Property Tax Exemptions For Senior Citizens And Disabled Persons - Washington State Department Of Revenue Page 4


transfer the exempt status to a replacement
When your household income is between
residence. However, you may not receive an
$18,001 and $24,000, you are exempt from
exemption on more than the equivalent of one
regular levies for $40,000 or 35% of the
residence in any year. When an exemption is
assessed value, whichever is greater, not
transferred to a new residence, the value of
to exceed $60,000 of assessed value.
the new residence is frozen as of January 1 of
the year of change.
For example, if your household income is
$19,000 and the assessed value of your
If you are moving to Washington, you may
property is $150,000, the taxable value of your
transfer an exemption from another state to
property is $97,500 ($150,000 - $52,500 =
your new Washington residence, providing
$97,500). 35% of $150,000 ($52,500) is
you meet all other eligibility requirements and
greater than $40,000, but less than $60,000.
provide proof of the exemption.
Your county assessor administers this pro-
The effective date of the exemption is the date
gram. Applications are available from that
the taxes are paid.
Death of the Applicant
When to Apply
If you pass away before the taxes are paid, the
You may apply for the exemption program
taxes will be recalculated without the exemp-
during the year before the year the taxes are
tion. Your surviving spouse may continue to
due and payable. For example, if you want an
receive the exemption if he or she is at least
exemption for taxes due in 2003, you must
57 years old and meets all the other eligibility
apply no later than December 31, 2002, using
your 2002 income.
Sale or Transfer of Property/Exemption
When your application is filed after the dead-
line, you must use the income from the same
year as you would have, if you had filed your
If you sell your home before the taxes are
application on time. For example, you would
paid, the exemption will continue through your
use 2001 income, for a 2001 application to
period of ownership, provided you pay the
receive the exemption from the 2002 taxes.
portion of taxes owing for your period of own-
ership and the new owner pays the portion of
taxes for his/her period of ownership. If the
new owner pays the entire amount, the taxes
will be recalculated
If you have paid prior years’ taxes because of
without using the
a mistake, oversight, or a lack of knowledge,
you may apply for a refund by filing an appli-
cation for refund with the county assessor.
If you sell, transfer, or
You must file the application within three
are otherwise dis-
years of the dates the taxes were paid. Re-
placed from your
funds will not be made beyond the three-year
residence, you may


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