Individual Income E-File Guide And Specifications Forms - Virginia Department Of Taxation - 2015 Page 20


Software Approval
For final approval, the software vendor must transmit all test returns in one single transmission without errors
which includes business rules error, schema errors and errors pointed out by the Virginia e-File unit.
The software vendor must confirm receipt of the state acknowledgements. They should coordinate ATS test
submissions with the submission of paper forms for testing and approval whenever feasible to avoid delays in
full approval.
Once testing is complete, an email is sent to the software developer vendor to confirm the product(s) approval
and to request the company logo (125 x 40) and the company URL to be added to the Department’s website
as an approved Virginia certified software product.
If a software developer initially tested with limitations and later decided to support additional forms or
schedules not included in the initial testing, the software developer must inform the Virginia e-File
Administrator at The added forms or schedules must successfully pass testing
before moving to Production.
Appendix Information
Information contained in Appendices A, B, C or D can be found beginning with
Individual Income e-File Guide – Tax Year 2015
Rev. 10/26/15
Page 19


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