Individual Income E-File Guide And Specifications Forms - Virginia Department Of Taxation - 2015 Page 31


Form 760PY ADJ
Business Rules
Rule Number
Spouse’s information must not be present in Column B for Filing Status “1”, “2”, or “3”.
Explanation must be provided for Addition Code 99.
Explanation must be provided for Subtraction Code 99.
Explanation must be provided for Deduction Code 199.
When Federal Earned Income Credit on Schedule 760PY ADJ Line 14 is greater than zero, the Earned
Income Credit claimed on Federal Return on Form 760PY must be greater than zero.
Total Addition to Tax, Penalty and interest on Form 760PY ADJ Line 21 must equal the sum of Addition
to Tax on Schedule 760PY ADJ Line 18 plus Penalty on Schedule 760PY ADJ Line 19 plus Interest on
Schedule 760PY ADJ Line 20.
Total Additions on Form 760PY ADJ Line 3 Column A and/or B must equal the sum of Interest earned
while a Virginia resident on Form 760PY ADJ Line 1 Column A and/or B plus Fixed date conformity
addition on Form 760PY ADJ Line 2a Column A and/or B plus Other Additions on Schedule 760PY
ADJ Column A and/or B.
Total Subtractions on Form 760PY ADJ Line 7 Column A and/or B must equal the sum of Income
received while a Virginia resident from obligations or securities of the US exempt from state income tax
on Form 760PY ADJ Line 4 Column A and/or B plus Disability income received while a Virginia resident
and reported as wages on Line 5 Column A and/or B plus Fixed date conformity subtraction on Line 6a
Column A and or/ B and plus Other Subtractions on Schedule 760PY ADJ Column A and/or B.
Total Deductions on Form 760PY ADJ Line 9 must equal the sum of all Other Deductions from
Schedule 760PY ADJ Column A and/or B.
Form 763
Business Rules
Rule Number
Vendor ID must be a valid/approved ID.
ERO PIN must not be present for on-line return.
Federal Form 1040, or 1040A or 1040EZ must be present.
The same SSN cannot be used for the Primary SSN and Secondary SSN on a return.
Primary SSN (PSSN) or Secondary SSN (SSSN) cannot duplicate the PSSN or SSSN of a previously
accepted return for the tax year being filed.
Secondary SSN is required for Filing Status equals “2”, “3”, or “4”.
Secondary SSN must not be present when Filing Status equals "1."
Federal Head of Household on Form 763 may only be marked when Filing Status equals "1".
Schedule 763ADJ must be present when Additions on Form 763 Line 2 or Subtractions on Form 763
Line 7 or Deductions on Form 763 Line 14 or Tax Credit for Low Income Individuals/ Virginia Earned
Income Credit on Form 763 Line 24 or Addition to Tax, Penalty and Interest on Form 763 Line 34 is
greater than zero.
Virginia Adjusted Gross Income on Form 763 Line 9 must equal the Adjusted Gross Income on Form
763 Line 1 plus the sum of Additions to Adjusted Gross Income on Form 763 Line 2 minus the Primary
and Secondary Taxpayer Qualifying age deduction on Form 763 Line 4a and /or Line 4b minus the
Social Security Act/Tier 1 Railroad Retirement Act benefits on Form 763 Line 5 minus State and Local
Income Tax refund on Form 763 Line 6 minus the sum of Subtractions from Adjusted Gross Income on
Form 763 Line 7.
The Virginia Itemized Deductions on Form 763 Line 12 must equal Federal Itemized Deductions on
Form 763 Line 10 minus State and Local Income taxes claimed from Federal Schedule A on Form 763
Line 11.
Standard Deduction amount on Form 763 Line 12 cannot be greater than the maximum amount
allowed based on the filing status.
Exemptions on Form 763 Line 13 must equal Sum of total from Exemption Section 1 multiplied by $930
plus sum of total from Exemption Section 2 multiplied by $800.
Tax amount on Form 763 Line 19 must equal zero or null if Virginia Adjusted Gross Income is less than
the Filing Threshold.
Individual Income e-File Guide – Tax Year 2015
Rev. 10/26/15
Page 30


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