Form 1041me - Income Tax Return For Resident And Nonresident Estates And Trusts - 2009 Page 2


FORM 1041ME, page 2
Enclose with your Form 1041ME
SCHEDULE 1 - Fiduciary Adjustment
(Enter combined amounts for both the benefi ciaries and the estate or trust)
1 ADDITIONS — Income exempt from federal income tax, but taxable by Maine:
a Income from municipal and state bonds, other than Maine .....................................................................................1a
b Net Operating Loss Adjustment (attach schedule) ..................................................................................................1b
c Maine Public Employees Retirement System Contributions ................................................................................... 1c
d Domestic Production Activities Deduction Add-back (see instructions) ...................................................................1d
e Bonus Depreciation and IRC § 179 Expense Add-back (see instructions) .............................................................1e
f Discharge of Indebtedness deferred for federal tax purposes .................................................................................1f
g Other. List
_________________________ (see instructions) ..............................................................................1g
h Total additions (add lines 1a through 1g) ................................................................................................................1h
2 DEDUCTIONS — Income exempt from Maine income tax, but taxable by federal law:
a U.S. Government Bond interest included in federal taxable income .......................................................................2a
b Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefi ts included in federal taxable income (see instructions) ...............2b
c Interest from Maine Municipal General
Private Activity and Airport Authority Bonds included in
federal taxable income .............................................................................................................................................. 2c
d Maine Public Employees Retirement System Pick-Up Contributions paid during 2009 which have been
previously taxed by the state ...................................................................................................................................2d
e Contributions to Qualifi ed Tuition Programs - 529 Plans (see instructions) ............................................................2e
f Bonus Depreciation and IRC § 179 Recapture (see instructions) ............................................................................2f
g Other. List ______________________________________ (see instructions) .....................................................2g
h Total Deductions (add lines 2a through 2g) .............................................................................................................2h
3 Net Fiduciary Adjustment (subtract line 2h from line 1h — see instructions [may be a negative amount]) ...............3
All estates or trusts: Multiply line 3 by Schedule 2, Column 3, line f. Resident estates or trusts: Enter on page 1, line 2.
Nonresident estates or trusts: Enter on Schedule NR, line 7, Column A.
SCHEDULE 2 — Allocation of Federal Income and Maine-source Income
1. Name
2. Share of income
3. Percent
4. State of
5. Social security
6. Maine-source income allocated
B = benefi ciary
(copy from federal return)
number/EIN of
to nonresident & “Safe
E/T = estate or trust
benefi ciaries
Harbor” resident benefi ciaries
(a) B-
(b) B-
(c) B-
(d) B-
(e) B-
(f) E/T-
(g) Total
Line g, Column 6: If required to complete Schedule NR, enter the amount from Schedule NR, line 4, Column B. Complete Column 6 for nonresident
and “Safe Harbor” resident benefi ciaries based on the amount entered on line g, Column 6, and also based on the percentages in Column 3.
SCHEDULE 3 - Credir for Income Tax Paid to Another Jurisdiction
1 Maine taxable income from Form 1041ME, page 1, line 3 ............................................................................................1
2 Income taxed by ( _______________________________ other jurisdiction) included in line 1 ..................................2
3 Percentage of income taxed by other jurisdiction (divide line 2 by line 1) .....................................................................3
4 Limitation of credit:
a Form 1041ME, page 1, line 4 $ ____________ multiplied by ________ % on line 3 above ..................................4a
b Income taxes paid to other jurisdiction net of tax credits .........................................................................................4b
5 Allowable credit: line 4a or 4b, whichever is less. Enter here and on Form 1041ME, Schedule A, line 4 ....................5
Special instructions for taxpayers who claim credit for income tax paid to more than one other jurisdiction: Credit for each jurisdiction must be computed separately.
Use a separate Schedule 3 for each one. Add the results together and enter total on Schedule A, line 4.


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