Instructions For Form 3115 - Application For Change In Accounting Method - Internal Revenue Service - 2006 Page 12


method applicant electing to exclude from gross income some
including in gross income any discounts taken to a method of
or all of the income attributable to qualified sales during the tax
reducing the cost of the goods by the cash discounts and
year of magazines, paperbacks, or records that are returned
deducting as an expense any discounts not taken, or vice
before the close of the applicable merchandise return period for
versa. Complete Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as
that tax year. The applicant’s Form 3115 need contain only the
applicable. See section 9.01 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc.
information listed in Regulations section 1.458-2(d). This
election does not fall under the procedures of Rev. Proc.
49. Estimating inventory shrinkage (section 471) — from
2002-9. Instead, see Regulations section 1.458-2.
the present method of estimating inventory shrinkage in
41. Percentage-of-completion (section 460) — for an
computing ending inventory to the “retail safe harbor method” in
applicant not required by section 460 to use the
section 4 of Rev. Proc. 98-29, 1998-15 I.R.B. 22, or to a
percentage-of-completion method to account for its long-term
method other than the retail safe harbor method, provided
contracts, from an exempt-contract method to the
(a) the applicant’s present method of accounting does not
percentage-of-completion method. Complete Schedule D, Parts
estimate inventory shrinkage and (b) the applicant’s new
I and III, of Form 3115. Audit protection does not apply to this
method of accounting (that estimates inventory shrinkage)
change. This change is made on a cut-off basis. See section
clearly reflects income under section 446(b). Complete
7A.02 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. If
42. Timing of incurring employee medical benefits
changing to a method other than the “retail safe harbor
liabilities (section 461) — for an applicant with an obligation to
method,” attach the statement required by section 9.02(3) in the
pay an employee’s medical expenses that is neither insured nor
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. Scope limitations do not apply
paid from a welfare benefit fund, to treatment as a liability
to this change. Audit protection does not apply in certain cases.
incurred in the tax year in which the applicant’s employee files
See section 9.02 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
the claim with the applicant. See section 8.01 in the Appendix of
50. Small taxpayer ($1 million) inventory exception
Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
(section 471) — for a qualifying applicant, from the present
43. Timing of incurring real property, personal property,
method of accounting for inventoriable items (including, if
and state income tax liabilities (section 461) — for a
applicable, the method of capitalizing costs under section 263A)
qualifying applicant, to treating these taxes as incurred in the
to treating inventoriable items in the same manner as materials
tax year in which the taxes are paid, or to account for these
and supplies that are not incidental under Regulations section
taxes under the recurring item exception to the economic
1.162-3. Complete Schedule A, Part I, and Schedule D, Parts II
performance rules, or to revoke the ratable accrual election
and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. Scope limitations do not
under section 461(c). See section 8.02 in the Appendix of Rev.
apply to this change. The applicant may request this change
Proc. 2002-9.
and designated automatic accounting method change number
44. Timing of incurring workers’ compensation act, tort,
32 (overall cash method ($1 million)) on a single Form 3115.
breach of contract, or violation of law liabilities (section
See section 9.03 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
461) — for a qualifying applicant accounting for self-insured
51. Small taxpayer ($10 million) inventory exception
liabilities arising under any workers’ compensation act or out of
(section 471) — for a qualifying applicant, from the present
any tort, breach of contract, or violation of law, to treating the
method of accounting for inventoriable items (including, if
liability as incurred in the tax year in which (a) all the events
applicable, the method of capitalizing costs under section 263A)
have occurred establishing the fact of the liability, (b) the
to treating inventoriable items in the same manner as materials
amount of the liability can be determined with reasonable
and supplies that are not incidental under Regulations section
accuracy, and (c) payment is made to the person to which the
1.162-3. Complete Schedule D, Parts II and III, of Form 3115,
liability is owed. See section 8.03 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc.
as applicable. Scope limitations do not apply to this change.
The applicant may request this change and designated
45. Timing of incurring payroll tax liabilities (section
automatic accounting method change number 33 (overall cash
461) — for FICA and FUTA taxes, state unemployment taxes,
method ($10 million)) on a single Form 3115. See Rev. Proc.
and railroad retirement taxes, to the method under which the
2002-28, 2002-18 I.R.B. 815.
applicant may deduct in Year 1 its otherwise deductible FICA
52. “Floor stocks” (section 471) — for payments made or
and FUTA taxes, state unemployment taxes, and railroad
received with respect to “floor stocks,” to conform with the
retirement taxes imposed with respect to year-end wages
holding of Rev. Rul. 2001-8, 2001-9 I.R.B. 726, or to elect the
properly accrued in Year 1, but paid in Year 2, if the
simplifying assumption regarding goods on hand described in
requirements of the recurring item exception are met, or, for
Rev. Rul. 2001-8. Complete Schedule D, Parts II and III, of
state unemployment taxes and railroad retirement taxes, to the
Form 3115, as applicable. If electing the simplifying
method stated above where the applicant already uses that
assumption, provide the statement described in section
method of accounting for FICA and FUTA taxes. See section
9.04(4)(b) in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. Scope
8.04 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
limitations do not apply to this change. This change is made on
46. Cooperative advertising (section 461) — to incurring a
a cut-off basis. See section 9.04 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc.
liability in the tax year in which these services are performed,
provided the manufacturer is able to reasonably estimate this
53. Qualifying volume-related trade discounts (section
liability even though the retailer does not submit the required
471) — to treating qualifying volume-related trade discounts as
claim form until the following year. See section 8.05 in the
a reduction in the cost of merchandise purchased at the time
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
the discount is recognized in accordance with Regulations
47. Distributor commissions (section 461) — from
section 1.471-3(b). Complete Schedule D, Parts II and III, of
deducting distributor commissions to capitalizing and
Form 3115, as applicable. See section 9.05 in the Appendix of
amortizing distributor commissions using the distribution fee
Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
period method, the 5-year method, or the useful life method.
This change is made on a cut-off basis. See section 8.06(2) in
54. Impermissible methods of inventory valuation
the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.
(section 471) — to restore an inventory writedown or to
48. Cash discounts (section 471) — for cash discounts
discontinue maintaining a reserve specifically described within
granted for timely payment, when such discounts approximate a
Regulations section 1.471-2(f). Complete Schedule D, Parts II
fair interest rate, from a method of consistently including the
and III, of Form 3115, as applicable. See section 9.06 in the
price of the goods before discount in the cost of the goods and
Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.


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