Teacher-To-Parent Intro Letter Form


Dear Parents/Guardians,
During this upcoming semester, your ______ grade student will be
participating in the Project Heart program in our class.
The Project Heart program is an innovative educational tool that provides
students with the opportunity to learn about philanthropy and community
The purpose of Project Heart is to encourage a habit of giving and create
global awareness in children and youth allowing them to contribute their
time, talent, and treasure towards causes and issues that they are
passionate about. Further, this program hopes to have a positive effect on
students’ lives and the community they live in.
At the conclusion of this program, students will host a special philanthropy
project where they will be putting the concepts they have learned into
action. This special project may take the form of a fundraising and/or
volunteer activity that will benefit a local nonprofit that aligns with the
‘philanthropic mission’ that the students will define. Parent volunteers may
be needed at that time to help with some of the project logistics and
Project Heart is sponsored by the OtterCares Foundation, which is the
charitable arm of OtterBox. We are fortunate to have this program
available at no cost to our school and I am eager to have our students
participate in this unique and important learning opportunity.
Please feel free to contact me at (PHONE NUMBER) or (EMAIL) with any


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