F-6(f)(2)(iv).
accounting for mixed service costs or additional section 263A
90. Insurance companies’ incentive payments to health
costs is an issue under consideration at the time the application
care providers (section 832) — for deducting provider
is filed with the IRS National Office. The section 481(a)
incentive payments, to the method of including those payments
adjustment period is two tax years for a net positive adjustment.
in discounted unpaid losses without regard to section 404.
The applicant can request this change and designated
Scope limitations do not apply if the change is made for the
automatic accounting method change numbers 77
applicant’s first or second tax year ending on or after December
(environmental remediation costs) and 92 (allocation of
31, 2003. See Rev. Proc. 2004-41, 2004-30 I.R.B. 90.
environmental remediation costs to production) on a single
91. Up-front network upgrade payments made to utilities
Form 3115, but must comply with the ordering rules of
(section 451) — to a safe harbor method provided in section
Regulations section 1.263A-7(b)(2). See Temporary
5.01 of Rev. Proc. 2005-35, 2005-28 I.R.B. 76. Scope
Regulations sections 1.263A-1T(h)(2)(i)(D) and
limitations do not apply if the change is made for the applicant’s
first tax year ending on or after July 11, 2005, or for a prior year
96. Replacement cost method for heavy equipment
of change pursuant to section 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 2005-35. See
dealers’ parts inventory (section 472) — to the replacement
Rev. Proc. 2005-35.
cost method for heavy equipment dealers’ parts inventory
92. Allocation of environmental remediation costs to
described in Rev. Proc. 2006-14, 2006-4 I.R.B. 350. Complete
production (section 263A) — to a method that allocates under
Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. Audit
section 263A environmental remediation costs to the inventory
protection and scope limitations do not apply in certain cases.
produced during the tax year such costs are incurred. Scope
This change is made on a cut-off basis. See Rev. Proc.
limitations do not apply if the change is made for the applicant’s
first or second tax year ending after February 6, 2004. An
97. Depreciation of qualified revitalization building in the
applicant that filed a Form 3115 on or before July 20, 2005, to
expanded area of a renewal community (section 1400I) — for
comply with Rev. Rul. 2004-18, 2004-8 I.R.B. 509, for its first
a qualified revitalization building that is placed in service by the
tax year ending after February 6, 2004, or was not required to
applicant after December 31, 2001, in the area of a renewal
change its method of accounting to comply with Rev. Rul.
community that was expanded by the U.S. Department of
2004-18, and files Form 3115 to comply with Rev. Proc.
Housing and Urban Development and for which the applicant
2005-42, 2005-28 I.R.B. 67, for its first tax year ending after
receives a retroactive commercial revitalization expenditure
June 20, 2005, may effect the change using either a section
allocation. This change applies only if the applicant filed the
481(a) adjustment or a cut-off method. An applicant requesting
federal tax return for the placed-in-service year of that building
this change and another automatic change under section 263A
on or before the date the applicant received the retroactive
may file one Form 3115 to make both changes, but must
commercial revitalization expenditure allocation. This change
comply with the ordering rules of Regulations section
must be filed with the applicant’s federal tax return for the
1.263A-7(b)(2). See Rev. Rul. 2005-42.
taxable year that includes the date on which the commercial
93. Election to not treat qualified New York Liberty Zone
revitalization agency makes the retroactive commercial
(Liberty Zone) leasehold improvement property as 5-year
revitalization expenditure allocation, or with the applicant’s
property for purposes of section 168 (sections 168 and
federal tax return for the first tax year succeeding the tax year
1400L(c)) — for Liberty Zone leasehold improvement property
that included the date on which the commercial revitalization
placed in service by the applicant after September 10, 2001,
agency made the retroactive commercial revitalization
during the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, or 2004 tax year, to elect
expenditure allocation. Scope limitations do not apply. See Rev.
not to use the 5-year recovery period or 9-year recovery period,
Proc. 2006-16, 2006-9 I.R.B. 539.
as applicable, provided under section 1400L(c). This change
98. Insurance contracts acquired in an assumption
must be filed with the applicant’s federal tax return for the tax
reinsurance transaction (section 197) — for an applicant’s
year that includes June 29, 2005, or with the applicant’s federal
first tax year ending after April 10, 2006, for certain acquisitions
tax return for the first tax year succeeding the tax year that
of insurance contracts that apply the rules of Temporary
included June 29, 2005. Scope limitations do not apply. See
Regulations section 1.197-2T(g)(5)(ii) to transactions occurring
Rev. Proc. 2005-43, 2005-29 I.R.B. 107.
prior to April 10, 2006, to comply with Regulations section
94. Credit card cash advance fees (section 1272) — to a
1.197-2(g)(5). This change does not apply if the applicant’s
method that treats credit card cash advance fees as creating or
proper treatment of any such property is an issue under
increasing OID on a pool of credit card loans that includes the
consideration in an examination, before an Appeals office, or
cash advances that give rise to the fees. Scope limitations do
before a Federal court. Scope limitations do not apply. See
not apply if the change is made for the applicant’s first or
Regulations section 1.197-2(g)(5).
second tax year ending on or after December 31, 2004. See
99. Elections to treat participations and residuals under
Rev. Proc. 2005-47, 2005-32 I.R.B. 269.
the income forecast method (section 167(g)) — for property


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