Individual Income E-File Guide And Specifications Forms - Virginia Department Of Taxation - 2015 Page 5


Legislative Updates
This section provides an overview of legislative changes that impact Individual Income Tax e-Filing. Additional
details can be found on the Department’s
and in the Individual Income Tax return instructions.
Debit Card Option – Not Supported
The Debit Card Option for refunds is no longer available and has been removed from the Individual Income
Tax returns. Taxpayers will not be allowed to opt in for a debit card. Direct deposit (preferred method) and a
paper check are the only options to be displayed in software.
Virginia Identity PIN
In an attempt to prevent potential identity theft, the Department may ask taxpayers for additional information to
verify that they are the taxpayer filing a return. This may result in some taxpayers being issued a Virginia
Identity PIN that must be included with their return information.
Additional details are provided in the schema documentation.
Codes Added/Removed for TY 2015
Added – Subtraction Code 55
Removed – Subtraction Code 42
Added – School Foundation Code 049001
Added – School Foundation Code 067001
Added – School Foundation Code 115001
Added – School Foundation Code 179001
Added – Library Foundation Code 201501
Individual Income e-File Guide – Tax Year 2015
Rev. 10/26/15
Page 4


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