Pub. Ks-1528 - Application For Sales Tax Exemption Certificates Page 10


I have several contractors and/or subcontractors
purchased with the project exemption certificate were
that will be involved in my project. Whose
incorporated into that project. The contractor should provide
contractor information should I include on the
the signed project completion certificate to the petitioning
authority or taxpayer. The petitioning authority or taxpayer
should keep the completion certificate on file for 4 years
If you are applying on-line, you will have the option to enter
after the completion of the project for Audit purposes.
as many contractors as needed; however, you are only
required to provide the primary contractor’s information.
Should the contractor information change at some point
Can the contractor fill out the application for a
during the project, you can log back into the on-line system
and “request a change.” See the User Guide that follows for
detailed instructions.
No. The petitioning authority must be the entity to submit
the request for a project exemption certificate.
Can I extend the expiration date on my PEC?
Can contractors use a Kansas issued PEC to
Yes, by following one of these instructions:
purchase materials tax exempt from another
If you submitted your request on-line, log back into the
on-line application and click “request a change”. See the
The Department of Revenue does not have the authority to
User Guide that follows for detailed instructions.
mandate whether or not another state will accept a Kansas
If you faxed or mailed your request to the Department of
issued PEC. If a contractor chooses to purchase materials
Revenue, you will need to fax or mail the department a written
in another state, the other states tax laws apply to those
request to extend the estimated completion date, including
a reason for the extension and the requested estimated
completion date.


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