Instructions For Form M-22 2010 Page 2


Page 2
(REV. 2010)
initially purchased for use off the public
table below for the alternative fuel tax
where no tax was previously paid on
highways, but subsequently used on
naphtha purchased.
the public highways.
Line 4(c) – Multiply line 4(a) by line
Line 6(b) – The tax rate is the sum
Line 1(b) – The tax rate is the sum of
4(b) and enter the result in columns (a)
of the State license tax rate and the
the State license tax rate for use upon
through (d). Add the amounts reported
county fuel tax rate for all other types
public highways and the county fuel tax
on line 4(c) in columns (a) through (d),
of liquid fuel (i.e., naphtha not used in a
rate less the State license tax rate for
and report the total in column (e). If
power-generating facility).
off highway use.
you are reporting more than one type of
Line 6(c) – Multiply line 6(a) by line
alternative fuel, add the amounts from
Line 1(c) – Multiply line 1(a) by line
6(b) and enter the result in columns (a)
each alternative fuel type schedule,
1(b) and enter the result in columns (a)
through (d). Add the amounts reported
and report the total amounts in columns
through (d). Add the amounts reported
on line 6(c) in columns (a) through (d),
(a) through (d), and the grand total of
on line 1(c) in columns (a) through (d),
and report the total in column (e).
columns (a) through (d) in column (e).
and report the total in column (e).
Line 7 – Add column (e), lines 5(c) and
Part III – Naphtha
Line 2(a) – Enter in columns (a) through
(d) the number of gallons where no
Lines 5(a) – Enter in columns (a)
Line 8 – Add column (e), lines 3, 4(c)
tax was previously paid on diesel fuel
through (d) the number of gallons
and 7. The total taxes now due and
initially purchased for use off the public
where the state license tax of 1 cent
payable as shown on line 8 must be
highways, but subsequently used on
or 2 cents per gallon was previously
paid in full with Form M-22. The tax
the public highways.
paid on naphtha initially purchased
may be paid by check or money order
for use in a power-generating facility
Line 2(b) – The tax rate is the sum of
made payable to the “Hawaii State Tax
but subsequently not used in a power-
the State license tax rate for use upon
Collector” in U.S. dollars drawn on any
generating facility.
The tax rate for
public highways and the county fuel tax
bank in the U.S. Do not send cash. To
naphtha sold before July 1, 2009 for
ensure that your payment is applied
use in a power generating facility is 1
correctly, please type or print on your
cent per gallon. The tax rate for sales
Line 2(c) – Multiply line 2(a) by line
check or money order: (1) “Fuel”, (2)
on or after July 1, 2009 is 2 cents per
2(b) and enter the result in columns (a)
your federal employer identification
See the definition of power-
through (d). Add the amounts reported
number (FEIN) or social security
generating facility contained in these
on line 2(c) in columns (a) through (d),
number (SSN), and (3) the period end
and report the total in column (e).
ing date (MM/YY) and form number
Lines 5(b) – The tax rate is the sum of
Line 3 – Add column (e), lines 1(c) and
being filed (ex. 03/10 M-22).
the State license tax rate and the county
fuel tax rate for naphtha not used in a
Part II – Alternative Fuel
power-generating facility less the State
Part V – Summary of Gallons
license tax rate for naphtha used in a
Line 4(a) – Enter in columns (a)
in the County of Maui
power-generating facility.
through (d) the type of alternative fuel
Lines 8-10 – Specify by island the
and the number of gallons purchased
Lines 5(c) – Multiply line 5(a) by the
number of gallons that are subject to
where no tax was previously paid
applicable tax rate on line 5(b) and
the additional fuel taxes as reported in
and the alternative fuel was initially
enter the result in columns (a) through
column (b) in Parts I, II, and III for the
purchased for use off the public
(d). If you previously paid the tax at
county of Maui. Enter the number of
highways but subsequently used upon
the rate of 1 cent per gallon, multiply
gallons of each type of fuel purchased
the public highways. If you purchased
line 5(a) by the higher tax rate. If you
for use on the island of Lanai in column
more than one type of alternative fuel,
previously paid the tax at the rate of 2
(a), on the island of Molokai in column
attach a separate schedule for each
cents per gallon, use the lower tax rate.
(b), and on the island of Maui in column
type of alternative fuel reporting the
Add the amounts reported on line 5(c)
Add the amounts reported in
information for lines 4(a) through 4(c).
in columns (a) through (d), and report
columns (a) through (c) for each fuel
See the definition of alternative fuel on
the total in column (e).
type and report the total in column (d).
page 1.
Lines 6(a) – Enter in columns (a)
Line 4(b) – Enter the tax rate for the
through (d) the number of gallons
alternative fuel purchased. See the


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