Property Tax Exemptions For Senior Citizens And Disabled Persons - Washington State Department Of Revenue Page 3


ability payments, and welfare receipts
spouse, or cotenant to receive in-home
(excluding amounts received for the care of
care. The care received must be similar to
dependent children).
the care provided by a nursing home.
Interest and dividend receipts.
Medical treatment, physical therapy, Meals
on Wheels (or similar meal delivery ser-
vice), and household and personal care.
Business income. Depreciation and busi-
Personal care includes assistance with
ness losses may not be deducted.
preparing meals, getting dressed, eating,
taking medications or areas of personal
Rental income. Depreciation and rental
losses may not be deducted.
Special furniture and equipment, such as
Capital gains.
wheelchairs, hospital beds, and oxygen.
If you were retired for two or more months
during the application year, your household
income will be computed by multiplying the
average monthly disposable income received
When your annual income for the application
during the months you were retired by twelve.
year is $30,000 or less, your home will be
If your spouse died before November 1 of the
exempt from all excess or special levies.
application year or you have a significant
Excess or special levies are in addition to
change in income that is expected to last an
regular levies. They require voter approval
indefinite period of time, your household
and provide money for a specific purpose,
income is computed by multiplying the aver-
such as school bonds and maintenance and
age monthly disposable income, after the
operation levies.
occurrence, by twelve.
In addition, when your income is $24,000 or
Deductions from Disposable Income
less, a portion of the regular levy amount may
be exempt. These exemptions are:
To determine your disposable income, you
When your household income is $18,000
may take deductions for the following:
or less, you are exempt from regular levies
on the first $50,000 or 60% of your home’s
Capital gains you receive from the sale of
assessed value, whichever is greater.
your principal residence, IF the gain is
reinvested in a replacement principal
For example, if your household income is
$12,000 and the assessed value of your
property is
Non-reimbursed amounts you pay for your
$150,000, the
spouse, yourself, or cotenant to live in a
taxable value of
nursing home.
your property is
$60,000 ($150,000
- $90,000 =
Non-reimbursed amounts paid for prescrip-
$60,000). 60% of
tion drugs for yourself, your spouse, or
($90,000) is
greater than
Non-reimbursed amounts you pay for
goods and services that allow you, your


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