Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 13


55. Valuation of remanufactured cores (section 471) —
on a cut-off basis. See section 10.06 in the Appendix of Rev.
for remanufacturers and rebuilders of motor vehicle parts and
Proc. 2002-9.
resellers of remanufactured and rebuilt motor vehicle parts that
62. Changes within IPIC inventory method (section
use the lower of cost or market method to value their inventory
472) — for one or more of the following changes within IPIC:
of cores, to the safe harbor method of accounting (the “Core
(a) from the double-extension IPIC method to the link-chain
Alternative Valuation” method) to value inventories of cores as
IPIC method, or vice versa; (b) to or from the 10 percent
provided for in Rev. Proc. 2003-20, 2003-6 I.R.B. 445.
method; (c) to a pooling method described in Regulations
Complete Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as
section 1.472-8(b)(4) or Regulations section 1.472-8(c)(2),
applicable. See Rev. Proc. 2003-20.
including a change to begin or discontinue applying one or both
56. Change from LIFO inventory method (section 472) —
of the 5 percent pooling rules; (d) combine or separate pools as
for an applicant changing from the LIFO inventory method for
a result of the application of a 5 percent pooling rule described
its entire LIFO inventory, or for a pool or pools within its LIFO
in Regulations section 1.472-8(b)(4) or Regulations section
inventory, to the permitted method as determined in section
1.472-8(c)(2); (e) change the selection of BLS tables from
10.01(1)(b) in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. Complete
Table 3 (Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. Attach
(CPI-U): U.S. city average, detailed expenditure categories) of
the statements required by section 10.01(4) in the Appendix of
the monthly CPI Detailed Report to Table 6 (Producer price
Rev. Proc. 2002-9. See section 10.01 in the Appendix of Rev.
indexes and percent changes for commodity groupings and
Proc. 2002-9.
individual items, not seasonally adjusted) of the monthly PPI
57. Determining current-year cost (section 472) — to
Detailed Report, or vice versa; or (f) change the representative
determining current-year cost: (a) by reference to the actual
month when necessitated because of a change in tax year or a
cost of the goods most recently purchased or produced; (b) by
change in method of determining current-year cost made
reference to the actual cost of the goods purchased or
pursuant to section 10.02 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
produced during the tax year in the order of acquisition; or
A scope limitation does not apply in certain cases. The
(c) by application of an average unit cost equal to the aggregate
applicant may request the change described in (f) above and
actual cost of all the goods purchased or produced throughout
designated automatic accounting method change number 57
the tax year divided by the total number of units so purchased
(determining current-year cost) on a single Form 3115.
or produced. Complete Schedule C, Part I, of Form 3115. This
Complete Schedule C of Form 3115, as applicable. This
change is made on a cut-off basis. See section 10.02 in the
change is made on a cut-off basis. See section 10.07 in the
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, as modified by Rev. Proc.
58. Alternative LIFO inventory method (section 472) — for
2003-45, 2003-27 I.R.B. 11.
a qualifying applicant that sells new automobiles or new
63. Replacement cost method for automobile dealers’
light-duty trucks, to the “Alternative LIFO Method” described in
parts inventory (section 472) — to the replacement cost
Rev. Proc. 97-36, 1997-33 I.R.B. 450. Complete Schedule C of
method for automobile dealers’ parts inventory described in
Form 3115, as applicable. Attach the statement required by
Rev. Proc. 2002-17, 2002-13 I.R.B. 676. Complete Schedule D,
section 10.03(2)(c)(ii) in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9 and
Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. This change is
the Form 970 required by reference in section 10.03(2)(c)(i) in
made on a cut-off basis. See Rev. Proc. 2002-17.
the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. This change is made on a
64. Mark-to-market (section 475) — for accounting for
cut-off basis. See section 10.03 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc.
securities or commodities by commodities dealers, securities
traders, and commodities traders, to the mark-to-market
59. Used vehicle alternative LIFO method (section 472) —
method. An election statement must be filed earlier than the
for a qualifying applicant that sells used automobiles and used
due date of Form 3115. See Rev. Proc. 99-17, 1999-7 I.R.B.
light-duty trucks, to the “Used Vehicle Alternative LIFO
52, for rules relating to this statement. Scope limitations do not
Method,” as described in Rev. Proc. 2001-23, 2001-10 I.R.B.
apply to this change. See section 10A.02 in the Appendix of
784. Complete Schedule C, Part I, of Form 3115. In general,
Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
this change is made on a cut-off basis. See section 10.04 in the
65. Dealer status changes (section 475) — for an applicant
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
electing out of certain exemptions from securities dealer status,
60. Determining the cost of used vehicles purchased or
to the mark-to-market method. Attach the statement(s) required
taken as a trade-in (section 472) — for a qualifying applicant,
by Rev. Proc. 97-43, 1997-39 I.R.B. 12. For a special cut-off
to a method of (a) determining the cost of used vehicles
rule, see section 5.02 of Rev. Proc. 97-43. This change does
acquired by trade-in using the average wholesale price listed by
not fall under the procedures of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. Instead, see
a consistently used official used car guide on the date of the
Rev. Proc. 97-43.
trade-in; (b) determining the cost of used vehicles purchased
66. Bank reserves for bad debts (section 585) — from the
for cash using the actual purchase price of the vehicle; or
section 585 reserve method to the section 166 specific
(c) reconstructing the beginning-of-the-year cost of used
charge-off method. Certain scope limitations do not apply. See
vehicles purchased for cash using values computed by national
section 11.01 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
auto auction companies based on vehicles purchased for cash,
67. Insurance company premium acquisition expenses
where the national auto auction company selected is
(section 832) — for certain insurance companies, to a safe
consistently used. Complete Schedule C, Part I, of Form 3115.
harbor method of accounting for premium acquisition expenses.
This change is made on a cut-off basis. See section 10.05 in
Scope limitations do not apply to this change. See Rev. Proc.
the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
2002-46, 2002-28 I.R.B. 105.
61. Change to IPIC inventory method (section 472) — for a
68. Discounted unpaid losses (section 846) — for
qualifying applicant, from a non-inventory price index
insurance companies other than life insurance companies
computation (IPIC) LIFO inventory method to the IPIC method
computing discounted unpaid losses, to the composite method
in accordance with all relevant provisions of Regulations section
or to alternative methods. See Rev. Proc. 2002-74, 2002-51
1.472-8(e)(3). The applicant may request this change and
I.R.B. 980.
designated automatic accounting method change number 57
69. Income from sources within the United States
(determining current-year cost), or this change and designated
(section 861) — for certain transactions involving computer
automatic accounting method change number 62 (changes
programs, to a method that conforms with Regulations section
within IPIC inventory method) on a single Form 3115. Complete
1.861-18. See section 11A.01 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc.
Schedule C of Form 3115, as applicable. This change is made


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