Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And Resident Aliens Abroad - 2006 Page 37


Internet. You can access the IRS web-
weeks from the date you filed your return
site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at
(3 weeks if you filed electronically). Have
your 2006 tax return available because
you will need to know your social security
E-file your return. Find out about commer-
number, your filing status, and the exact
cial tax preparation and e-file services
whole dollar amount of your refund.
available free to eligible taxpayers.
How To Get
Check the status of your 2006 refund.
If you are outside the United States, you can call
Click on Where’s My Refund. Be sure to
your nearest U.S. Embassy, consulate, or IRS
wait at least 6 weeks from the date you
Tax Help
office listed below to find out when and where
filed your return (3 weeks if you filed elec-
assistance will be available. These IRS tele-
tronically). Have your 2006 tax return
phone numbers include the country and city
available because you will need to know
You can get help with unresolved tax issues,
codes required if you are outside the local dial-
your social security number, your filing
order free publications and forms, ask tax ques-
ing area.
status, and the exact whole dollar amount
tions, and get information from the IRS in sev-
of your refund.
eral ways. By selecting the method that is best
Frankfurt, Germany
(49) (69)
for you, you will have quick and easy access to
Download forms, instructions, and publica-
London, England
(44) (20)
tax help. Access to some of these services de-
Paris, France
pends on whether you are inside or outside of
Order IRS products online.
Overseas taxpayers can also call the United
the United States.
Research your tax questions online.
States for help at (215) 516-2000.
If you are in Guam, the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin
Search publications online by topic or
Islands, or Puerto Rico, you can call
Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. If you
View Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs)
have attempted to deal with an IRS problem
Evaluating the quality of our telephone
published in the last few years.
services. To ensure that IRS representatives
unsuccessfully, you should contact your Tax-
Figure your withholding allowances using
give accurate, courteous, and professional an-
payer Advocate.
our Form W-4 calculator.
swers, we use several methods to evaluate the
The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an inde-
quality of our telephone services. One method is
Sign up to receive local and national tax
pendent organization within the IRS whose em-
for a second IRS representative to sometimes
news by email.
ployees assist taxpayers who are experiencing
listen in on or record telephone calls. Another is
economic harm, who are seeking help in resolv-
Get information on starting and operating
to ask some callers to complete a short survey at
ing tax problems that have not been resolved
a small business.
the end of the call.
through normal channels, or who believe that an
Walk-in. If you are in the United
IRS system or procedure is not working as it
States, many products and services
Phone. If you are in the United States,
are available on a walk-in basis.
many services are available by phone.
To contact your Taxpayer Advocate:
If you are in the United States, call the
Products. You can walk in to many post
Ordering forms, instructions, and publica-
Taxpayer Advocate toll free at
offices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick up
tions. Call 1-800-829-3676 to order cur-
1-877-777-4778. Persons living outside
certain forms, instructions, and publica-
rent-year forms, instructions, and
the United States can call the Taxpayer
tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery
publications and prior-year forms and in-
stores, copy centers, city and county gov-
Advocate at (787) 622-8940 in English or
structions. You should receive your order
ernment offices, credit unions, and office
(787) 622-8930 in Spanish.
within 10 days.
supply stores have a collection of products
Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer Advocate
available to print from a CD-ROM or pho-
Asking tax questions. Call the IRS with
office in your area. Persons living outside
tocopy from reproducible proofs. Also,
your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040.
the United States can fax the Taxpayer
some IRS offices and libraries have the
Solving problems. You can get
Advocate at (787) 622-8933 or contact the
Internal Revenue Code, regulations, Inter-
face-to-face help solving tax problems
taxpayer Advocate at:
nal Revenue Bulletins, and Cumulative
every business day in IRS Taxpayer As-
Bulletins available for research purposes.
sistance Centers. An employee can ex-
Internal Revenue Service
Services. You can walk in to your local
plain IRS letters, request adjustments to
Taxpayer Advocate
Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi-
your account, or help you set up a pay-
P.O. Box 193479
ness day for personal, face-to-face tax
ment plan. Call your local Taxpayer Assis-
San Juan, PR 00919-3479
help. An employee can explain IRS letters,
tance Center for an appointment. To find
request adjustments to your tax account,
the number, go to /localcon-
Call 1-800-829-4059 if you are a TTY/TDD
or help you set up a payment plan. If you
tacts or look in the phone book under
user and you are in the United States.
need to resolve a tax problem, have ques-
United States Government, Internal Reve-
Visit /advocate.
tions about how the tax law applies to your
nue Service.
individual tax return, or you’re more com-
For more information, see Publication 1546,
TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access
fortable talking with someone in person,
to TTY/TDD equipment, call
The Taxpayer Advocate Service of the IRS —
visit your local Taxpayer Assistance
1-800-829-4059 to ask tax questions or to
How To Get Help With Unresolved Tax
Center where you can spread out your
order forms and publications.
records and talk with an IRS representa-
tive face-to-face. No appointment is nec-
TeleTax topics. Call 1-800-829-4477 and
essary, but if you prefer, you can call your
press 2 to listen to pre-recorded
Free tax services. To find out what services
local Center and leave a message re-
messages covering various tax topics.
are available, get Publication 910, IRS Guide to
questing an appointment to resolve a tax
Free Tax Services. It contains a list of free tax
Refund information. If you would like to
account issue. A representative will call
publications and an index of tax topics. It also
check the status of your 2006 refund, call
you back within 2 business days to sched-
describes other free tax information services,
1-800-829-4477 and press 1 for auto-
ule an in-person appointment at your con-
including tax education and assistance pro-
mated refund information or call
venience. To find the number, go to
grams and a list of TeleTax topics.
1-800-829-1954. Be sure to wait at least 6
/localcontacts or look in the
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help
Page 37


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